Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

I was wondering if we could go over the Adon match up specifically, what happens when we get stuck in the corner.

I have been playing better and better adons, this match feels in his favor.

Are there gaps in his blockstrings or his corner frame traps?

Blockstrings cant have gaps or they arent blockstrings, they are frame traps. Frame traps are designed to have gaps in them but not large enough for you to do anything setting you up to get counterhit so that they have even more frame advantage.

The answer is to block.

The more and more I play though, the more i’m convinced that matchup knowledge really doesnt matter in any matchup. Matchup strats are written as if the opponent is making a set of flowchart decisions. Most good players dont use flowchart type tactics making most matchup articles useless. It’s also mostly based off utilizing options that involve pressing buttons, which at a higher level, isnt a good idea. My recommendation is to focus on learning how to read your specific opponent, and not have a set gameplay in mind but a fluid read/react (mostly read) mindset. Paying attention and looking for habits and flaws in their gameplay or decisions, instead of just doing something because you can.

Well, more or less I worded that wrong, I was looking for what we were capable of punishing, I’m very proficient at blocking, but at the end of the day there has to be a degree of offense.

Is there anything I should be looking out for and anyway to keep him honest and getting me into those corner frame traps.

anything unsafe. If you block good enough Adon HAS to take a risk to open you up (throw, EX Jag Kick, etc), especially if you have the life lead. That’s what you look for. The risk taking.

My utorrent was using like 99% of my bandwith when I got in this page.
Saw “New Makoto nonsense to watch out for” without the video below and thought "HELL YEAH! So glad that Makoto did not retired!"
Then a few seconds passed by… realised which Makoto you were talking about… then I cursed the seven heavens;


I’m thinking should we have a petition to make Makoto, Tatsu, Reiketsu, Araidon, Jozhear, BrokkenG, theonly_j, all of them participate in EVO 2012? Turn that tournament into a Vega hell! :badboy:

Hell yeah!
And bribe the guys that make the pools to make them in a way that they will only meet each other at Top 8!
EDIT: Don’t forget to poison chobixinco and J. Wong.

Ahahhahah! Fucking Blooody High Claw Tournament! :rock:

Tatsu will probably be there
Jozhear will definitely be there
theonly_J will be there if he’s not in training
Makoto and Reiketsu might be there this year
BrokkenG and Arai, iono about

knowing our luck tho watch like half the vega players be in one single pool. The only way to guarentee not to play each other is for us all to register with the same zip code

Well, let’s get hyped a little then. Since we have talked about the Seth match up and Evo both:

Evo 2010 Semi-Finals. Tatsu VS Online Tony

Beating Seth and losing to Juri :frowning:
Tatsu VS Neo (The last round of the second match is very exciting)

you cant mention Seth Vs Vega without seeing
El Cubano Loco Vs Poongko

I was there at EVO 2010, it was very dissapointing seeing that juri win, imo that comeback in the second match was not really earned with his double ex-pinwheel, but on the other side of the coin, maybe tatsu was in too much of a hurry to finish it before it became close again. :frowning:

The seth match is the same for everyone, thats why seth is such a dumb character, he forces his game on everyone, no matter his or her tools.
Its because he has command grab, best shoryu in the game , a dive kick and the tandem engine bs.
Here is the global seth match up guide, keep him outside of his mixup range or knocked down and kill him or… if he gets in , guess right or die.

-Vega’s kkk flip actually is very decent in this match as it beats every seth’s favourite shoryu or command grab mix up stuff, but dont use this move too much, its still very punishable.

-Scarlet terror, air throw and u1 are good against his walljump (especially hk or ex scarlet terror with the right timing imo).

-U1 shuts down his booms, dont mistake his boom to be of the same calibur as guile.

-Above 2 points make ultra 1 the ultra of choice in this match in my opinion.

  • Do not jump if he did not do anything first, when he has u1! backjumps, forwardjumps and neutral jumps all get caught by a seth with decent reactions wether they are empty or not , its not hard to do!

-Air throw is a very good air to air move in this match since most of his jumping buttons have little horizontal range.

-For the rest your really reliant on strong fundementals, luck and yomi in this match, since seth doesnt have many weaknesses beyond his low health.

@ DoIneedpants

As for Adon that corners you, DO NOT LET THAT HAPPEN, EVER !!!
Im serious, Vega is shit in the corner vs everybody, but Adon might be the nastiest of all, he has an instant overhead set up on vega that he can mix in his corner pressure and leads to a 300+ damage combo with added reset capabillity and is relativly safe if u manage to block it somehow. Really try to never get in the corner against adon.

