:sad: , k-eagle sounds so gross haha. merry christmas everyone. btw, gumbercules, did you go to long beach (rockvolta) to play last week?
hey bitch you also ocv’d me with a-akuma before i left too
why don’t you tell everyone how good HE is?
haha yea bean I’m the scrub with the long hair ; ;
Nah…that’s how much he LOVES me…
Nah seriously…after randoming out shit with Eagle…low forward x link into lvl 3 owns.
Generally I play K, with variations in characters. For the most part its:
Maki for the mixup/wackiness, Athena is pretty solid, and my Mai is my best character. If the opponent uses Sagat as R2, I’m gold. She also does well against Bison (pyscho), at least in my experience. However, if my opponent uses Blanka as R2, I switch Mai and Athena… I just can’t play very well against Blanka with Mai.
I also use Raiden, Blanka, Ken, Cammy, Joe, and Hibiki in K. I’m decent to good with all of them. Usually come tournament time I ditch Maki for Cammy, Hibiki or Blanka… Unless I’m feeling really daring. K-Raiden is amazing, I wish I was better with him.
My other team is C based, I use Guile/Kim/XXX.
I don’t really have a third character set, I switch between Ken, Blanka, and sometime Sagat. The only purpose of this team is doing the Kim infinite, which I land once every 100 matches. Ok, so it’s not that bad, but I sadly don’t land it as much as I like. The invulnerability sucks balls, I wish it was better. It trades with almost everything in the game, some characters just straight up duck that shit, and it doesn’t combo unless you’re point blank.
leezy knows all about that shit.
Yeah…but oddly…my opponents tend to forget…and then it’s time to open the clinic. Shazam!
Oh yeah, I tested it for like 10 minutes after Bhushan woke my ass up this morning…you can only link lvl 3s with Eagle after low forward, lvl 1s and 2s are too slow and don’t go as far. On fat characters…you can even get low jab x2, low forward, lnik super. Shit is durrrty. Oh Damn!
lvl3!!! K eagle top tier!!
Leezy ~ STILL breaking the game!
I’ve been trying c.jabx3 super and c.jabx2 s.mk super but that’s very hard for me to pull off with eagle, so c.mk forever
With Eagle, its much easier for me to go c.lp c.lp back+mk -> hcf + kick, or super. I can’t really get it from the crouching position. And I really suck at the c.lp c.lp -> activate -> c.mp -> CC link. I usually put him first in C, just to pass meter to chun. And in A, well, that’s just like praying to get lucky, but he does have a nice easy damaging cc, I just can’t link it consistently.
nope… A-Rock is shitty… just because Combo uses him doesnt make him good.
man, reading this shit makes me laugh. leezy, you use some dirty ass fuckin teams. y’all ain’t ready for p-ken, balrog, bison. team sf2: the movie.
god damn
let’s just all stick with a/k-top/top/top
OR a/k-mid/top/top
albert, your teams are always nasty
pff, for you the day bison graced your village was the worst day of your life, for me it was tuesday.
Soo…Whats your all’s opinion of
Hibiki/Guile Akuma Sagat- P groovin
I don’t really like Sagat in this game too much but I still use him cuz thats what I always see, or blanka. But, I saw Buktooth using Biki in third on evo04(yea, I’m pretty late) which is what I originally liked but I didnt think it would work out. So I will prolly go Guile Akuma Hibiki P. But is this teh best order, I already know theirs better grooves but I’m so use to 3s and Pgroove that when I play anything else I always try t parry and end up gettin punished. So any tips
any charge character in p-groove is pretty shitty besides vega (claw) at high levels. uhh, p-hibiki is a good fuck around character but she isn’t as crazy without run. that team is good for casuals?
keith: YOU’S A HATER
well its not just combo, some other japanese player who uses almost the same team as combo also makes him seem good
most of his K groove shit can be ported over and A groove is prolly his second best groove.
it seems the biggest problem is that he has some trouble getting in although his dash is and jump ins are pretty good and rc elbow dash is tricky as hell to do
that’s like saying A-kyo is good, just because some jpn players are good with A-kyo, except there are no top american player that uses A-kyo.
haha A-geese
i still love these crazy japanese characters though.