Dance with the Claw: Vega Match-up Guide/Discussion

For sure man. Remember… **Play the player not the character. **

See what patterns she does and remember to punish. FA but don’t get predictable. No matter what she has to come to you and Vega has the superior pokes…Cammys suck, her best being s.MK which is still very short range for a poke.

Cammys pokes are good, they don’t suck at all.

When I say they suck I mean that they have limited range. MK either cr. or s. is her best and its not very good. Most of her normals require her to be in quite close. Her cr.HK is horrible. I do enjoy using her cr.HP when I play her because she can link it into another one.

unless you give a more specific answer there is not much more that can be said.

She does great damage and stun when she gets in but other then wake up games (srk or throw) she doesn’t have much of a mixup as everything she does can be blocked low. Vega shouldn’t be letting her in like that to begin with…she has very limited options to get close to you.

  • She can walk forward. Vega can cr.MP this. If you have meter thats instant EX FBA combo.

  • She can jump. Vega can either s.HK (know your spacing on this!) or ST.

  • She can Holigan. Vega can ST on reaction. Flip or backdash. Also neutral J. HK seems to work but I have chosen this option so few times that you should comfirm it before using it in a match to make sure its safe.

  • She can Drill. As mentioned you can FA this. Only her HK Drill hits twice and only does so from very close range.

  • She can jump and then CS from the air. Unless she hits you at the lower end of your hitbox this move is not safe. I learned this from playing her myself. CS from th air must hit the bottom of the character for her to be able to do anything out of it. If she does it properly she can go for a throw or a block string, generally option selecting the throw works as the cr.LK will hit her before she tries anything. Also if you ST her on her way down you can hit her clean but may trade. I’m almost positive that the trade is in Vegas favor.

  • EX CS is a different story. If you block this she will have the advantage. Be prepared to play some defense for a bit. Remember she is either going for a throw or a block string. She may just srk afterwards which would be great for Vega becasue that pushes her away and now she has to work to get back in…and as a good Vega player you should be making her work to get in. You can use flip here as well but don’t get predictable becasue if she Drills I believe it will catch up to you can hit and if she is doing a block string she can always stop and walk to where you are and throw or worse.

Even against a very good Cammy player I have never found this match to be very difficult. It may be becasue I play her or I just feel comfortable with the match up. No matter what tho…Never underestimate your opponent. Even if the match is in your favor. and remember to play the player not the character, watch for what they do and capitalize.

Nicely put, this is the best advice I’ve heard all day and I love you for it.

this is good stuff. i don’t have much cammy experience either, although the ones i 've been playing online haven’t given me too much trouble really. just keep her out with proper use of vega’s tools and bait.

**Ryu: Ask AKS216 - advanced strategies ** < this is the name of a thread in the Ryu forms (who i play as a second)

Even if you don’t play Ryu I would highly recommend reading his posts in this thread…

I got the “play the player not the character” from him. It really opened my eyes a bit…I mean I think we all do it without thinking about it but having the idea in the forefront of your mind while playing seems to allow you to prepare more quickly for patterns, worthless block strings, ect… He has many diamonds of information like this one that apply not just to Ryu but to SF4 in general.

I remember reading throw this post just being amazed at out spot on he is about certain aspects of the game…being able to put things into words and have the strategies make sense really got me thinking about my Ryu game. I’ll always like Vega more so I took what i could from that thread and applied it to my Vega game. In a lot of respects it helped.

Won’t change your whole view of SF4 but may shine some light in a few areas. A great and thorough reading about SF4.

Anyone else feel like lots of “good” ryus only throw out random shit to win haha. I can appreciate a good player that plays any character but most of the time when i lose to Ryu i find myself cursing at his randomness. That and i never manage to anticipate the fireball at the end of his blockstrings so i can ex roll that shit.

Most of them once they get Ultra will look for lp shoryuken opportunities, just don’t jump.

So it’s not only me who got this feeling lately.

Oh and btw: I can’t thank every single person here personnally so I’m going to say this now: I appreciate every single bit of help you give me. Consider your post read when you post it, cause that’s what I’m doing 100%.

amen brother!

Ohhh yeahhh, and I’ve only ever noticed it in Ryus as well. It’s frustrating as hell when it actually works in their favor.

its cuz alot of ryus play overly agressive and never block…they are constantly mashing shit out on ther dpad…and cuz 90% of ryus moves have better priority than vegas you end up getting hit alot

I just played a very good Fei Long. I tried to bait his flame kick on wakeup then backflip like I usually do to shotos. Never worked, he can use his Chicken Wing to hit you every time.

It also seems like he can pressure for free with his c.lp into Rekka and then stopping at the second one, it might be due to online bullshit but I tried to use to hit him after the second rekka but can use his flame kick to stop it. His rekkas also have quite a reach, punished my whiffed all the time.

Reading the matchup for it, I played it all wrong, blocked too much to wait for an opening that never came.

oh, man i get so mad when a random ryu player beats me. but you know what in the end it’s my fault and i just laugh it off after a bit. practice makes perfect.

So I got to the finals of my ranbat again last night trying to win my 2nd in a row and 3rd overall but I got decimated in the final by a Sagat player. He owned my shit really hard. Considering I beat a Balrog before him whom I hadn’t beaten in like 25 straight matches (neutral jump forward crouch forward crouch strong xx ex fba ftw) I was pretty happy but then this guy just owned me… Everything I did he was countering.

I just have to mull the match over. I think the game vs. Sagat should be a lot more Barcelona than anything, bait a lot of fireballs and fullscreen punish them. I’m not really sure.

I find that EX ST works well to stop Fei’s who stop after the second Rekka

its a patience thing really. you have to be real patient. I dont know if you remember the first time we played, but if you payed attention, you counterd everything i did, even when it looked safe. point is just be patient walk up and down looking for a way in. dont wiff, and you have to be carefull with spacing because its easy to stuff Vega if your not at the right spacing. If he looks you down with a tiger knee lock down jump over after the tiger knee. Just be sure to pay attention to his pattern, these lock downs are always done in a pattern, and all lock downs are capable of being punished by taking advantage of frame, or knowing how to take one hit to reset your self and screw up his timing. Any way good games today, i can proudly say that i did so much better than first time we played and went toe to toe with you.

And honda wtf. I played this dick weed, he one a round bearly, and then i destroy him the next. the final round i get cornerd and start looking for a way out. then the ass hole starts spamming butt slam and i block a few and then get hit by them trying to find a way out. Is there a way out other than FA, does foward dash work, and how do i punish a butt slam do i jump up and grab or spam rh, use ST?, never could figuer that out


If tiger knee is done perfectly it is frame adv and cannot be jumped out of.

if you block high then it always almost hit deep enough for being jumped out, but most take advantage of the knee because most people defend from it in a crouching position.

Poke and Run like crazy. His GT can be punished with standing fierce from sweep rage mid animation. (after the initial twirl, BEFORE the hand) don’t wait for the arm to extend. keep him at bay with Neu. J Rh
and avoid walldiving unless you need to get out of somewhere or with a combo. If you get cornered…pray. A good Rufus wil ddestroy you i that area. Hell, I played Sin and i got backed into the wall by him, He made me look like I just bought the game

Pedo-we still gotta play some matches man.