Daigo VS Jeff Schaefer 1 hour video....and

These matches never happened, the guy is an attention seeker. Thats why there is no video, what a lamer

where are the fucking videos this thread sucks ass.

There aren’t any vids…just some guy trashing 3s cuz he falls for baits.

Spare the 3s talk for somewhere else and show the stupid vids.

Otherwise this was just a waste of time to begin with.

Oh shit, bootleg master akuma. Uppercuts > *

> Sorry you have to THINK before you do things

If by “THINK” you mean “GUESS”, you’d be correct.


Jeff Schaefer: Are the videos on tape or have they already been captured??

I got them right here bitches.

14 of them. 14 matches on video in .mov format right here.

Quality sucks. Ill upload 1 tommorrow.

I have this one, I love.

My GUILE vs Daigo’s old Sagat…

I lost the round, but won the game…

the round I lost, I did some trick shit. lol. He jumped toward me, and I jumped up and BODY SLAMMED SAGAT with Guile.

Instant reaction.lol. Thats REALLY hard to get. Real hard. Sucked him in from far away. haha, pretty funny.

I also got some throws in the Guile VS Sagat matches nobody except me has the BALLS to get. haha.

You guys are going to love this.


Hurry up.


Post corrected, those videos are good, but the 3S bashing is still wrong.

^^^What he said. :cool:

They’re probably direct feed videos of him playing some guy who’s pretending to be daigo

I never talk shit…but

okay first off if you bother to read what jeff is writing you would know he hates ST for that exact reason. He said the tone of the matches in ST are completely different. Its a sit back and wait becasue you have a ST bar. Unlike in Hyper. a lead in the game doesn’t mean you can sit back and almost be gauranteed to win.

Anyway enough of me rehashing what jeff already wrote how about you go read it yourself.

do you guys even know who Jeff Shaeffer is?:eek:

where’s ya’ll’s respect?:rolleyes:

i was like, i dunno, 12-15, during his SF heights. (25 now…:o)

A better question would be:

Do you even care who he is?
I don’t

If you don’t care who he is why would you even bother posting?


BTW: Original offer from JustDefend.com is still on the table that coupled with a few mirror sites and file sharing will get every1 the vids faster.

seriously look at kite raiser’s date when he registerd and where he is located, he is a total newb who doesn’t know the meaning of the word respect.

his comment is not a surprise at all to me. but then again who cares what he thinks, “because i don’t.”