the thing with yun is that once he’s in close, it’s a total nightmare and there’s a good chance even a mediocre yun player will kill you. Your best bet is to tech using quick normals like c. lk,and it’s because yeah you’re right yun doesn’t care about c. mp once he’s up close. A smart Yun will never shoulder you because after his shoulder he’s -3 which means if he tries to do anything after you can poke him for free - i’ll always just poke anyways
but he CAN just get in your face and frame trap you to death and in this case there aren’t any good answers aside from trying to scarlet terror him off of you, or using jump back fierce, or just blocking for as long as possible. A trick i’m trying to work on is basically pressing stand roundhouse and then teching throw. This way if he does an attack / blocks, a st., rh comes out, and if he throws you, you can tech it. It’s hard because you have to do the roundhouse and then throw very quickly, and you can’t just kara throw because then a roundhouse would never come out. C. fierce tech works sparingly but not to be relied on.
the good news is if you can react to EX lunge punches, you can lame him out pretty good. in the next game you’ll be able to lame him out pretty hard actually, since his dive kicks start from higher off the ground. it’s easy to anti-air him with roundhouse or just back up if he does quick, low dive kicks. remember that first and foremost this is a battle for spacing since his bad dive kicks are unsafe at about -3. if you put him in positions where his divekicks are unsafe, you can still win the footise battle and it won’t be free for him to continue pressuring you after you block one like normally.
the major difference between yun / yang and other dive kickers is that you can air grab yun and yang with impunity compared to Rufus j. rh and cammy air grab. the worst that will happen to you is that they get a j. fierce or j. rh and reset you, or if you’re really impatient you can jumpw ithout them actually jumping and get hit by DP, genei jin, but obviously you should try and react… holding a charge for scarlet terror is pretty difficult because they’re so quick, but if you can it’s also a great idea to go for that.
I’d say yun vs vega is 6-4, never worse than Rufus has been (mainly because it’s much easier and more viable to play zoning game, and Yun doesn’t have EX Messiah (anti-poke DP) or J. rh.
Yang vs vega is alot worse though, possibly 7-3… i’d say it’s easily vega’s worst matchup now. you can’t punish anything and getting the angles on yang is exceptionally difficult. I don’t really have a plan for this MU rn, gotta work on it cause i’ve been losing to some scrubby yangs lately.