Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

For me at least, the setup izuna>walk a single step>crouch a split sec,jump in with j.hp is easier to apply regarding the timing.
It makes all reversal shoryus whiff except for the light one which i was not able to beat/avoid it no matter if i changed the spacing or delayed/fastened the jump attack.

Seems like the only way to beat the light shoryu is by alex’s setup which requires soo precise timing.I am not sure which setup has a better risk-reward ratio in a match

Any tips on Cody matchup’s? His I just can’t seem to get away from his blockstrings, and when i try to get in, its either his back strong AA, or ex bingo when i try to get in.
Maybe I just need more practice with codys, but geezes, once he’s in on me, I can’t seem to get out -___-.

For most part once he’s in, it’s just a game of sit and react otherwise you’re going to get frame trapped.

He isn’t super hard to keep out with adequate footsies, so you just need to work on that to stop him getting in. Once he is in though, sit tight, be patient. There are gaps in his sets where he can be thrown/counterpoked and you need to feel these out for yourself as Cody players and the frame traps they use vary.

Can we please talk about Guy…it feels like all his moves are really safe and his pressure is ridiculous…Vega can’t go air-to-air or up close…I haven’t found a way to strategically defend my Vega or hot to mount an offensive…any tips please…this match-up is blowing me up nonstop

So you know how on the first frame after waking up you are forced to stand? This is what makes air-to-ground grabs difficult to defend against like Guy’s (and Vega’s too!) Theres a trick to not standing on the first frame though - if you do a crouching attack on the first frame as you wake up, you’ll skip the standing animation and go straight to crouching. If you know guy is going to come in with his grab, duck that with a crouching attack!

Also, don’t expect walldives to work against guy unless he has no meter AND you are doing it on his wakeup. He has too many good options to avoid or punish it. Learn how to spot his crossup jump (especially if you are cornered), be able to react to his overhead kick attack, make him think twice about sliding by using your focus attack. And if he is rushing you down, just block for a long time if you need to - it’s not like he has a ground command grab. On his wakeup, make him afraid of backdashing (his is slow), afraid of being baited, afraid of getting comboed, and afraid of getting kara grabbed. I’ll try and upload some new guy fights soon. When you have momentum, be aggressive with your quick normals - hitconfirm into Ex.FBA and tick throw with kara grabs.

Well if that pisses you off, Rizhall only posts short comments in the other character forum. Check this out…

Anyways before vs Rufus I found throw teching with Mp (down + Back + Mp+ Lp+ LK) worked pretty well vs rufus dive kick frame trap however this doesnt seem to work at all vs Yun. So far once dive kick pressure starts my options are block, spam st hk, or back dash. Teching is way too risky for me…do you guys do anything else?

the thing with yun is that once he’s in close, it’s a total nightmare and there’s a good chance even a mediocre yun player will kill you. Your best bet is to tech using quick normals like c. lk,and it’s because yeah you’re right yun doesn’t care about c. mp once he’s up close. A smart Yun will never shoulder you because after his shoulder he’s -3 which means if he tries to do anything after you can poke him for free - i’ll always just poke anyways

but he CAN just get in your face and frame trap you to death and in this case there aren’t any good answers aside from trying to scarlet terror him off of you, or using jump back fierce, or just blocking for as long as possible. A trick i’m trying to work on is basically pressing stand roundhouse and then teching throw. This way if he does an attack / blocks, a st., rh comes out, and if he throws you, you can tech it. It’s hard because you have to do the roundhouse and then throw very quickly, and you can’t just kara throw because then a roundhouse would never come out. C. fierce tech works sparingly but not to be relied on.

the good news is if you can react to EX lunge punches, you can lame him out pretty good. in the next game you’ll be able to lame him out pretty hard actually, since his dive kicks start from higher off the ground. it’s easy to anti-air him with roundhouse or just back up if he does quick, low dive kicks. remember that first and foremost this is a battle for spacing since his bad dive kicks are unsafe at about -3. if you put him in positions where his divekicks are unsafe, you can still win the footise battle and it won’t be free for him to continue pressuring you after you block one like normally.

the major difference between yun / yang and other dive kickers is that you can air grab yun and yang with impunity compared to Rufus j. rh and cammy air grab. the worst that will happen to you is that they get a j. fierce or j. rh and reset you, or if you’re really impatient you can jumpw ithout them actually jumping and get hit by DP, genei jin, but obviously you should try and react… holding a charge for scarlet terror is pretty difficult because they’re so quick, but if you can it’s also a great idea to go for that.

