wrong. never was. and now with cross up pressure, the bad match up is even worse.
DB and Focus do not own Cammy as easily as people say they do
You still have to be smart, and holding DB as if to just let Cammy in is obviously an incredibly stupid thing to do
For the most part, you should just back away from Cammy when she’s trying to jump in but you can air to air her with success for the most part. IF you ever focus it has to be from outside 2 hit spiral arrow range and c. mk spiral arrow range cause she’s usually always buffering spiral arrow if she gets a counter poke c. mk. Focus is only useful for getting crumples off of spiral arrows, but you need to be doing that as if you get hit by one spiral arrow you are in a terrrrrrrrrible position. if she traps you with hooligan throw while you’re commiting to a focus, react early and forward / backdash. if you hesitate, gg you just got grabbed. spin knuckle obviously isn’t a threat.
Cannon spikes got nerfed. The priority or sometihng, now it is much easier to izuna them, pretty much like SRK’s. If you don’t feel up to it, you can always bait the cannon spike and swerve out, punish with CH xx whatever. She is susceptible to izunas but if you hesitiate to often a good Cammy player will just smack you with an SA or ultra.
The other thing focus is good for is her dive kick. If you expect it a dive kick jump in from far out (not the pressure dive kicks) then it’s a free crumple. For her pressure game it’s usually not too bad to get away with a backdash but if she starts hitting you it always results in a knockdown. your priority should be placed on blocking and teching throws rarely, if you like to OS tech she’ll just dive kick you over and over again. Looking at the frame data there is a 9 frame window between consecutive cannon strike, meaning she is highly vulnerable to most attacks. capitalize if you expect another one, but just remembe rthat OS tech will always get you killed.
I am not too worried about her cross up as it’s telegraphed. Cammy hardly ever jumps in with anything other than a dive kick anyway. You can usually tell when its coming. YEah it sucks she has another way to crack you but just think about how much less damage she does and how Vega now lasts longer than in vanilla. That is the most significant key to your matchup, as up close she’s pretty good at tearing you apart but not as good as she used to be. Cross up just means she has one more thing to mess with your head. Jump out air to air is usually going to work like normal. The problem here is that you usually are pushing yourself into the corner defending against Cammy so you have to find a way to force her to commit to something like a jump in, then EX FBA out. If you just EX FBA out, free spiral or ultra. You have to make sure she can’t do that.
On offense Cannon spikes are obviously her only option as her backdash isn’t THAT good, it doesn’t go very far. you can usually give cammy a lot of trouble, and if she commits to a cannon spike punish city, NEVER don’t do your hardest punish. you need to capitalize on options like those to make cammy nervous on Defense, which is highly possible to do. Kara throws are really useful on her wakeup if you want to bait some more cannon spikes later.
I say this matchup goes down from a 7-3 in Vanilla to 6-4 here. Lasting longer and U2 help things out (Also U2 eats instant dive kicks for breakfast, and generally you’re an idiot if you don’t pick U2 in this mu).
i completely agree with the fact you have to be smart, but it’s not hard… at all
personally I have 2 ways of fighting cammy.
the first is just to hold downback and keep her properly spaced. ST trades dive kicks and owns hooligan, SA on block, Spinning knuckle, and CS on block. she has no safe option. from there one of 2 things happen:
- she dies
- she adjusts with footsies.
if #2 happens i go to more mobile game than with downback and zoning. I stay outta the air and poke, counter poke, and wait for openings. walk/dash back and forth, go for kd’s and untechables, safe jump, just do overall safe shit and beat her in range. U2 owns everything she has, not just dive kicks. maybe it’s just me but i’ve only lost to 2 cammys so far since release. i very rarely get put into a position where i’d have to deal with crossover to begin with but even with that… i’m confident in my ability to block to not really worry about it and most vega’s out there should have lots of experience blocking crossovers as well. sorry joz but i’ma have to disagree with a 6-4 matchup… at least in cammy’s favor. i’d give it 6-4 vega or a big maybe on 5-5. i’m far more afraid of gen and dhalsim than cammy.
oh and n. jump HK stuffs dive kicks
Cammy is a glass cannon. That is why I never thought of her as a 7:3 matchup, not even in Vanilla. Compared to Rufus, she’s a toothless pig. But I still do agree on a 6:4 (Cammy’s favor) or 5:5 here.
hahaha so i suppose that makes rufus a double-tusked behemoth
Let’s be honest: Cammy is a poor man’s Rufus lol
Anyone who doesn’t play that fat pig over her does so because he is disgusted by his ugliness.
but doesnt cammy get in better at Ryu, Sagat, Akuma. all of those matches considered some of rufus worser matches?
not since he got U2, he can get in MUCH easier now. Plus all those characters got nerfs but Rufus is still the same.
I don’t remember playing you lol. When was it? My friend (who also plays Vega as a secondary) uses my account to play online when he comes over. It could have been him lol. He’s the one who’s helped raise my BP so high (I can’t stand playing online for more than 20 mins). Send me a friend request the next time I get on so I’ll add you, and maybe we’ll get a few games in as well.
Regarding the Cammy match-up; In Vanilla, it was 6/4 Cammy, in Super the match up is pulling near 6.5/3.5 Cammy. I feel that she is harder than Rufus in Super.
Now she has a vicious guessing game post knock down from HK SA with divekicks and j.lk. Guess wrong and she gets a devastating combo ending with a SA. Guess wrong again, you get stunned. Not only does she rape OS techs with dive kicks, she also has really strong Counter Hit set ups that can end pretty nasty (cr.hp links to Ultra on CH). You can’t back dash the dive kicks if done at a certain height, and to top it off, she has a pretty solid footsie game due to her increased range on her st.hk and walk speed (Unlike Rufus who’s footsie is awful).
