or rush her ass down like you did in that vid of u vs me, that seems like a good plan cause my reactions blow ass so even if i could predict ur dive kicks i always did rc hurricane too early.
hey . im in a pickle. ive been playing 3s and now im just getting into CVS2. just wondering what groove i should use for these teams:
- Cammy, kyosuke, terry.
- Cammy, king, kyo.
- honda, terry, king.
and - cammy, honda, terry
as of right now im using C-groove. any suggestions. or should i try a new team
all are pretty good c groove teams. for number 2 id probably go k groove but i dont know shit about king but cammy and kyo are tight in k. 4 is c groove all the way. put honda first for battery and although cammy is a better all around character you can put terry in the anchor spot as well
how about A Honda/Sakura/Blanka 2?
For C i was thinking of Honda/Ken/Sagat
K…same old Blanka/Geese/Sagat lol.
aight thanks for the tips.
Okay so I have a question right now my main tourney team is
C- Bison, Chun Li, Sagat.
My Bison is very good, I can do all the combos, I can RC decently, I know the mixups. Basically if I lose it’s because the player is better or I get to aggresive and eat a super to the face.
My chun li is all right, I know all the combos and can do all of them unless it involves the lightning legs, I can’t rc them, I can’t combo into or off of them and I don’t do the lvl 2 cancel of death I do lvl 2 to lk SBK to lvl 1 kikosho, which works for me but I know I need to learn how to rc LL I’m trying.
My sagat, is also decent I know the combos no the ranges on his pokes. My main problem is my lack of using some of his basic tools effectively such as standing lk, and low tiger, though I am improving.
Anyway I want to know if you guys think I should maybe switch to C-rolento. I’ve been playing around and while I can’t do all the combos as of yet, he seems to be a better battery than Bison and have an easier time against alot of characters.
So do you guys think my current team is better or should I switch to
C-Rolento, Chun, Sagat.
Okay guys, I just started playing this game and I’m getting the hang of it. I like to use Athena, Sakura, and Chun (2) in A groove. Okay team? I’m fairly good at athena’s custom but I’m still working on the last part where it’s canceled into shining crystal bit. Sakura I can shosho with but I can’t end with her kick super because I’m not quick enough yet…(I’m using a playstation 2 controller) and I find her b&b fairly hard to do =. Chun I’m okay with because I can cancel her supers off a cr. st. =D Any team suggestions or pointers? Oh yeah, I’m still practicing RCs.
get a joystick.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure i’m going to order one after christmas.
what do you guys think of an A-groove rock/sakura/bison team?
A-rock is only good if you’re psychic.
wrong. a rock is good but tricky to use.
what the hell does that mean? a-rock has too many bad matchups to be good, he’s a mid-tier character… smack in the middle, nothing special about him, I can’t actually think of a favorable match up with any top tier character that a-rock has.
gotta be psychic.
haha don’t worry about it
that’s pretty much 99% of everyone on these forums anyway
I use N - (Yamazaki, Vega, or Rugal, I dunno who to use), Rock, and Ken. Is that bad or just fine? I’m just a scrub that plays random people each day so meh.
why rugal? switch rugal for sagat or blanka
My team is usually K Eagle, Vega, Blanka. Anything particularly horrible about it? Aside from it not being CBS of course
i’d recommend you to switch that team to A. i’ve played some k-vegas and at most they were ok. i have yet to see a k-eagle and i’m hoping i never will…
WTF? Bean…I’ve never played you with K-Eagle? Shit man, I think he’s dope. I rushed the shit out of that bitch Keith earlier tonight with him. K-Vega is decent…I’d still use him if I were better at footsies…and Blanka, well…keep him.