Adon vs Vega is in Adon’s favor (6-4), in the corner is where you’ll probably be against a good Adon. (he’s one of my alts)
I think I covered this match up a long time ago, but specifically in the corner is where things can get nasty. Adon’s is a sick jumping cross up and his nj.HK is an instant overhead that can be used for fuzzy guard. EX.Jaguar tooth and kick can juggle into U2.

It’s difficult trying not to get in the corner with Adon, especially since one of the ways to punish his jaguar tooth and jaguar kick is, the up back position but Adon like a few of the cast has a difficult time punishing full screen wall dives, so if he’s walking you in the corner always think about that. (if he has U1 Adon can punish from maybe half screen). If your feeling yourself a bit you can try to airthrow to punish both moves and then walldive to get out. Don’t tech so much because Adon has really good frame traps.

Bottom line is, is that a good Adon is going to get you in the corner by 1. walking you there with jaguar kicks and footsies 2. your going to put yourself there by trying to avoid his moves. Just try to avoid as long as possible.

I guess I’m the only one that feels this is in Vega’s favor then. Because walking adon into the corner usually isnt a problem, and Adon dies almost as fast as Vega in the corner

How can he die as fast as Vega in the corner? The things that make Vega die in the corner are 1- you have to block every jump-in 2- you don’t have a 3fr attack to counter other 3 fr attacks, so again you block. But Adon has Rising Jaguar for the first which has invincible start-up as the answer for 1, and has cr.lp for 2.

vega’s damage output is pretty damn high if you ask me. so ANY mistake on his part SHOULD hurt… a lot.

  1. Rising jaguar is a risk for the adon… because against vega #1 he has to be sure it will land or he’s a sitting duck #2 because it’s not a guarantee that he will even be able to FADC it even with meter.

  2. throw beats 3 frame move. Kara throw loses though. frame trap also beats 3 frame move and gets you a counterhit

you guys need to stop thinking that you have to press buttons to answer every problem, and that your opponent will always press buttons too. Sometimes… walk up block and most of the time… wake up block is the best answer

sometimes… blocking is the only answer

What did they do to Cammy in 2012? Seriously, the matchup was always bad for Vega but now I’m getting absolutely butchered left and right by good cammy players. I thought i knew the matchup but apparently i don’t anymore.

make HK Spiral Arrow’s 2 hits… hit closer together (to break focuses easier) and decrease pushback distance for Spin Knuckle on block

focus/cHP/Air throw/block the dive kicks and there really isnt much she can do.

I started to pick vega recently. I did something last night vs guile.

So apparently u can punish flash kick fadc back with xx ex fb. I was surprised that guile got hit I just wanted to get out of the corner. Went to training and confirmed it works. By the way how’s this match up rates for vega?

I wonder who else vega can punish their reversal fadc back.?

So far the challenge for me is anti air. Am so used to dp motion (spike).

I always pick u2 so far. Dunno the properties of u1 or when I should pick it over u2? Vs shotos…? Charge?.. Etc

Cammy is pretty tough at least not as bad as ae. She had unblockable strike after bnb knockdown if u quick rise. Like… Almost after every knockdown. If u don’t quick rise. She can strike again 50/50 cross up.Try to block… The right way. Or backdash or focus backdash… :confused:

Adon wins against Vega because he doesn’t have to play Vega’s footsie game with TK Jaguar Kicks. Poke all you want. One read and he’ll hover over them yelling, hitting you with a heel to the face. He also has good pokes with c.MP, c.HP, s.HK but he shouldn’t won’t be relying on those to win, it’s just a means for you to counter, press buttons and expose yourself to a jaguar kick.

Vega does really good damage (even with the nerf from Super to AE) but also remember Adon has a vitality of a woman (950 instead of the typical male 1000) so every mistake you need to punish to the fullest, my personal favorite is, xx ex.fba or something ending with a ST if I don’t have meter. And don’t forget Adon is pretty susceptible to rushdown as well.

Cammy vs Vega is a MU that I’ve played a bunch recently, the difficulty in this match up lies within Cammy’s ability to pressure you pretty much endlessly and play a decent footsie game, so when she’s not pressuring you she’s walking you into the corner. Cammy’s button’s are good but not as good as Vega’s, her trump card in this MU is her TK Cannon Strike, while your buttons are good, they are only good on the ground.

Pedo gave me good advice in this MU when he was still posting around here, and that was to stop teching and pressing buttons and use more ex.ST/hk.ST, the risks are the same but the rewards are much better. So against my friend (who is a pretty gdlk Cammy player, and trained with German Luger before moving to my state) I randomly do ex.ST’s not all the time, but when I think he least expects it. It works better than trying to tech a throw, eating a counter hit combo for like 40%.