Claw is the character that have the least amount of use of meter of the whole cast. Really, its disgusting. Against a non projectile charater I find myself doing CH EX ST just to don’t keep stacking more than 3 bars.
Meter management is one thing that Claw players pretty much doesnt need to have.
It depends on player’s style I suppose. If one does rely heavily on EX-FBA as combo ender, keeping at least one at all times matters. That is why I tend to CH-HKST instead of CH-EXST, despite the damage bonus.
Still, FADC combos aren’t that popular, so we can’t really talk about meter management. It could change with USF4, considering the histun (and I hope blockstun as well) buff on cLP. =)
I use EX drill like no tomorrow…lol
Ahhh. Have not been on in a month, 864 notifications. Have not played for two months and I fear my Claw is rusty. Goodness me, but I am saving up for USF 4 now. Online is going to be rough for me…
haven’t played properly in 2years, marvel happened
You’re not missing anything…
P.S. Fuck Marvel
More than Vega buffs I’m looking forward to Seth nerfs. I hope they remove the invincibility from his lol Tanden will already be dead. They will no longer be able to say “I messed up, he has blocked my normal. Lets cancel into tanden and be on advantage and pull him closer so I’ll actually get rewarded for failing”
That’s a point of view.
From mine, overall skill has increased, and technology got refined. At top level, we do see different characters/players winning majors, while shotos can’t win when playing as brainlessly as they used to.
So if the game didn’t change, players did. =)
Where are these mysterious players with increased skill? They aren’t on PSN or XBL. A good 4 out of 5 people still wake up ultra, desperation ultra/super just before they die, DP FADC regardless of whether or not they have meter and use FADC almost as an option select, still don’t block and mash buttons during obvious frame traps, still jump in unsafely, still do unsafe specials with no reason to expect it to hit, still do the same thing over and over and over in a match regardless of how many times they get punished for it, still walk themselves into the corner, still take huge risks with the life lead, blow meter at the end of rounds with overkill… I can go on but I think you get the idea. I’ll buy that the average tournament player’s skill has increased. But as far as online… no way.

I’ll buy that the average tournament player’s skill has increased. But as far as online… no way.
That the point, most players that were taking SF seriously have trained, researched an shared new tech since two years. So, if it is true that noobs are still playing like the noobs we once were, experienced players have improved, so that high level is overall more competitive than it once was.
Daigo being completely bodied when trying to play the old DP-FADC way (instead of thinking) against players more or less unknow at TGS is one of the proofs of that. It used to work, several years before. At the other end, the increase of successful vortex styled players (Xian, Infiltration) has forced the others to adapt, to study their opponents game, which in return have to refine their mindgames. No really, tournaments are more interesting now than a couple or years ago, and it’s the same for online high level players.
IMO. ^^
Oh definitely, it’s even evident enough in the high level players themselves, seeing some of their older stuff they almost seem like different players.
It is undeniable that people who spend more time refining their play, raise the competition skill cap.
Online however there is definitely a large variation of players, some who play all the time, and others who pick it up here and there (far more likely to do the random desperation moves Vegaman speaks of)
Tournament players will take things more seriously, online you can get away with alot of shit.
But with anything time investment related, the cap will always increase, players who do stupid shit either learn not to do it due to getting read/punished like a mofo, or they continue doing it and continue losing because of it.
But as far as players who play to get better, whether low/mid/high skill, time investment will always increase the skill cap of those players.
(just not the guys who don’t care)
I am 16. I have been practicing for a very long time to get to the skill level I am right now with Vega and I am proud of it. My PP knocks down because I experiment with other characters but that does not matter: I was a complete noob beginning SF4. I would completely lose because I never blocked low or I misused a lot of attacks. Now I witness the same sadness all the time but I know what I am here for. I am an experienced player, and my job as that is to teach those (even when they are older) that are not so fortunate. I will teach them and encourage them if they are willing to listen and it generally works out. Shame on those who use their knowledge and bully newbies since there is no honour there. But if one is not willing to learn, then shame on them. I show no mercy to anyone online, but I do not show disrespect either. I will message them, and tell them what to do. Because I will, and because I can.
^ lolwat?
I, TriasNT, hereby solemnly swear I will not make use of the raging-stick-thrown-into-my-wallingness power ; nor will I hatemail the widow nor the orphan (unless he hatemails me first, ‘course, that spoiled son of a b…) ; nor will I taunt the weak or the feeble (except if stunned with no life left, y’a neva’ know what can happen, man). Or not. =D
Don’t take it so solemnly, Ninja Philosopher.
I got carried away lol. I enjoy making my speeches. I think it was the avatar
What do you guys think about Honda vs Vega match ? I saw in another thread that most Vega players think the match is even, which makes me curious.
From what I know, Vega can punish both Hp and Mp headbutts meterless, and with U2. He also beats Honda soundly in footsies and can zone him well with his normal. Vega is able to fight Honda air to air, and cr Hp works surprisingly well against Honda jump ins.
From what I know, this match looks like a clear 4-6 Vega’s favour. So, I’m curious, what do you think of it ?
I suppose it depends. Like the Blanka matchup, I think patience wins in Vegas favour for that matter. So I guess if we play well then it is our match. But if I am honest, I have not played that much Hondas.
The character I have most trouble with is Fei Long at the moment. I am barely scraping by on some matches and the rest I lose. Methods?

What do you guys think about Honda vs Vega match ?
Still not done with the tier list for v2012?
What makes this match-up match up imo even and not in Vegas favour is his turtle ability once he has the life lead. All the points you have mentioned are true, aside from crHP (never really tried it though). If the claw player (as always) makes no misstakes he can chip away Hondas life in the mid range consistently. But beware if you once get caught doing a misstake that leads to medium damage. From there on there is no need for him to do those moves you mentioned and get punished for it. He just has to sit there and look at the timer and there is nothing claw can do. Here the match gets more tiresome than against Bison, with the same flow.
tl,dr: Claw has the better tools if Honda wants to come out of his shell, but he just can’t open up a turtle Honda.
Nope, not untill Ultra comes, haha.
I agree that once Honda gets a life lead, things are bad for Vega. But I don’t think is easy for Honda to get that life lead. I think Vega has better tools for getting a life lead and turtling, than Honda does in this match.
If you need to rely on fishing for mistakes from your opponent, it’s not a good match for you. I think this match is on Vega to lose it.
well, you have to hit honda a few times to equal one stupid headbutt damage…he can make mistakes and not get punished as hard as when you make a mistake