You can hit him with pretty much anything after he moves past you. You can also try to bait him by continually jumping back and forth…jumping rh should usually beat the torpedo.
u can activate then ryu en bu, then [st. fierce, hcb rh] till corner.
here’s a weird combo u guy’s forgot to add.!
down lk,down frwrd lk,qcf hk .4 hit’s!!
Not sure if anybody knows about this or not, but the other day i found out something with Mai…that charge(d+u punch) move that Mai has. If that move connects, it knocks the opponent out and therefore you can juggle them afterwards with a level3 deadly ninja bee super. Timing on it is kinda tight though. It doesnt do full damage but its still decent.
is there any other good combos with MAI out there.!!??
that are rare .?
I hate Mai…that is all. Seriously, she can turtle her a$$ off, and I have trouble fighting her, unless I use S-groove Terry. She can’t turtle against this man, he easily stops her anti-airs with j.fp, and once in close she can’t get away from him. With others characters though, it takes them awhile to get her off that damn screen:mad: .
I have a Bread and Butter with her, but it’s hard to time and if you time it wrong, you can get severly punished for it…
It’s Croo-up Short, Crouch Short -> Standing Short, Crouch Strong XX QCB + Fierce. 5-Hits, pretty good. And if it’s Blocked, you can change to Fireball + Fierce to push them away and do block damage.
But if you time it wrong (the Stand Short into Crouch Strong is a tricky timing), the Fierce Ryuu Enbu puts you close enough to the enemy to get whalloped by a quick counter attack. And ONLY the Fierce one Combos, so you kinda have no choice…
But if you get good at it, it’s pretty good.
- James
She doesn’t have a hcb+k move, but you can do hct+rh
i found somethang neat with mai a while ago…
jump in hk sj hp,qcb2 hp…ir’s kind hard to do but i’ll
mai own your s-groove. not just terry your whoole team.:lol: