anyone knows the pot split for SSF4 and all the other games?
Daigo was so dominant…and it was most evident when he went up against players that were dominating everyone else (ross, ortiz, gamerbee, shizza all had great performances prior to running into the buzzsaw that is daigo) and then proceeded to send them on their way with little to no resistance.
$20,000 for all his troubles, plus he cleaned up at the suite, which he left even saltier after he beat everyone while in his soccer jammies.
kudo to daigo!
It looks like Daigo and Ono are using their arm pits as a gateway to summon demonic Markman.
Infiltration and Gamerbee was my guesses that could give Daigo a run for the money because we know from previous tournaments that the rest of the top 8 doesn’t stand a chance. Ricky got shitted on by Jwong in NCR2 and Daigo eliminated him with ease. Vangief also was knocked out in NCR2 by Alex Valle so there’s no way he can beat Daigo. Shizza and Mike Ross fought Daigo and lost miserably. Henry Cen was the wild card, he really impressed me with his Dee Jay and Dhalsim play.
He looks like the guy from movies, usually a mentor, who watches his pupil achieve victory from the background. He then turns around with a smile on his face and walks off into the distance, coat over shoulder without a word. Or something like that.
If I remember correctly, it’s 70/20/10 for SSF4. I assume it’s something similar for the rest of the games.
Congratulations to Daigo on his (expected) victory this year, though Ricky definitely put up hell of a fight. I sort of felt bad for Mike Ross’ loss to Daigo, he did–in my opinion–outstanding in the first Game, but suddenly fell apart in Game 2. I absolutely loved his performance against Gamerbee, who was proving to be quite troublesome for everyone.
major props to both, top 8 even.
It can’t be 70/20/10 because this year the prize was being split to the top 8.
This was the first EVO I’ve watched and even though the stream crapper out halfway through the final matches, it was incredible. I thought Gamerbee’s performance was almost funny it was so good. I pretty much figured Daigo was going to win though.
Can’t wait to watch next year!
Not even really disappointed that the end was cut off, since it was really apparent Japan was taking this anyhow.
Last year Wong v Daigo was 10x as hype. But what can ya do.
Now Daigo gets to practice for Evo Japan and make even more cash.
Congrats to the beast again… he really deserves it, moreso for his tempermant then anything else. The guy is just unbelievably consistent and unflappable. Hate to say it but once Wong was eliminated it was hard to see anyone else taking it. Aside from Infil the only other big players who would have really tested Daigo I think would have been Tokido, Sanford, Marn. But they weren’t consistent enough to get through the earlier stages.
I’m very suprised Ricky O. made it to the final to be honest. I give him props for his hard work, I just find his style to be utterly dry and generic which doesn’t make him a favourite of mine to watch. He doesn’t do anything amazing… he’s just a good solid pro.
I hope all the big names who were eliminated early this year come back next year to go on to greater things.
Oh and don’t forget… later this year the Japanese arcade scene will be in full flow for SSIV… watch out for the Japanese contingent to level up massively and to all head to Evo 2011.
THe Best Top eight I’ve seen all year!!. Hell even the top 16! GS to all the Underdogs!! SO does that mean that anyone that isn’t Diago is the “UnderDog?”
Anmyways… Stream was…Ehhhh
Who from the top 8 won the special prize that was said before the stream went down the second time?
lol yea, or Markman looks photoshopped in almost.
I think that’s just it. Daigo was much less susceptable to getting knocked out by shenanigans, and when you’re in this big of a tournament you have to be bulletproof in that regard or else you’re just going to get unlucky.
Not wanting to dick ride but already doing so: Daigo deserves this win, the guy is on a whole different level, his consistency on winning is something out of this world. And I thought, “oh Daigo looks much more ‘human’ this year, he’s even smiling, he’s not going to win this”, how was I wrong.
And Jwong would have a much better shot at the finals if he could kept his shit together like last year, but oh well.
At least there was a Juri in top 16 (Neo if I’m not mistaken). :bgrin:
Im just so surprised Eita did so badly, hes such a quality player. I was really hoping to see a Tokido v Eita final Akuma mirror haha
To be fair he didn’t do that badly, he got eliminated by Gamerbee I think? I guess like a lot of the top players at the tourney (inc, Justin Wong), not many of them had much experience against a high level Adon.
I was more shocked by Tokido tbh. Don’t know if it was the noise or what, but he wasn’t himself against Floe at all
This is what I was thinking as well. I would have liked to have seen either Infiltration or Gamerbee fight in the Grand Finals, I think it would have been really interesting.