CvS2 on 60GB PS3

I’m thinking of getting a used copy, but since I don’t have a PS2 anymore, I’m not sure if it’s worth it. Does anybody know if there are any issues with the backwards compatibility? What about lag? Even if the lag is minuscule, does it affect roll-canceling?

The only difference is that the graphics are better on the PS3 version.

Unless you get your hands on an “upscaler” you will always get lag playing PS2 games on your HD TV. Im not sure about on standard definition TV.

Thanks for the responses guys. I forgot to mention that I am using an SDTV (CRT). I have an HDTV as well, but whenever I play backward compatibility games I take my PS3 upstairs to my CRT. I just found out that fubarduck wrote an article about this (link). He basically mentions my situation (switching between TV’s). I don’t think that he mentions lag on SDTV’s. He only says that you should switch between SDTV’s and HDTV’s depending on which cable you are using (HDMI or Composite/Component). Can anybody clarify?

Does it make a difference whether or not the PS3 has the hardware emulator (Emotion Chip) or the newer software emulation? Or are both equally bad in terms of lag?

Man cuz that’s some really bad false advertising by SONY, saying that the old ps2 games would work fine…arrghh :wasted:

From what I’ve read, yes, they are different. That’s why when you visit the official SONY backward compatibility site, it asks you which version you have. But I don’t know how that pertains to lag… I also found out that a used 60GB PS3 more expensive than a new 80GB one at GameStop, LOL. It’s probably due to new buyers wanting the discontinued Emotion Engine version(s?).

Anyways, I ended up getting the game just because it was pretty rare in my area. It was a pretty nice copy, too. I just stuck it in and messed around with it for a while. It doesn’t seem that bad, even with Sanwa sticks (which I’m not used to). Ironically, I pulled off my first roll-cancel on like my tenth try. After the high went away, I realized it was pure luck since I totally suck with Sanwas, LOL.

fwiw, I’ve played cvs2 on a ps3 three times, on SDTVs, and it lagged every time.

Umm… I don’t notice any lag at all, how much lag are you guys talking about? The graphics are better with a HDMI cable too btw.

definitely noticeable lag

i’m not terribly sensitive to these types of things either

oh god cvs2 is horrible on ps3 60gb
mega button delay!!!

Thanks for all of the feedback. I truly appreciate it.

For some reason I still can’t notice it (then again I’m not a seasoned CvS2 player). I played 3S on my HDTV a while back and I was definitely able to notice lag. I made some adjustments (via fubarduck’s tutorial and by turning on ‘Game Mode’) and the lag was lessened. Then when I took it to my CRT, I didn’t notice it.

I’m curious, did all of you who experienced lag play on a SDTV with lag-free converters? How about the latest firmware updates? I’m not saying that you’re wrong; I just want to know if there are other factors at play. Also, other than roll canceling, what would be a good way to test lag in CvS2? Does the training mode have any frame information? I’ve roll-canceled Blanka’s ball through a hadouken twice (something I’ve never done in an arcade AKA without lag). How can that be interpreted in terms of the game’s programming? In other words, if you “adjust” your inputs to lag, can you still fool the game into reading your inputs to the correct frames? Or does your timing have to be the same as in arcade lag-free mode for the game to read it?

uhh im not sure how roll canceling is a more special way of testing lag. just press a button. What does roll canceling have to do with testing lag?

Testing lag is like, pressing a button, and seeing the move come out later than you expect. It’s totally based off of your feel for the game, so if you’re new to cvs2 your body may have already adjusted to whatever lag was there. For all of us old guys, we would be able to sense it very fast because we’re very used to certain timings (kyo combos, sagat’s s.lp to, basically combos with 1-2 frames of precision)

You might wanna try pausing the game and seeing if the pause screen comes up late. Or better yet, use Zangief’s SPD. If it doesn’t feel instant (i.e., it executes right when you push the button), there is lag. Check other things, too…like your TV’s inherent lag. Anything over 17 ms is way too much

Well I thought that roll-canceling was a good choice since it requires frame-specific precision (as you mentioned). Just to clarify, I’m not totally new to the game. I can do all of my moves and links just as easily as I would on arcade. I’ll test those inputs that you suggested when I get a chance. BTW, which Kyo combo were you talking about?

And do CRT TV’s have inherent lag? LOL Can somebody get a hold of fubarduck? I think he has done 60GB testing on CRT’s…

I played CvS2 on a PS3 a couple of weeks ago. It wasn’t my PS3, so I don’t know what the setting were, or if the converter had lag or whatever, but I was getting hit with fireballs from full screen. It felt worse than playing on XBox Live.

roll cancelling doesn’t require any visual um… timing? verification? to do. you’re just doing a motion that’s all hands. doing something like kyo ground pound combos or verifying stuff into super requires you to look at the screen and time stuff out, and that’s when you really notice lag

Steps to determine lag:

  1. Go training mode

  2. Pick a shoto

  3. Mash lp x 10

  4. Observe time taken for shoto to stop

If your stilling seeing lps after you have stopped pressing buttons then something is up lol.

just buy a ps2 if you want to play cvs2. i’m sure you can find one in your area on craigslist for 30-40 bucks.

I have a 60GB PS3 running on a CRT and yes there is noticeable lag, just do gief’s sspd and if you don’t instantly see it right when you hit the button as if it was in sync then you will see the lag. as for lag-free converters, i dun know if they have any but if they do i would like to buy 2 of those cause the converter I bought from amazon lags. supposedly the “best” converter is the pelican converter that has a PS button on the converter and lights to display which player you are. and even that lags the same. even though i have a ps3 i play cvs2 on my friends ps2. cvs2 on ps3 = you can stick those combo’s in easier cause of lag. cvs2 on ps2 = real time frames, so you better work on them skills!


I know this was pretty much settled a while back but, has any1 tried using a ps3 stick on the ps3? I know every1 doesn’t wanna buy a new stick when they already have a working one. But I was messing around and tried cvs2 on the ps3 wit a ps3 controller and there didn’t seem to be any lag, granteed i wont be playing it on a ps3 wit a fucken controller. but when sony said its perfect backwards compatibility, they probably meant to say wit the current consoles controllers.

Knowing this is good news and bad news for me. good news its lag-free, bad news is i would have to buy a new stick.

I was fucking around with CFJ on an 80gig ps3? (The MGS4 bundle one) on an HRAP3. I don’t think there was input lag there, although none of the stuff I did was stuff that you could easily tell if there was lag. I can check with SFAC this monday or so.