DAMAGE CONTROL w/ 3S and SF2HDR *$100 pot bonus each!* --Doylestown, PA (12/20/08)--

Nah, you can play whoever you feel like playing on the day of the tournament. It doesnt matter to me which character I face. That goes for everyone aside from Diaperbom and therapist. If I MM these two, I only wanna face Diaperboms Alex (rivalry) and therapists Akuma (want more Akuma-Urien reps).

Oh, and one more rule. No one offer therapist a penny during our matches. NO ONE!!! :mad:

Cool I got you just let me know where you at…Also Put down Sean P. for 3S only and he’s from Jersey he’ll be coming with me…

Seas O Cheese, I accept of course! I need to regain my honour.

Also Comeback, I’m taking the train down to philly tomorrow so i don’t think I can give you a ride. If things change though I’ll give you a call as I still have your phone #. See you there!

name ur price ill challenge u in HDR

Alright. How about first to 5 wins for $10?

lets get it going :lovin:

I guess I’ll steal Fire Chocobo’s format.

HDR Money Matches ft3

  1. Daiper Bomb
  2. Iapetus

HDR Money Matches ft5

  1. Comeback

Crazy Master Hand, I’d love to get a Guile Mirror Money Match in with you. You up for it?

um… is it too late to learn sf3s for this tourney???


neone wants to teach me sf3s?

i have never played that…

and if u need i may able to bring my ps3 only if you can insure the security lol

Just tap forward a lot.

I’ll see if I can get a UP group to go/take me to this

I can teach you 3s in 5 mins. :smokin:

Put me down for 3s!!! There’s a party at my place the day of this tourney, so how quickly have past tournaments gone at Cyborg One? I should be able to bring up an extra PS3, but I’d be leaving around 9ish so… Also, I live right by UP so if any Philly heads need a ride and are willing to throw up a bit of cash for gas, PM me.

Guys, you can bring your ps3s if you want to but I can’t guarantee anything because space is limited for the venue. I pretty much don’t have any wiggle room for extra stuff there.

Also HDR is being run on xbox 360s for the tournament, I’ll have extra pads and a joystick for it and others are probably bringing converters but be aware. If there are enough people there that do want it on ps3 come tournament time and we have the gear for it I’ll consider it but for now the ps3 version of HDR will just be for casuals.

Fire I’ll take one for 5$ ft3 if I can get a ride down

Why not run the tourney with both systems?

Great, I’ll put u down.

Put me down for 3s

Shit is any1 coming from the york area going to this?

Hey everyone. If anyone knows the way from UP, can I follow you or if you want you can catch a ride with me. There will probably be me and my 2 friends so I’ll have room for another person. Can you sign me for STHD and 3S please? Thank you.

Diaper bomb can you send me a text with your number man just in case i end up driving pass the place in doylestown i can give you a call for directions