She is a bag of mix ups (she even has a scary mix up game from a back throw [see: Kuraudokin/Sanford]). Cammy fucks Vega up real bad. I’ve played Cammy for quite a while (ever since Vanilla), and I can say with certainty, that this is a difficult match up.
Overall, this match up is really one sided IMO.
Yes and No. U2 helps stop Shotos from zoning Rufus (which makes the match up much lighter), but until he gets Ultra, it’s pretty much the same thing as it was in Vanilla.
And Cammy fairs better against Shotos due to a superior footsie game than Rufus and because she has ways to get in against fireball characters with no meter at all. For some unknown reason, Cammy is ridiculously underrated. She’s a very powerful character. She is more inclined towards being execution heavy (probably why Rufus is more common to see), but she is not a “weaker” Rufus. She’s essentially a Rufus with a DP and a solid footsie game.
Rufus’ damage output is slightly higher though and he has a more flexible dive kick. Also, Rufus has more ways to combo into [full] Ultra. Pretty much why he’s deemed the better character, but Cammy is not too far behind (and when it comes to the Vega match up, she does it better).
It was on sunday at around 11:00 ish.
No, that wasn’t me.
It is true that her footsie game is a lot more solid than Rufus’, but I really don’t know if she’s the character that wants to rely on footsies to begin with. Her normals aren’t that great. Justin Wong even recommends not using her in that department too much. But then again, his main is Rufus, so… In Sako matches you can see a lot of cr.mk buffering into spiral though. Also lots and lots of baiting by walking back.
What can she do without meter? Hooligan isn’t that much of a problem for a good Ryu player and Backfist is not a good move either.
No, you forgot one of his most important advantages over her: the health.
Dont forget so many easy ways to land an ultra on you.
I forgot adding that I really don’t see Cammy doing the Vega matchup better than Rufus.
Maybe it has to do with insta air cannon spike strings. if done well and not constantly in a predictable manner she can chip damage you well. but then again Rufus, Galactic tornado does that, and leaves you guessing just as bad.
Rufus has jump rh into big damage, I would say that is the biggest, and most important difference personally.
true dat. That makes Air to Air encounters dangerous.
^ agreed
Not to mention target combo and EX messiah. Cannon spike is much easier to deal with and far less safe.
Some thoughts on the bison matchup:
You have to zone him within max range of EX PSycho. The bisons i have played lately use that as their number one choice to get inand if you’re at fullscreen you’re screwed as i’m sure it’s at a good frame advantage, i always seem to get c. lk’d out of throw attempts. If you stay within max range, it goes behind you and you can punish with c. mp, st. rh, and sweep too. If you’re up close and he uses it as invincible move, free sweep.
as we know bison is not susceptible to izunas. Headstomp, Devil reverse, u2 all pwn them.
U2 meaty on your wakeup is a guessing game but you can KKK flip to be safe: however, bison ACTUALLY recovers faster than you do (wtf). Bisons in the air looooove to use hell attack… as it is now a way better ultra set up and they like to hit you with one and combo into just normal moves like rh and etc. it’s a BIG problem in the corner, when you’re there, you might as well not jump. hell attack beats literally everything you do in the air in the corner. just stay put and tech as many throws as possible, but sparingly, as one missed throw tech means another knockdown and more pressure.
If bison continues to do scissor loops on you you should be aware that his c.lk scissors is almost completely safe against vega if he does it over and over again. eventually he gets pushed a little further out and at this point a c. mp will beat a c.lk clean. Usually I use this time to escape with c. mp barcelona but just be aware that it is heavily, heavily punishable… in any case, you should c. mp just to get the distance to be able to push yourself out of the corner using relentless pokes. EX Psycho is a problem as it is reallllly strong as far as ground game goes and beats a lot of your stuff and you can’t really punish it during it’s active frames. Ex scissors is not useful but can be FADC’d.
cosmic heel whiffs a lot on crouching bison. if you whiff it in front of crouching bison enjoy your c. lk’s.
you can jump in deep on bison a lot, with roundhouse. his roundhouse won’t beat that. if he likes going air to air with you just remember that hell attack will beat literally everything you do. i usually just backaway when bison is jumping, but remember to maintain that distance of within max psycho range. when he jumps, your neutral jump will beat a lot of his jump ins and air to airs, including hell attack as it’s spaced properly. but just beware that you have to maintain that distance as if bison gets in, you’re in for a lot of frustration, and if he’s way out there, he’ll just ex psycho to get in. it’s crazy hard to maintain this spacing but if you can do it, he is strapped for options. it’s pivotal to your success in this matchup. Counter poking with st. mk and c. mp is always good but be very aware that st. rh has a lot of recovery and can get you killed if you whiff it.
IMO 6.5-3.5 bison, it’s not very pretty. worse than the last game. Cross up psychos are a lot of trouble as well =\
cross up psycho at least has limited setups… if you can recognize the situation where a Bison is most likely to use it, that makes it way easier to block and you can get a real good punish off it.
ones I’ve seen so far are max range sweep into psycho and a spaced psycho crusher into another psycho (not quite as relevant to chars without fireballs). he doesn’t seem to be able to do it after scissors if you fast stand.
i think cr.mk is the best poke over all in this match up. It eats a lot of Bisons pokes like st.hk/mk. Especially in the corner if Bison starts st.hk at max range, to keep you there and stuff any jump outs. Have you tried jf.lk, or jf.mp. those moves control a lot of space in front of Vega. Either way this is a tough match up, and gets tougher in the corner.