CvS2 Trivia v2

Correct on all 8. Nice. It’s Todo’s command grab.

What the fuck is the Comet Cruncher?
PLEASE tell me. Buk keeps insisting that I made that name up for Kim’s dash super (because I have really stupid names for a lot of other moves), but I KNOW I don’t call anything Comet Cruncher.

Comet Cruncher is actually the translation for Kim’s slide tackle to kick special. Apparently it’s the DC English translation of the Japanese “Ryusei Raku.”

The translation for Kim’s supers are:

Phoenix Flattener (wtf lol)
Heavenly Phoenix Kick
Phoenix Kick Tornado

Somebody measure Honda standing up when he taunts, I swear he is like 10’5’’

Let me try! As for guard break, I swear athena’s air dp in cc will do it.

  1. Who grab supers are jumpable on reaction?
  2. Who can juggle a super after a traded dp?
  3. What characters can Geese stun with a full lvl 3 DR combo TOD, beside 60 stun characters?
  4. How can sagat reliably punish a 1 hit scissors kick?
  5. What character can todo do all his projectiles on in 1 combo?
  6. Sonic boom on block point blank? (advantage/disadvantge frame number)
  7. Who has better recovery on rekkakens? Iori or Kyo?
  8. Who 's super can be comboed after when done super meaty, with a NORMAL (its unconsistent and hard as shit)
  9. What is Yamazaki’s best lvl 2 grab cancel?
  10. How many Hurricane kicks can Akuma do in one combo?

Free month of premium if you get it all right. At least the answers I know, there might be more.

Ima save my answers for tomorrow when I have more time. Just a few clarification questions though.

  1. what lvl on the supers?
  2. TOD = ?
  3. can u reword that? are we talking like wave -> -> wave type thing or CC?
  1. lvl 1
  2. His Touch of death, basically a big cross up combo that stuns all 60 stun characters. Combo is different to stun 70 stun characters.
  3. Regular combo, no cc. its invloves dp+hp, lp air wave, and ground air wave.

…However, it makes me sad I knew all of them. What move is it for Vice? I’m too lazy to check right now.

I think its the follow up to the rugburn grab.

Bored :smiley:

  1. Think its Maki…not sure…(not counting Vice’s crappy flying one and Vega’s wall dive).
  2. Sagat and Morrigan were already listed…i know Ken and Kyo could. Other than that not sure…
  3. xx TK?
  4. Both of Kyo’s and Iori’s lp rekkas are -5.
  5. Bison’s, tip of foot Super Psycho Crusher?

1.Half right, maki is one
2. two more
4. I doubt reaches, then again havent played in a year and a half
7. Correct, though I believe Iori’s first hit of all rekka versions are -5, Kyo’s being only lp
8. No, you combo AFTER this persons super

  1. Yamazaki?
  2. A lot of characters can juggle super after trading a knockdown special with a normal…especially in the corner with lvl 2s
  3. A lot of supers can be comboed after…Kim’s kick super, Akuma’s fireball super in corner, Kyo’s flamewave into ground pound, all of the deadly rave type supers (if you don’t finish them), Kyosuke’s lightning wall super, Chun’s lightning leg supers, Iori’s fireball super…I’m sure there’s more, not even counting lvl 3s into lvl 1s and lvl 2 cancels.
  4. He can juggle 3 hits normally, but if you throw in a lvl 2 super you can get 5 hits off of 4 hurricane kicks.

Iori’s Rekka (1st hit) is -5 on all versions. Kyo’s Rekka (1st hit) is -5 for LP version, -10 for MP version.
Something weird I found by accident the other day, Kyo’s LP Rekka has slightly more range than Iori’s HP Rekka, which doesn’t make much sense to me. Something to keep in mind for those of you who use C/A/N-Kyo.

