Daigo VS Jeff Schaefer 1 hour video....and

Some of the criticisms against 3S are valid, but these guys saying “I tried to play it like ST and lost, this shit sucks!” are retarded. Tip: If you were using “superior strategy” and got smacked because of it, you weren’t using superior strategy. :rolleyes: It’s like a basketball team losing a football game and then complaining because their basketball strats didn’t work. :rolleyes:

Blanka can’t win a major tournament any more than Hugo can. Either of them, however, can cause incredible upsets and place very highly when in the right hands.

like ryu’s hard punch to hard kick, many characters have ways to deal with jump in parries

i do that shit all the time and its so fun i didnt care about the match i just focused on doing that sometimes LOL

and by the way…

people argue cause of the stupid people who say a certain aspect of third strike is dumb (parrying) please open your mind it may be street fighter but its not street fighter 2, parrying isnt as broken as you think, even the so called/thought GOOD players dont even fully know the system, whats interesting about third strike is you make your own way of playing the game, so when people say to eachother “your using ken wrong” it just makes me laugh

you complain that street fighter is nearly always the same and then complain that you cant adjust to third strike when third strike in a true way in its simplicity is much more advanced than nearly any fighting game thats out there, not because there are more ways to play the game or because ryu’s fireball is stronger than kens this time LOL

why? its because you can parry, nullify a hit and make the moment your own, thats what you can do in real life see? you dont put your arm up and block… wait, then hit

actually try it with a friend… fun isnt it? yeah the old style is technical and fun while third strike is full of complicated shit that has the same result except much more in depth

third strike is held back by an ambitious system, because when you parry in real life you have a MILLION options whereas 3s is a game, each character is limited to certain moves, like point karate

and ssf2t is a brilliant system that will unfortunately feel like complete crap if updated with new sprites

correct me if im wrong

If Sf3 did parries more like Tekken attack reversals it would be different. After a parry you can do anything. That’s the dumb part. Supers were bad enough and now parries add even more ways to win by bullshit.

Americans disliked 3s at first and with good reason imo. Then everyone jumped on the bandwagon with the Japanese assuming that they know exactly what a good game is. The truth is, gambling is a part of their culture and not seen as something lame. Some actually believe that your luck reflects something in your spirit. So OF COURSE they will like it! Not because it’s a good game but because they see nothing stupid about gambling and getting lucky or not getting lucky.

3s is a game of skill AND luck. If you don’t like a lot of luck defining the outcome, then the 3 series parry system is not for you.

If ST was updated with new graphics it wouldn’t feel like complete crap at all. It’s the game that was fun. As long as the game doesn’t change, it would be great sans supers! lol