Good stuff, I’m assuming you mean that after a Koryuken xx FADC. QCB+MK hits one time? And that QCB+HK hits two times? And that if the Koryuken (EX?) hits twice you can combo QCB+FK without FADCing?
There’s more combos in the game than listed in training mode, things like c. LK, c. LK, Gadoken work fine or j.HK, c.MK, Gadoken they just didn’t put it in training mode
No no, sory for not being clear
If you koryuken FADC the qcb mk only the secomd hit of qcb mk will touch.(total 2 hit)
IF you Kyoruken as AA FADC then you you can FADC FK and two hit of qcb FK will touch( total 3 hit)
I you kyoruken as AA and there is a Double contact t
hen you can qcb hk without dashing or FADC .(total 3 hit)
After checking again, you can alway Kyoruken FADC QCB FP for a combo 240 domage.
Does Dan have the Shoto Cr.LK, Cr.lp, Cr.Mp link?
no you can only link lk lp …down mp is really slow…
Does the same go for cr. mk? And does this combo work.
j.HK -> s.MP -> s.MP xx ex. gadouken. xx ex dan kick also works!
can you FADC at anypoint during dan kicks? i don’t have the game to see, just a friend to leech off of when i can, haha
Since he is airborne I want to say that no you cant FADC out of kicks. Just by going off the fact that I’ve never seen Sagat FADC a TigerKnee. But I have seen people FADC Tatsumakis.
Could somebody with the game please try if gadouken, KO, buffered super taunt works? I wanna know D:D:
LOL. I just noticed this right now in the training room. Jumping backwards, mid-air taunt floats Dan to the top of the screen. He’s now the king of the high jumpers!
^Wonder how that will be useful?
BTW can someone check if Dan can cancel his taunt super into Ultra during ANY of his ground taunts? Furthermore, can he cancel out of the last taunt as it finishes; i.e. Dan does the last taunt and is about to recover to normal stance, does inputting the Ultra during that period make it come out?
I played him a little the one thing that got me is his ultra doesn’t armor break at all, so my friend playing sakura started charging infront of me I did ultra, he absorbed the running hit and then just did her FA… woo. Still he doesn’t seem all that bad, his speed is really high, his FA is good and has nice long range, his fp shoryu seems as good as any other shoryu and in general he does good damage off random hits. Not amazing but definitely not shitty.
Damn that sucks, guess you gotta be careful when u want to punish FAs.
Here’s a combo I thought up, and wonder if possible-
Jumping HP–>Cr. HP–>QCF+3PxxFADC (Forward), assuming the FA puts them in ‘cripple’ state, walk back a little and then do-
Cr. MK–>QCF+3P, input Ultra
Damage may be pretty crappy but it’d be a flashy finish
Just Punish FAs with his qcb+kk dankukyaku. That thing is made to destroy FAs.
Edit: No its not I lied. FTL
I’ve been using the standing strong to standing jab link for hit confirming. So like, crossup forward kick, standing strong, standing jab xx ex hurricane.
nice didnt know standing jab could combo into ex kicks
If that’s the case, seeing as EX Dan kick is that fast, wonder what attacks it can beat? Maybe it can beat the first dashing punch of Abel’s Ultra?
Haven’t seen it mentioned yet, but qcb+LK (standing or jumping), EX koryu in corner works likes cake.
And doing c.HP in combos seems like a massive waste of time. The most frustrating parts of Dan’s Challenge Trials combos was linking this slow move after j.HK.
His most damaging combo right now is j.HK, s.HP xx QCB+HK. His mp -> lp link is amazing and not that hard to do and like ultradavid says, its combos into ex dankus. I’ve been throwing it out there on wakeups, as well as s.HP xx dankus. Works pretty well.
I’ve also been trying this on wakeups. Ex. gadouken xx Focus Attack. It’ll combo into a crumple, or you can try and charge it up to level 3 and catch them off guard. It’ll getcha an ultra.
Also, close standing strong links to dragon punch.
The problem with close standing strong to jab is that it depends on location and whether the opponent is crouching. If most characters crouch, you need to use crouching jab, if they’re standing you need to use standing jab, and if you’re too far, nothing will connect. This makes it not that useful as a hit confirm, because you already need to know whether the opponent is crouching or standing.