  1. Yama level 1 grab, maki level 1 grab
  2. Uh…kyo…ken…i think sagat, morrigan, akuma, evil ryu, shin akuma… i wanna say ryo joe and sak too…
  3. 70 stun characters
  4. xx super
  5. Chang I’m guessing
  6. +2?
  7. arent they the same?
  8. Ryu Kick super, kyos flame, kims kick super, maybe a few more.
  9. In the corner… Wait till he does the last hit then (its tricky to time) mp knife
  10. 3
  1. Who grab supers are jumpable on reaction? Maki lvl 1, Yama lvl 1, Beni’s used to be in cvs 1 but they hella improved it.
  2. Who can juggle a super after a traded dp? Umm hella people. Ryu, Kyo, Ken, Akuma, Shin Akuma, Rugal, I bet Kyosuke could, Sagat, Morrigan, Kyo, Anyone if you include CCs as supers… Iprobably missed some, but still it’s hella people
  3. What characters can Geese stun with a full lvl 3 DR combo TOD, beside 60 stun characters? There is a setup for 70 stun characters but it doesn’t actually work on all of them, It only works on the ones you can hit with low jump hp into combo, when you end the Deadly Rave in the middle… I don’t know for sure which ones that is though.
  4. How can sagat reliably punish a 1 hit scissors kick? Well as long as they are close enough st.jab works… but punishing 1 hit scissor is never reliable.
  5. What character can todo do all his projectiles on in 1 combo? Sagat, probably a few others.
  6. Sonic boom on block point blank? (advantage/disadvantge frame number) I could look it up but I think frame advantage questions are dumb as they are all listed in the guide book.
  7. Who has better recovery on rekkakens? Iori
  8. Who 's super can be comboed after when done super meaty, with a NORMAL (its unconsistent and hard as shit) I don’t exactly know what your getting at… casue lots of supers just setup situations where you can combo off them when don super meaty. I imagine you could do with ryu lvl 1 super fireball though, if you somehow managed to make the knockdown hits miss and just get the the non-knockdown ones… With lvl2 cancels even more combos can work.
  9. What is Yamazaki’s best lvl 2 grab cancel? Technically, you could have Dan do his lvl 3 super taunt, have Yama time a lvl 2 grab at the right frame to get another lvl 2, then have yama do the full super, cancel into the anti-air super, and cancel that into the mp knife and that would do the most damage…
  10. How many Hurricane kicks can Akuma do in one combo? Well you could do 2, then super, then cancel into an air one really fast… and then Im pretty sure you could juggle at least 1 more… for 4

Isn’t the geese combo on fat characters:

j.hp (2 hit),, s.hp xx DR end early,, s.hp xx jaiken?

or would this be better:

j.hp,, c.lp, c.lp, xx DR end early, s.hp xx jaiken?

I’m pretty sure the j.hp puts u close enough to land 3 weak normals followed by but not 100% sure.

On bigger characters if you end the DR hella early you can get a j.hp in the middle of the combo again… I’ll go find an example.

Well apparently you can land it on 80 stun characters… too sometime around 13:45 check the on zangief combo… I don’t know if they started the stun a little bit though I’d have to check

  1. Who grab supers are jumpable on reaction?
    Yamazaki and Maki

  2. Who can juggle a super after a traded dp?
    Everyone forgot Benimaru

  3. What characters can Geese stun with a full lvl 3 DR combo TOD, beside 60 stun characters?
    The main 70 stun character is blanka, who after a cross-up geese can stun regardless of if he was crouching or standing. If they are crouching he can stun a hella lot of people, Sagat, Iori, Terry, Yamazaki, Ryo, Eagle, Ryu, Todo, Chun, list is pretty long, but blanka is the main one I was looking for.

cross up mk, x2, c.lp, xx DR, finish with, s.fp xx mk jaiken.

  1. How can sagat reliably punish a 1 hit scissors kick?
    Reversal lvl 3 Tiger raid easily punishes 1-hit scissor kick block string.

  2. What character can todo do all his projectiles on in 1 combo?

dp+hp, tigerknee qcf+lp, xx qcf+lp

  1. Sonic boom on block point blank? (advantage/disadvantge frame number)

  2. Who has better recovery on rekkakens? Iori or Kyo?
    Kyo lp rekka is -5, all versions of Iori’s are -5

  3. Who 's super can be comboed after when done super meaty, with a NORMAL (its unconsistent and hard as shit)
    Alot of people misread this, I said combo after the super with a normal, not super or special.
    For some reason Kyo’s lvl 3 serpent wave super meaty won’t knock down and you can combo into into whatever. You should only get 2 hits of the super, if you get 3 its knocks down.

  4. What is Yamazaki’s best lvl 2 grab cancel?
    Beside crazy glitches, mash until he does the ground slam, juggle with sand into mp slash. Don’t fully mash the super cause it will actually do less damage do to more hits.

  5. How many Hurricane kicks can Akuma do in one combo?
    5, figure that one out.

you can do todo’s to more people than that… cause there is an extended juggle combo that works on some peope, plus if you include CCs…

regular combo no supers, etc