(CVS2) Kim advanced starts and tactics

Hmmm ok you guys know that one poke string i posted during the begning that did like 70% gaurd meter. Well im dum so apperently i guess if you were in K groove you acctualy do more gaurd meter damage when raged so if you were to do this poke string…

cross up roundhouse, down mk, down down+hk(hold) lp, qcb+hk

On a P or K groove user this litterlay like breaks your gaurd…


Remember to the only real hole in this poke string is the down down HK to lp. And even then if it was a counter hit it would combo. Thats how little it is.

sigh to bad kim sucks in K. lol =p

Hmm okies i got a way to hit the gaurd break sorta.

Ok from all the set ups with the duck+lkX3 then up+hp then you have the tiger knee hishou kyaku then dash over body then throw or level 2 super.

Well for the poke string(perhaps the opponent thinknig you may go super this time so instead of throwing you do a poke string say) duck mk,down down +hk,(hold) lp qcb+k. there goes half there gaurd meter in c groove whatever. im sure in k or p its probably like 80 or some shit.lol

Of course you could also do this from your set ups after the level 2 super this hisou kyaku to fall down quicker then do the poke string.

bleh i know i suck its kinda obvious bu i never thought of doing it i guess.

Any way the poke string owns if you land it since it does so much fucking gaurd meter and is pretty much gauernteed.

Kim is more effective in P groove than most people realize. Hell, most characters are better in P groove than most people realize. Okay, okay, alright; all characters are better than most people realize.

If you think you are a pretty good guesser, then just apply that to P groove. Most of the time parrying isn’t even a guess. Parry, and then go into a combo. Very nice.

Yawn man im bored so im gonna try and get some shit i said i would do earlier…

IIRC znzf i think… 0_- wanted some strats against P groove blanka… Well all give just some more specific blanka not just P cuz well i dunno …

Lets get one thing out of the way though. I hate blanka. For many reasons. One he is a good character. Or well fuck that, the best character. Blanka is garbage im sorry. You see when i enter tournments and all that shit im stupid beacuse i still play with people i think are fun and shit. If they happen to be good well thats great. But blanka i cant see many people like blanka. I mean this dude is fucked up, he isnt even cool. Why is he even good. I mean the game should be balanced and shit. sigh i dunno. I mean i cant complain to much about sagat beacuse he is good, cuz well he should be a strong character and sagat is acctualy cool.

Sigh i dunno ryu should be the best guy fuck this game. Blanka is so fucking stupid.


Poking blanka…
One good thing about blanka is blankas duck even though low(thankfully not as low as it was in other games) isnt low enough to duck under kims stand fierce. Being able to duck under stand fierce is always a bad thing. So this is good. Is still not high enough to get hit by first hit of hangetzan which sucks but you have to take what you have i guess. Anyway this should be a main poke…

BUT. theres a problem blankas duck fierce goes under kims duck fierce. @_@ ok this sucks. So this will fuck you up if you try to use stand fierce to much. So just try to use it in the normal strings i have listed above. And while just pokeing with it be carefull for the random duck fierce from blanka.

Blanka RCs…

OK this shit is cheaty anyway(i know you said P groove but just in case) basicy if some does this there cheating anyway so fuck them. Blanka ball well roll out of the way. Just dont attack it in most cases. lol If he goes for RC electricty this dude is a bastard and kick him in the nuts. That shit is garbage right there. You are not getting out of this easily. (at least i assume that its the start blanka ball cross up you get up to the electricty. Normaly just reversal hein zan or some shit but since hes invicable your fucked…) Just block it. Of course theres always a chance he messed up and well thats a chance i take. cuz fuck that shit. you can roll cuz well you get hit. Super well he would probably beat it.

RC hop hmm i dunno dont worry about that to much. Just makes it do the same thing its supposed to do anyway just better.

Anti air…
ku sajin(down up+hp) is the main one. This will stop his low jumps ect. And the lows jumps wont always be close so this has more horizontal range to help you here. In many cases your on the defensive in this match anyway. So turtleing and waiting for your oppertuinty to hit this move. Right when you see them move or something(or if blanka is low jump straight up and randomly throws up fierce or roundhouse)just hit up +hp. Shouldnt be to hard to do it on reaction at times. If your feeling gnarly and shit you can go for a hou’ou tenbuu kyaku(level 2 or higher) after you anti air blanka wih kuu sajin. But this is some hard timing so i would be carefull. Stand mk is a good normal anti air. For cross up anti airs kim still doesnt have a true move to stop them so roll out of the way or something…

Hmm in air to air battles dont worry. Blanka is fast but kim should beat blankas attacks with jump mk. If blanka zones you with jump straight up you should be able to sj at blanka and jump mk to try and stop this.

