Can somebody please explain to me what exactly is frame advantage. Is that the time it takes for the move to come out when you press the button? Or is it the time advantage you get when someone blocks your poke? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I’ve always assumed that it referred to the differece between your recovery from executing the move and your opponents recovery from blockstun. So, if mai has -12 frame advantage after a strong Ryu En Bu, I guess it means that they have 12 frames after recovering from blockstun in which to smack you. someone please tell me if i got that wrong.
thanks for the info, Gunter.
The frame advantage numbers are for how much longer/shorter the recovery is compared to your opponent coming out of block animation. So while they block and recover, Mai is still recovering for 12 to 15 frames in her animation. Which basically means unless you’re Kyosuke trying to sweep, you’ll probably hit her.
Thanx for explaining it guys. I didnt notice that minus(-) in front of that 12 frame advantage. Now it makes sense. Maybe it should be called a 12 frame disadvantage. Does this means that Mai’s ninja bee super has close to zero frame advantage?
Where can i obtain all this information about frame advantage? It would help out my gameplay a lot.
I think there’s a Japanese Magazine that has all the frame info in it. It’s either Arcadia or Gamest, if I recall correctly. Gunter would know it for sure.
And alot of Mai Flying Flaming Elbow Super has to do with how far she pushes herself away, along with quick recovery. If you notice, she pushes herself out so far that she can recover before your move comes out, or while your move is in the beginning stages of animation frames. The farther you are out, the longer it takes for a move to connect with you, natrually, which gives more time for recovery.
I use Mai all the time (even in CVS1 where she bit). Many of Wolfe’s strats are dead on, but I just want to note that opponent’s who can RC and use Blanka,Bison,or Honda will really give her a hard time. I am able to cut their resourses by using the P groove. I hate the lost of the run (I rushdown and then runaway repeatedly with her while powering up in N groove) but that parry will allow you to retailate against most RC attacks. Ofcourse like any character in P groove, you have to be able to parry. I also find that the small jump really helps because her limbs are so damn long, it’s almost like having really good overheads that you can mix with empty jumps. Just beware the roll.
what’s up with all these RC talk…??were im at you’ll be
surprised if some one even tries it at all…
does anyone have any good combos that will connect to super…
cuz im geting to predictable with my shit…
Um… the classic:
crouching LK x2…
(if it hits)…
- Level 1 super
- standing/crouching LK, Level 3 super
- LK Elbow (no meter)
(if it’s blocked)…
- crouching MP, fireball
It’s not our fault you live in a land that doesn’t want to evolve. Around here, every scrub and their mom can RC, albeit not consistently. But at least they ATTEMPT to develop their skills…
buffs into cc’s
Does anyone know any good buffing techniques into cc’s with mai
and if so I could learn them and practice to improve my A-GROOVE
** Gunter**
It’s not our fault you live in a land that doesn’t want to evolve. Around here, every scrub and their mom can RC, albeit not consistently. But at least they ATTEMPT to develop their skills…
ure right every one here is alredy quiting the aracade scene…
kind of sad… …now i dont have any one to play cvs2…
except some3-6 ppl…:lame: …
Strike…dude thanx for the combo but i already knew that one…
Its been a while since I decided to play Mai on a regular basis. Dont know why it took me so long to realize this combo…, c.lp,, into any level fireball super. Kinda surprised that the level 1 fireball super would connect while the lvl1 super ninja bees super will not. Oh wells, you can always do two crouching shorts instead of three crouching shorts. Just a simple combo to keep in mind.
I usually play N-groove but now Im going to switch back to C-groove since I can just sit on that super bar. Plus, her hops are quick and can really annoy some people. From a good but not max distance, for some reason people dont expect Mai’s jump after her forward dash. Anybody know some ADVANCED c-groove combos?
Here’s a basic C-groove combo
j.Hk, s.lp,, c.hp, level2 deadly ninja bee super, buffer into the HK flame pillar(opponent must be in the corner for the flame pillar to connect) If the opponent isnt against the corner just do the mp ryuenbu(turn and burn)
buffs into cc’s
Personally I like using her in C or S groove
C groove:
Runaway from corner ( leap off wall high qcb any punch, if performed right you should leave the screen and float safely the other side)
RC standing QCB FP. Similar to what Ricky Ortiz did at NEC with morrigan. Her frames invincibility smack down most in a corner trap. Very irritant and works wonders with your mindgame stratagy.
RC FAN- is a no no. Ive noticed folks like Sagat will initially get that hit in from there fireball. You will trade blows but Sagats take waaay more energy
Majority others strats have been named
S groove
running and dodging with timing helps mai alot. My boy is able to run, dodge and quickly pull off her [charge down then up FK] rising flame. I consider this mind boggling.
I also like running and pullin her QCBx2 FP [mid air] just before landing WAKE UP CALL.
just koops 2 cents…
You can charge down while running if you hold the joystick at offensive crouch.
That makes so much sense, and yet, it is news to me. :bluu:
here’s some non super combo’s that no 1 has posted yet, that i like to use when i play
cr lk st lk cr mp xx qcb + hp
cr lk st lk cr hp xx hcf + hk
yah those are good especially when you low jump in empty…straight to low short is pretty fast. You can also just do cr lk x 2, super…it’s a bit easier. I do the quoted combos only when I’m in THE ZONE BABY!
I got a friend who just charges back with Bison and the minute i move in he uses psycho crusher. I can’t jump or walk in, i play Mai in K groove but I can’t JD all the hits. Any solutions
Any anti-air CC’s with Mai?