don’t know about combo on abel. you have to be really close for the cr.lp to connect because of abel’s little “hole” in his hurtbox. as a footsie tool, i tend to use at max range as he can’t do anything, not even ex cod. i also sometimes use lp rfc as well. instant overheads are nice as well since his upper hurtbox is so huge. i learnt that off from a top vega here in australia, and it works, just don’t be predictable with the rolls
@ninja philosopher Barcelona is not as good as it is in other games, so I do not recommend using the non EX version. If you insist on using it, because you are stubborn (like me), then go to training mode and record the different characters focus attacks, then practice grabbing them in the focus. Most characters focus attack moves their hit box slightly from their standing position. Watch Akuma as he does a focus attack, he shifts his body backwards.
Thanks guys. And yeah I tend not to use the non EX version that much unless I’m going to bait them or just go full on aggressive. Though I have noticed I hardly use his rolls and I think I should start using them in combos more when I haven’t got meter. Is heavy roll linkable from a
You can cancel it from a cMP, but it won’t combo. There is not enough hitstun to cover HP-RCF startup.
You can from clHP however, provided you have enough charge. =)
(btw : linking is comboing two normals that you don’t cancel. From example sLK links into sLK. When you « transform» your normal into a special, it is called a cancel (crLP into LP-RCF for example). =)
Oh yeah that’s what I meant. Couldn’t think so I just said link. And thanks, I guess c.hp won’t work on crouching opponents though as I have seen. So jump hp, c.hp and rcf may work? I cannot remember if I can link those two hp.
Tria, u can do cl hp to hp rcf but it only combo on hit. Its not a frame trap onblock. U gotta use mp rcf. … also from experience, if u ever. Ever jump in on viper and do cl hp, cancel it ino mp rcf or u will die. Wierdly, the second hit will whiff on her and she can punish
It is a frame trap on block, as you have gaps. It’s not a true blockstring, so if someone mashes really hard he could get an ultra or a DP out of it.
But I think that’s what you meant. =)
Didn’t knew about MP-RCF having no gaps from clHP, though. =)
People even started to DP you after a blocked jhp when you land. knowing if you go for st.hp or the block stun of j.hp will fade away until or st.hp will start. Unless you have hit a very deep j.hp of course.
Yeah, I thought there was a gap inbetween the jHP and the clHP, and inbetween clHP and RCFs.
At least, when you did those against me it did catch my crouch-tech attempts pretty badly. ^^
jiHP let you +11 on block and clHP starts in 9f, so its a true blockstring. Use it after a safe jump, as you will always hit deep enough.
clHP xx MP.RCF is a true blockstring on most of the cast too. It may not be a blockstring between the part of last roll - claw hit of the move. But thats a RCF issue alone.
Ok, so jHP clHP is a true blockstring after safe-jumps, but probably not after regular ones ; and clHP => RCF is as well except with the HP/EX versions.
Thx for the precisions, Haztlan. =)
What am I supposed to do in the Makoto match. In midrange, cr.Mp and st.Hk are the only buttons which seem to consistently beat her st.Mp. When she jumps, I usually have to backdash, because none of my standing normals, outside of standing hardkick, will hit her, and going air-to-air is risky since I could loose the round if I choose wrong. Of course, once she gets in it feels like there is nothing to do but flail until I get out or die.
How is this an even matchup?
It is not.
However, she is beatable. The key thing to understand about Makoto is she has godlike hitboxes (some of her moves can beat shoryukens through hitbox alone) on most of her moves. So you mustn’t try to flat beat them, 'cause she can litterally wall herself behind, but rather to strike where her wall is’nt active => low attacks when she does standing normals (crMK, crHK), high or mid when she goes low (sLK, cMP, CH, sHK). The only move you can straight beat is hayate. And when you can’t get past her normals, just focus them and punish. =)
About grounded anti-airs, they are ill advised against most match-ups, so do not even try them against Makoto… =p
Yep Makoto is a pain for us. However I have found that they are more capable of being ground grabbed by Barcelona claw than others such as Sakura. Course best to use this sparingly or not at all against a high level Makoto otherwise she will lay into your ass like a Zarbon special.
As a side note I would like to point out that after guard on her abare tosanami to keep blocking. Many have made the mistake of attempting to punishe after the first hit. Ugh. That and keep aware of her karate chop overheads and her command grabs which are likely to get her to combo or ultra. I don’t always fight Makoto; but when I do, I play carefully.
Stay bloody my friends.
the best advice for any matchup is to play the opponent and not the character. You guys have no idea how far this has carried me this week.
PLAYING as their character also helps as well, gives you first hand what makoto’s limitations are
I know this has been asked millions of times. But you guys say Vega has good ground game. I still don’t entirely believe that.
How can you stop Abel and his rolls? Or Makoto when she gets up close? I can’t tell when she’s going to grab and continue her combo. Jump back HP never seems to work.
Please and thank you.
He has a good ground game not a great one. His mid range game is excellent, his normals nautrally lead to frame traps and he has great range. He lacks up close because he doesn’t have a 3 frame normal, and the opponent can simply jump over his ground game. Since the opponent is not required to play the ground game it appears that Vega’s ground game is worse than it actually is. If you fight an opponent that doesn’t jump often you’ll see this more clearly.
Abel’s rolls are throwable and a kara grab should grab most of them. Up close you resort to having to make good reads in order to survive. You can’t just hold up back and hope for the best. You have to actually try to anticipate what the opponent is going to do.
The only thing that makes Makoto a little bit complicated is Abare Tosanami, which makes me scared as shit to OS her backdash AAAAAAAAAAAND it punishes missed hit confirms like a motherfucking boss.
Walkback and crMK are your best friends.
crMK to zone her and keep her from dashing in your face.
Walkback is GREAT to use when you are defending (aka stand block). This way she can’t keep her pressure for long.
Keep in mind that Tsurugis are not dive kicks. Its VERY hard to make one safe on block againt 1f Grabs, which means that most of the time she is negative. stHK whatever she decides to do next.
EX ST her jump ins attempts.
And never be tech or backdash happy against her.
If Makoto goes with U1 the MU is even, if she goes U2… its 5.5-4.5 at worst.
This matchup is hella fun.
He has a good ground offensive game, as you don’t need to jump in to start an attack. You could footsies all day long if the opponents let you do so. But they won’t, indeed. ^^
CH can catch him at the end, and sMK at the beginning. Switch guard if he corpse-hops you at wake-up. Rolls aren’t Abels toughest problem for us to deal with.
If it’s a grab or frame-trap mix-up, your answers are backdash or saving attacks. Do not mash them at wake up though, as Haztlan said, most of them tsurugi to beat that. You’ll still have to guess how to block at wake-up, that’s the game.
Regarding tech, it would not have occured to me to tech against a command throw. ^^