CvS2 to be released next week on PSN (No online and STILL with input lag)

To be very honest, it’s a very viable port, even on asus monitors.

It’s pretty much the same as if you’re transitioning from DC MvC2 to PS3…play it for a day and you’re good to go.

With both options off, I was able to CC properly.

Like I said, one difference in this port is the stages lag. Solution? Play Training stage.
One other difference is the jumps seem a BIT off. It feels like they have a little more start up, but again, play it for a day and you’ll be fine.

Ultimately, CRT is THE way to go for this port as long as both ‘Other Options’ for the PS3 are off. BUT, if you HAVE to play on an Asus monitor, pretend you’re transitioning from MvC2 (DC version)/SF4(Xbox version) to PS3 and just practice it for a bit and you’ll be fine. This port could bring the game back for a bit given it gets enough practice/promotion and new people get interested.

People that know me from back in NY days (03 - 07) KNOW I love this game, and let me ultimately say I’m VERY happy with this port.

That’s good to hear. Gives me hope that I can get some people back into the game.

Bought it this morning. Works decently well. I’ll bring it to my local gatherings and see if people still dig it. Glad my Hori Fighting Edge stick works on it too.

ok so assist me guys like KOF 94/95 re the online feature

You are telling me that if I have no friends who play this game, like some dateless geek on a Friday/Saturday night, I will only be playing by myself with the computer?

It’s a PS2 port.
You’d be in the exact same situation you would be in if you had a PS2 and the PS2 game, only you’d be using a different joystick and you’d be experiencing input delay and some random slowdown at times.

Sooo, I may come across as a dick by saying this but, are there any actual plans to take advantage of the port and getting things started again? Or are we all just gonna play it for a week and be like, ‘Welp, that was cool’?

When I actually get more of a chance, I’m going to play around some more and see if there’s other glitchy shit that I can find (more slowdowns, etc).

I don’t know how to tag people in here. But I’m sure Warzard and the STA crew would be streaming more now that the port is out. I’m going try to get things going locally or at Super Arcade and see if more people would be down to play since they have the H2H setup.

We’ve waited so fucking long for some kinda port and I would hope that I know some of you fools well enough to not let a tiny bit of stage slowdown (just pick training stage…problem solved) and wonky jumps stop us.

Nick, you can tag people like @Warzard and @STA
just like Twitter.

^ Thanks

btw…there was a cabinet setup for cvs2 at evo on Saturday and there were a ‘decent’ amount of people playing that I’ve never seen before. Don’t know if they were cali people or from elsewhere but I was surprised to see people wanting to legit play or at least watch. I think we could do something with this port.


I’m bringing it to my local gatherings when I go. Sadly my scene is dominated by Marvel 3 players. T_T

Fucking damnit. How hard is it to get this shit online?

I’m no computer programmer or engineer but I can’t imagine putting a game that’s 12 years old up for online play is that difficult.

Just get it done already.

EC had some stuff going for a short period after the game died. We had the game at monthlies in Baltimore and then there was the skillionaire tournaments in NY. Call me pessimistic but I dont see a revival happening outside of the people who used to play the game. We just need a REAL re-release.

I wish it were just that simple…

I feel like this would happen:
Newbie comes online goes into ranked.
Round 1, some scrub, whatever.
Round 2, some OG A groove, ShoShoSho them to death, possibly causing a RQ.
Round 3, some scrub, whatever.
Round 4, some OG A groove PTF them to death, possibly causing a RQ.
Round 5, some scrub, whatever.
Round 6, some OG K groove JD’s their whole shit and busts a nut on their face with massive damage…
Round 7, doesn’t exist.

Next day, little dude blows up on SRK and EventScrubs about how broken it is and demands Ono fixes it and shit…

2 weeks later, dude comes back online, to find that only the OGs are still playing it, and every round becomes RCs, A groove CCs, and other high level things they can’t keep up with.

IDK, maybe I’m wrong… But I can see that happening. Either that, or it will blow up and take off like MvC2, but when that game was released, we didn’t have MvC3, so there was nothing else comparable at the time that people could just switch to instead of playing that. CvS2, there’s SSF4 and SFxT that are this generation that they could play instead online.

Or maybe I’m talking out of my ass, and if a CvS2OE were to drop, it would be the most successful fighter this generation and everybody would say “What the fuck is a Super Slow Fighter 4: Asshat Edition Ultra 2015 Turbo?”, causing a complete Fighting Game Renaissance.