Baiting the super (if he has one that is) is a lot like bison(usa) jumping straight up if he supers hishou kyaku to stall your jump for that tiny sec to save you. Also if you are trying to cross up blanka and he supers you could super your self to try and beat him or go through him to save damage. Whatever you want i guess its up to you. Kim should chrage super faster then blanka anyway but its up to you i guess…

Hmm i guess fighting him just use all the strats ive already posted in other parts of the thread. Really the biggest thing is the kuu sajin is a big part of this match if you get the lead turtle and just when ever he does any type of jump do move. he gets closer and tries cross up then roll and run away to the other part of the screen. I dunno just use what i told you and all that other shit earlier i guess…

Hmmmm well since im bored and shit lets like go in depth about all the poke strings i posted when it works/how usefull is it/when doesnt it work and shit like that. All add a few more here and there and stuff and give situtions shit like that. The poke strings are gonna be a bit broken up with comments ect so if you think its to hard to read and you need to see it all togther for a quick reminder look back a couple pages.

1.ducking lk
–1a. standing lp
------1aa. throw

First break off point here. Its pretty obvious. The stand lp is to miss the ducking opponent. Then throw. Kim has pretty decent walking speed, so it doesnt matter that you put in a extra duck lk in the begining. Its fairly usefull if youve been landing alot of cross ups.

–1b. ducking lp
------1ba. tiger knee qcf+k
------------1baa. throw
------------1bab. standing lk
-------------------1baba. ducking roundhouse
-------------------1babb. standing fierce
-------------------1babc. ducking mk cancle to qcb+mk
------------1bac. Random super*
------------1bad. tiger knee qcf+k again
--------------------1bada. Random super*

1ba. Depending on how you time this it could ethier A. wiff. B. hit. The throw part IMHO is exstremly EXSTREMLY risky. @_@ i do not know how this works. Hishou kyaku is punishable in most cases and its just very risky. The throw CAN work though. But its well risky or something. lol

The stand lk part is probably gonna be if you hit with the hishou kyaku. Adds more pressure ect. The stand fierce part of this probably will not be used. The roundhouse miiiiight. but in most cases from this distance i would use the duck mk to qcb+mk. Its a very sloppy looking barage of pokes. But thats not bad nessacarly. Its differnt and its werid to block in a sence. Also remember that stand lk combos to duck mk on counter and this is good.

The 1bac is the random super of the bunch. If you feel they will attack you super. The one below it is the same thing but you do another hishou kyaku. Random super is more likley to hit after the second. As well blocking 2 (in most cases) moves that are punishable will make you want to attack. The hishou kyaku is a good move to use when vs the smaller characters(blocking wise) as most your moves go over them so you have to use this as one of your pokes on them.

Overall these poke strings are for the smaller characters in most cases. Not that they cant be used on bigger but for the most part.

------1bb. ducking lk, standing lk
------------1bba. walk foward standing lk
-------------------1bbaa. ducking roundhouse
------------1bbb. standing fierce
------------1bbc. walk slightly foward ducking mk qcb+mk
------------1bbd. dash in
-------------------1bbda. throw
-------------------1bbdb. start over at 1, 2, or 3.
-------------1bbe. roll
--------------------1bbea. throw
--------------------1bbeb. Random super*

The next walk foward after the first stand foward lk is to keep the pressure on after the string. To attack while moveing. If the counter hit happens thats what the duck mk is there for to combo after the lk. The ducking roundhouse is there to put a end to your attack string and distance your self a bit there. Stand fierce is very good in this chain. But beacuse it doesnt hit all ducking characters low it fucks its usefullness.

after the dash the poke string afterwords is unlikely. If the opponent sees the dash in the first place most times you will get hit before you even get in. If i dash in its usualy to throw. The throw portion of this is good. However in most cases i save the dash throw for moments in the match were we(opponent) and myself are both walking in and out of certain ranges and if i hit a stand lk(hit or blocked) at a acceptable distance i will dash in and throw.

