Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

That’s somewhat true too that he was read… but even in the earlier games you see how hard it was for Makoto to win each round before he was adapted. Makoto had to work extra hard to open him up and win.

There were a few things that i noticed from watching this set though…still learned some stuff from Makoto which is always good.

eat your words some MORE because the great SAKO got PISSED off being down 6-3 & just went on a RAMPAGE winning 7 ina row to win 10-6 lmao0 !!!

Yeah it def had nothing to do with the matchup. The matchups are done best outta 10. Wasnt it like 6:4 Makoto? that means he already beat the ods.

He needed to try and keep spacing him like he was doing earlier. But I guess Sak started finding out what to do, especially when he got him in the corner. Man vega is soooo close to being really dangerous. It’s like all he needs is one more buff to give him some safe options or a reason for people to stop rushing him down on wakeup and he will def not have as hard a time. Nice stuff by makoto, it just sucks that there are some characters that completely shut down a lot of options and make it so you can barely keep pressure on them.

haha you assssss

I was all feeling extra happy that i was wrong so i came here to post…but then Sako just ran through him :frowning:

I think i jinxed it!

lmao0 ^^ !!!..can we say SAKO is GODLIKE !!!

Yeah… for a second there, I actually thought Makoto will just pull through but Sako adapts ridiculously fast. After Sako won his fifth game, you can really notice how limited Claw’s options are in this match up. I’ve always thought of this match up as 6.5 Cammy (borderline 7/3).

Cammy has way too many options to rape OS techs (as we saw in that match) when she gets in close; if divekicks fail, she still has many effective counterhit set ups with various normals along with a DP when she has meter to cancel. On Claw’s wake up, she gets a free divekick (from a certain height) or a cross up in which case she can continue the pressure.

As far as punishes go, apparently I learned today that Claw gets it the worst due to his hitbox;>cr.hp> xx HK SA (both hits connect) off of a dive kick and a the HK SA always leaves Cammy in the optimum position for a mix up.

Eh… I can go on but I’ve already talked this topic to death a few pages back. Still a great set to learn from. Really uphill but by no means impossible (It’s still not as difficult as Sagat/Rufus vs Claw in Vanilla).

Yeah there’s not much that Vega can do against Cammy…

I didn’t get to see the matches, but even though Makoto lost he still won 6 matches, so I think he showed that Vega still can do good against Cammy, although as you can see the mu was still in her favor.

Hay I’m having probmems with Dan(don’t ask),Hakan,and Ibuki. Any adivce

Moar Klau.

so how are we going to do this new match up thread? What is it going to have?

are we going to have what normals beat what normals, what AA beats what jump in? which jump in move stuffs oppents AA, air to air encounter. Safe jump options, wake up options, which move beats long start up moves like EX Siesmo on wake up? Who is suspectible to the wall dive? How to approach specific scenarios, that happen to be common when playing vega? Best way to pressure somebody, best way to corner them, best way to approach, best way to defend, OS on wake up. where do you want to be on screen vs character x. Frame traps, counter hit set ups? talk to me people. usefull shenanigins, like air grab blanka/honda torpedo attacks, etc. not corpse hop stuff.

Sasaki’s working on it as far as i know. Blaze is supposed to help in about a week after his tour. Shit pedo you should work on it too. You know more shit than most of us/opinion

Im having a lot of trouble with players who constantly jump at me (trying to cross up mostly), and keep whiffing with ST (any verson) and it seems that my air grab keeps getting beat out my j.RH or j.F. what should I do jn.rh/mk?

have you eveer used if you havent you havent pressed all of Vega’s buttons yet, therfore you havent tried to find an answer

I’ve been experimenting with and lately. I haven’t found out anything significant yet. You got something going on in your head about these two moves, Pedo?

Nj lp. = fireball hopper ?


What we’re currently working on this:

i learned something that was so obvious i slapped myself in the face,

i’m always harping about mixing up anti-airs

well a lot of times i expect a jump in and preemptively HK ST (since I have believed til this point that that is the ONLY useful ST) and have flung forward straight into a sweep or something because they stay grounded. Remember that ST is good because of pursuit property, even if you only hit once you get another hit.

But here’s the kicker

LK ST. It doesn’t move you forward like at all, and if you hit with it, i think it ha a better hitbox too cause it kinda goes straight up as opposed to a little further and out, you get more damage (unless it is stale damage which i am going to test) and still the opportunity to hit with another ST

as soon as i realized that i was like wut… it’s just a way safer method of predicting someones jumps

just keep in mind you won’t get the “go under them” treatment you sometimes get with HK st

oooh I’ve went that road, but characters with somewhat high jumps taught me to stop, i’d try to lk ST them but the hitbox never reaches and i just eat the big fat jump in or trade :confused:

Best AA from my experience is jump back mp/mk/lk or Focus attack, the rest are literally hot garbage aside from very few situations.

dont count out and cr.hp. those two are very good once you learn the spacing they are never situational.