Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

vs Honda, tell me more. This is hard as fuck.

Ive had luck jumping around Hondas trying to break their charge and a well timed j.HP can stuff their ass-air attack (yeah i just called it that).
if a honda tries to headbutt you from a distance jump back and j.HP.
yeah j.HP is pretty good in this match.

Im having trouble with T.hawk, I was fighting one and he kept poking, he just sat there and pressed lp it stuffed all my EX FBA’s.

i spam the shit outta jHP… that’s about the only strat i have that works

@ vegaman, I actually learned that trick from you lol

Also quick word on guile, If you get him in the corner and score a knockdown, neutral jump a little bit before he gets up, if he flash kicks it wont hit you and you can HK into any combo you want.

I got so fucking manhandled by Honda tonight. All I could seem to hope for was to poke sparingly and go for a time out-win, but every jab he landed meant another 5 pokes for me in order to equalize. wot i do lol ?

ok guys really the bait and punish thing is low tier tactics (sorry) and seldom works against players that know how Honda works. if it does you got lucky. Now im not saying mine are any better, but it at least tries to break it down and relies on some half ass tactic other than a guessing game.

-Honda has no reason to ever take your bait never. What does he have to fear? throw? He should know that you have to risk more than he does to hurt you badly. Thats why he doesnt have to do anything, and thats why he is match up wise, top tier. He wrecks characters with out fireballs, because non-fireball characters cant pressure him really. excetpiton being Fei.
-One blocked head butt = the only thing you really can do, and it does as much damage to you as it does to him.
-one jump in from honda equals a mix up where he will never lose because any punish ment you do to him, he can do in two hits, not only that 1 succesfull HB = 2 throws, one succesfull C.H. HB = 3 throws.
-Also playing the poking game with Honda, at the wrong distance = you getting C.H. a lot. A lot of his pokes shift his hit box back, making pokes and throws whiff. that doesnt help considiring how hard he hits how badly you need your throw game, and how (as much as i hate to admit it) health dictates the pace and options of the opponents .
-he can guess for free, you cant.
-forces something out of you easier and faster than you can
-builds meter better than you and uses it better than you
-FA/HB stops your CH game

But its not with out its advantages. any blocked hp/hk move from honda (while grouned) equals xx EX FBA. The reason why Honda’s abuse this is because those moves push oppoents far enough to where their moves whiffs, and honda can go for another poke landing another C.H. move. On Vega he can punish because he has the range and speed to do so. Once you take those moves away, Honda cannot play the poking game with you as well, his only options are cr.lp, st.lp, Headbutt, and a few more, but the majority of them get eaten by CH traps. And then there is the spacing issure. At a particular distance you can pressure honda for free with lights and he cant really do anything. His only option is to guess right.
Once you establish this (your spacing, and forcing him to stop using particularly effective pokes that counter yours), you can now engage in kara-throw game, pressure.
From there things get interesting.

imo the more i play this match up the more i belive it comes down to who can shut down the most options, and who can capitilize them of more.

but since Honda has a lot of health, does ridicioulus damage, puts you in a bad mix up if he gets a jump in or HHS fadc, and wins so much of guessing and losses so little. It puts you at a clear disadvantage at first.

7-3 Honda my opinion

Thanks for a constructive post, pedoviejo. I think I’ve got a better idea of how this match should be played now. I’m glad Honda is still slow, cause his ways off dealing damage are pretty retarded right now lol.

Can you ex barcelona Honda’s whiffed torpedo?

Couldn’t have put it better myself. I had the “luxury” of fighting two honda players in a row at the biggest international tournament held in Sweden. It’s pretty sick how much damage Honda does compared to Vega. I’ve always believed this is Vegas worst matchup just because of how extremely safe and careful you have to be. Honda can pretty much randomly throw out ex headbutt that does sick damage if it hits, and not fear any retaliation what so ever.

did you guys know that Sagat’s is one of the best meaty’s in the game and Vega’s is almost if not just as good as Sagat’s (i kan attest to this because i started playing Sagat a lot). Add it to your to start your wake up mix up game. Makes Vega’s wake up game much more scary. Since it gives you new options (although they are techniclly a mix of a pre-existing wake up game).

you mean, -ex fba?

Also, does anyone know any good strat against adon and gen, adon is giving me the most trouble, I cant seem to get a good hit on him.

no, i mean - cst.hp - throw - etc nothing back
max range - CH or PoM

throwing and going for EX FBA is retarded in my book

i cant do meaty into cst.fierce nor max range - CH or PoM , it should combo right?, any tips with that pedo?, im new around here btw

Cr lk combos into nothing. What he means is something else which I will let Pedo explain, and he can then say what he prefers about cr lk over cr lp.

As you can probably guess I prefer cr lp. My cr lp combos are devastating.

Also, there is no way that Honda is Vega’s worst MU. Maybe a bad MU, but definitely not his worst. I find that most Honda’s like to be more defensive, since I usually can beat Honda in footsies. The less the Honda moves, the better it is for me cause I just use Vega’s offense really well. People find it very difficult to defend against me, which is why people are usually more aggressive towards me as well, which is what I want to get my counters in.

thx, so into fierce its a frame trap?. ill be waiting for pedo´s explanation then :smiley:

Gen is actually a really easy match up once you learn the spacing. Also most Gens are cross up hunters so learn how to block / avoid / etc… the cross up.

Adon on the other hand is a match up I am still working on getting better at. It takes me a lot longer to end the match against Adon then most other characters. This is mainly due to the fact that most of the Adon players are all over the place. They wont sit still long enough for me lay a beat down.

The one thing I can say is jump back if your expecting a full screen dive in kick from Adon. He will land just under you and you can nail him with a deep jb.MP > cr.MP > EX FBA (if you have the meter). EX FBA trades badly against his EX Dive kick so save those for combos. Beware of his over head too. One other thing: If you block his dive in kick most Adons will go for a throw so be ready to tech it.

I need to test out whether that dive kick trade lets you get u2 off actually

i wrote an essay on why is god. but shit got earased. Anyway its a lot like Sagat’s Not as good, but its almost as good. use it, its another option that adds flair to your game.

What you mean, corpse hop to—ex fba.

fair enough