I don’t think 09ers could handle CvS2. XP

People keep saying 09ers can’t handle the game, but everyone forgets that there is so much information out there that it would be really easy to learn the game proficiently in about 3 months, maybe 6 to learn all of the matchups and other character specific quirks.

So it has RC? Nice.

I think they can handle playing it… but we live in a gen that claims 6/4 matchups mean a game has no balance. They wouldn’t want to learn how to fight Sagat. Too lazy.

Technically by my date I’m an '10er (although I knew about SRK since 03/04, just never lurked often and made an account) and I’m became better than most in the US at KOF98. I think I learned most of CVS2 by now through match play and grinding training mode and I just need to get A-Groove shit down and I’d be indistinguishable from a player from pre 09. I even surprised Kbeast saying I only played the game in training mode for a month and already had a pretty good understanding of the characters I used at the time earlier this year and did shit with my favs like Terry and Nako and running Cammy/Sagat/etc. like everyone else when need be. I have a super 09’er friend that started with games like SFIV and MVC3 and I let him try CVS2 and he thinks it’s very fun and likes the pace of the game. He says he’s bad at it but he just simply really really likes it and I think that’s where we all started off with the game.

I brought it to my local gathering just yesterday and a few people that used to play CVS2 in the Central Valley in Norcal tried it out and remembered the game. I had to leave a bit early but it’s nice to see people come back to the game.

I think it doesn’t hurt to bring it out to let people try it. People that like it will like it and the reality is that some people that don’t won’t play it. But yeah it doesn’t hurt to even try in the first place to get people to play the game.

Learning A-groove customs will not distinguish you from an 09er, your response to certain situations will. Like getting knocked down, tech rolling every time and constantly being punished for it. Or trying to fight a raged R2 Sagat instead of playing defense and knowing the risk/reward between eating the throw and getting hit with that 1 short that leads into tons of damage.

Good stuff bringing it to your local gathering! I’ll be doing the same for mine as soon as my new schedule kicks in.

I already know about that and got that down. All I’m saying is that if told to play A-Groove Sakura or Bison, I can’t deliver because I can’t do successive DPs that quickly while everyone else and their mom can. I already know about Raged R2 Sagat, I know about RC Hands shit, I know about people doing wack shit and popping A-Groove from disadvantage or right as about to be anti-aired, I know about Sakura left-right dive kick oki, I know of the power of Sagat/Cammy/Blanka or Hibiki teams, I know my punishes for blocked RC Psycho Crushers and RC Blanka Balls, I know that doing hop normals adds a stupid weird landing recovery time so I can’t do safe hops like I do in KOF (but I can empty hop and recovery normally and block whatever), I know that the recovery period on hit after a hop-in is cancelable into specials and supers and that make’s Akuma’s hop game stronger than many other characters due to the ease of the confirm and the reward for it, I know how to cover tech rolls with my characters after knocking down the other character, I know the magic of Athena’s cr.HP and it’s way better than it is in KOF at the expense of being cancelable like it is in KOF, I know the risk vs. reward in certain situations against A-Groove and knowing when to Guard Roll vs Guard Blowback or just taking the chip or guard break string, I know about the plus frames guard break/tick throw with Cammy’s cl.HP, I know that after a blocked cr.LK x2, xx qcf+LP by Kyo isn’t punishable by anything I know of by testing with supers and moves like Cammy’s Level 3 Spin Drive, I know how to punish Sakura’s RC Tatsu if done at bad ranges and there’s a gap in the block stun where she’s near the apex of her HK Tatsu, I know how to JD anti-air Tiger Uppers and recognize when I have the spacing to punish it on the way down or if Sagat is in the right spacing to toss out a second one or third one, I know how Sagats buffer low Tiger Cannons in their Far HP and cr.HP, and I know more but this is what I can think of at the top of my head.

I’ll be honest and say yes there will most probably going to be a lot of old gimmicks and super specific and nuanced things that I don’t know, but I’m only knowing more and more about the game and getting more experience just leads to more knowledge. I feel CVS2 is not that hard of a game it’s just my own execution doesn’t allow me to shoushoushoushoushoushou and fence. Not to say that I am not grinding it out to get it down; I’m still working on it. And yeah, I really like this game and I hope it comes back or at least get a small pocket of players to keep playing it with a mix of old heads and new blood. It has more of a chance than my game of KOF98 becoming anything in the states.