I’d say yun vs vega is 6-4, never worse than Rufus has been (mainly because it’s much easier and more viable to play zoning game, and Yun doesn’t have EX Messiah (anti-poke DP) or J. rh.

Yang vs vega is alot worse though, possibly 7-3… i’d say it’s easily vega’s worst matchup now. you can’t punish anything and getting the angles on yang is exceptionally difficult. I don’t really have a plan for this MU rn, gotta work on it cause i’ve been losing to some scrubby yangs lately.

No disrespect, but you realize that just because a character has an air-to-air that juggles, it doesn’t mean that Vega loses in the air against them, right? Air grab is one of about four or five different air-to-air options, some of them beating the juggle normals from Rufus,Bison,Chun,etc. For example, using the range on jump jab to beat out Ryu jump strong.

What I’m saying is that, the likelihood of you WANTING to air to air them for fear of jumping roundhouse / whatever is significantly less than you would ever expect playing Yun / Yang.

I always think twice about going air to air against Rufus, because J. rh beats literally everything you do EXCEPT air grab and air grab doesn’t always catch dive kicks, where j. rh usually does - though it totally gets crushed by j. rh

The hitboxes on pretty much every air to air juggling move in this game is just gross, rufus, juri, ryu, gouken, seth, and whoever else, the general rule is that if you jumped and so did they and they pressed that button, you’re going to lose. But they can’t just jump in with these moves especially if they’re aiming to air to air you and you can punish harder from the ground (cosmic heel) then an air grab would if they just pressed a normal button or nothing.

I recommend jumping a lot against Yun and Yang because as I said, if you’re jumping on reaction it’s rare for anything more than 100 damage and a reset against you to occur. again as i said, if you’re not jumping randomly there should be no fear of LK DP Genei jin. unless you’re fighting daigo.

however, do the same against rufus, you’re looking at 450+ damage and a hard knockdown. A lot harder to justify going air to air against him than others and for that reason I think it’s easier to send a message agaisnt yun and yang.

wow this is pretty damn close to illiterate… like fucking honestly get you’re mommy to proof read this next time

Eugene dawg Johnson! Where did you get that deplorable attitude?? You’re lucky your father isn’t home, now come to the washroom so we can rinse that filthy mouth out with soap.

Also, “your” is the possessive form of the word, not “you’re”.

yeah but you should try reading whats on the top honestly its pretty damn near gibberish…

read the vs cammy section you can’t tell me that it’s easy to understand in the least

this is almost impossible to understand…

me and pedo actually edited a lot of the shit so it’s readable but we never got around to posting it.

and who does that help?

well if it bothers you that much have at it. I cant post it because it’s saved on a dead computer. So instead of crying about shit how about doing something about it.

hey guys, its me again. ok i sat there and read this and the first entire forum and noted that jozhear said it first. wtf do i do with a sagat who turtles? if i get in the range i want to be in, i zoned or they just mash a bunch of buttons that everytime i try to swing in between them, its either a tiger knee or i get counter hit. dont get me wrong, im not trash and im not god so i know what to look for. i never counter hit lights cuase i know they recover really fast so i aim at whiffing mediums and highs and is till get tagged. wtf am i to do here. btw no jumping is allowed in this match.

you have a couple options but against anyone that turtles you’re essentially at their mercy.

however, if they press buttons you can do some damage

this is where frame traps and kara throws come in. go into training mode and get used to the range for kara throw. like… know that shit inside and out. then condition your opponent to attempt to crouch tech the kara throw. Shouldnt be too hard because damn near EVERY vega player does CH throw or PoM throw or jab jab throw etc. or just pick a normal and kara throw after the normal until they start teching or dp-ing, you’ve then conditioned them. now take that same set up you just did and frame trap them.

if you keep getting counterhit on pokes then observe when your opponent starts pressing buttons and what buttons they press. vary the timing of your pokes or if you have good enough reactions hit them on the recovery of their button press.

although… best strat against a turtling sagat is to izuna drop loop him

@vegaman, well i have already studied kara grabs, i noticed something tatsu does alot and its awsome, i have had great success from it. i use far standing light and either step forward like a tiny bit and kara grab or i CH, or i kara after a CR. mk or even off of three cr lp. the thing is once i back him into the corner where i can work my magic. ex tiger knee gets spammed or sagat frame trap comboes. he got smart and started add in extra hits cause soon as he would throw a tiger shot i would hit him with a cr mp into ex FBA. i land a vortex get as much damage out of it but once hes out its tough again. i can beat alot of other turtles, its not that tough for me