D3Vlicious Productions - Stick Art and Aesthetic Modifcations

I’ve been putting this off for some time, but I finally decided that I need to post this, if just to maintain communication with folks who want stuff done by me.

Okay, for those who don’t know, before I got this gig writing for the front page, I made my mark doing art for folks’ arcade sticks. You could even say that I wrote the book on it… well the tutorial thread anyway.

Anyway, for anyone interested in having art done for their sticks, here are my rates:

Top panel art:
[]$25 regular size
]$20 small sticks (Hori FS, MadCats SE, Ikan/Naki)
Top and bottom panel art (MadCatz Tournament Edition sticks only):
Since I am pretty busy with alot of things aside from this and the front page, I’m limiting myself to 5 slots. If they’re full, wait your turn.

Commission slots:

  1. ShadowYamato
  2. kwrigh3
  3. symonds85

Long term reservations (> 1 month):

  1. Gabe Chritton - reserved
  2. Spenzalii - reserved
  3. retiredjerk -reserved

Here are a few samplers of stuff I’ve done.







You can check out the rest at D3Vlicious.com. Contact details are on my site as well.

Now, for the lucky few who live near me (i.e. the Philippines), I also offer aesthetic modding services. From simple button replacement (and upgrades) to art and paint.

For those interested, cost is as follows:
-Labor - PHP 500 (around $10 depending on the exchange rate)
-Labor with Paint - Php 1,000 (around $20 depending on the exchange rate)

Prices are exclusive of parts (the cost of which will be added to the final bill).

Here’s a sample of what I can do.




For comparison, here’s how the stick originally looked like.

For anyone interested (and in the country) contact details are on my site.

Yes!! I made it to slot #3… lol.

Yes TE

Do you have any experience with logo’s? I mean, from a design, eye-catching, business-identifying perspective. If so, I might commission you for some logo’s for my website.Please let me know. PM me an example if possible. Thanks dude.

sorry for the dumb question but u print it too?


Not unless it’s for an actual mod job of a stick.

(mr. burns)…Excellent. Now i can stop fumbling around with PS and start fumbling around with the HDPVR and Sony Vegas 10 for my Makoto Tutorial :).

Just to inform you guys of what’s up. If stuff it taking too long, it’s because of a combination of IRL stuff as well as spending my free time working on a front page article. Happily, the article is just about done and all that’s needed is some editing.

Can I have the next available slot plz?

Hmm, there’s like one or two guys who want that slot as well.

To make things fair and transparent. As soon as slots open up, I’ll post something here and base who gets in the next batch on a first come first serve basis.

Id like to get into the rotation for stick art request…
just let me know what you need me to do

It’s about time you opened up a thread for this. Bumping 'cuz d3v’s shit looks pro, Markman should put him on the payroll, as good or better than some of the recent Madcatz art.
That’s a lot of commas in that last sentence.


Dear MarkMan (aka Kababayan) can I has job pls? kthxbye.

I got a couple HRAP VX SA and I’m very interested.

Since this type of stick doesn’t have a clear plastic top that I can slide an image under, is what you would send me a rigid plastic type ‘’sticker’’ similar to the one that comes on the retail stick?


You can always buy a clear plexi… But that’s a whole 'nother thread. Seek and ye shall find, young padawan.

also i think he said that he’s not printing out the art:

Reading used to be fundamental. Guess times have changed lol.

Ok i’m done teasing.

Clear plexi here:

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Alrite, thanks, I’ll check the plexis out.

Ok, well put me on the waiting list, for two HRAP VX SA’s.


I would like to commission some art from you. I have a TE stick. I would like Top and Bottom art. High School of the dead is what I would like on it.

Okay, my schedules lightened up somewhat and we’re wrapping things up at the office so I finally have time for this again. I’ve sent emails out, some with samples, others with questions.

Also, Andre reply to that last email I sent with the sample Mags/Doom/Wesker art on whether or not you like the changes.

Please read the first post.

Well Im still interested in getting some work from you too.
What should I do to ‘get in line’… If there is a waiting list I’d like to get on it…
