CVS2 : Todo Galore

If they jump ontop of your head you should try jump back fp. that shit is buff

how do you go about fighting A-bison? i’m thinking stick to low forward as your main poke along with standing strong. RC wave sparingly because roll into jabs into CC will kill you. if he does the headstomp follow ups, just do RC wave if he comes back into you.

and what if bison corners you? that’s a bad spot for almost every character, but does todo have anything going for him in that situation?


Which Groove Todo?

Vs bison w/meter your gonna get cc’d most likely, just try to play a safe gimicky style. Without meter you can throw more waves dash drab attempts and slides.

Something cool I just found - aintiair CC -,, c.fp, karathrow etc.

Basically popo’s idea of using the activate slide kara throw gave me the idea and it works hella well. Like I practiced it like 10 times, played a match and landed it. Both of us were like , wow it;s actually good…lol

cant you just xx grab for aa cc

when playing c-todo for fun i like to throw out a random counter super from time to time.

if it whiffs, the window to punish is usually too small for anyone to try anything.

they usually just stand there, and i take the moment to dash forward or something else.

lol or even better whiff ANOTHER counter super and hope they try to hit me. leaves everyone feeling stupid.

and against more inexperienced players, i’ll do the counter super as an anti-air, but timed so i’ll recover just when they land >>> COMMAND GRAB.

you can also space yourself so that the anti-air counter super is positioned so that when they land, they’re not in range to throw. this leaves you in position to do a dash if they’re standing still, or another counter super if they’re trying to punish.

but of course all this is mostly for-fun-tactics. its probably not worth burning so much meter for so little.

counter super is kinda pointless imo, since wave super is anti-everything already, even at lv1

there’s a few odd situations here and there where the counter super is better though

…you dont find any fun in landing the counter super?