The roll part is pretty self explainatory.

This set of attacks is very good. one of the more used ones. The duck lk,lp,lk, stand lk is just a good poke string with options ect and nice spaceing. Use if often. If the stand feirce hit more opponents ducking it would be really good. but it doesnt so its only good. This is probably your main pattern of sorts.

------1bc. ducking mk
-----------1bca. qcb+mk
------------------1bcaa. standing fierce
------------------1bcab. Random super*
------------------1bcac. roll**
--------------------------1bcaca. down up+hk
--------------------------1bcacb. throw
--------------------------1bcacc. Random super*
-----------1bcb.back foward+mk
------------------1bcba. down up+hk
------------------1bcbb. Random super*
------------------1bcbc. go to 1bcac
-----------1bdc. down down+hk(hold)
------------------1bdca. mp

A fairly common pattern. Though i dont like it much as since hangetzan misses a fair amount of characters at times ducking wise i like to save its usesess for the other less obvious poke strings. The stand fierce after the hangetzan is for when most likely you have the super and the opponent is slightly heisitent on attacking allowing you to tack on another hit. The random super part so if they do attack.

(note on random super parts after hangetzan. You can charge the full time in the hangetzan for a hien zan or kuu sajin. Just do it fast. The motion could be something along the lines of say duck mk qcb d+mk or something hangetzan comes out and you should be able to do your anti air out of it. This saves you the super if you judged wrong. Also if you do the kuu sajin it has deceptive recovery which may allow you to do another anti air or random super from that. )

1bcac. The roll after hangetzan part. Hmmm. Its hard to say weather or not this is good. Its really a tricky thing. Ive been thrown out of it everytime i went for it a few times in a row. And times were it works really good. Strangly enough the hangetzan missing the low ducking charcter is good in this sitution sometimes as when you hit with both hits the roll after hangetzan is a bit easier to see coming beacuse you are pushed farther away of course. just try to guess right i guess.

1bcb. the comet cruncher part is one of the only times i acctualy hit this move. Lol People fall for it in this portion more so then in the other poke strings. Alot of times i do the lk version instead of the mk but its up to you.

The last part the haki kyaku should miss thus the opponent would see you are open and BLAM you hop kick right over that shit. Instinctvly you almost always block low thus the low attack would probably be the first thing to come out.

More coming…

yes yes very nice strats…
but how do u counter runaways?? :smiley:

that’s a pretty stupid question

u turtle back or rush him of course. theres only two ways of playing … or i guess “cautiously rushing him down”



yes, but how do u do it with Kim??

Kim in A-Groove is featured in my latest video.


oh man, My head hurts >_<

As much as I love Kim, and am constantly striving to be better with him, I think this Tutorial is going to take me many, many days to go through.

I don’t think I’ve ever read this much SF in one sitting in my whole life. LOL.

BIG thanks to Final Showdown. This is awesome stuff!

Im gonna skip the second part of the poke stuff right to the 3 cuz all do/add more switch stance stuff after…

3.ducking lp, standing hp
–3a. qcb+lk
------3aa. standing lk
-----------3ab. ducking mk qcb+mk
----------------3aba. standing hp
----------------3abb. Random super*

The hangetzan part of this does not combo. Makes alotta since how a hp doesnt combo into qcb+lk but a duck mk does eh? riiiiiight. anyway. So if for some reason the opponent tried to sweep or something beacuse they saw a opening you hit them. Of course if they saw the opening and shoryuken or something. well your fucked. The other stuff should be fairly self explainatory from what i said earlier in the thread.

-----------3ac. ducking roundhouse
-----------3ad. standing fierce
------3ab. tiger knee qcf+k
------------3aba. throw
------------3abb. go to 3aa.
------------3abc. Random super*

As you can see im adding alot of moves after the hangetzan here. Its the short one so its less obivous as the common strings like duck lk,lp,mk stuff. So you might be able to get these in if you feel so. The 3ab stuff then go back to the 3aa is just about though the only one i use in this piticular set. I would say about 75% of the time i do a qcb+lk i will go to 3ab then probably lean towards 3aa or the random super part. The tiger knee qcf+k should beat a sweep or low attack that the opponent may try to do (depending on how high you tiger knee how high there low attack is). Then just contiune hit or not. This does alotta gaurd damage. It has a lot of wholes but your doing alot of shit. The most time i get hit from this is acctualy if the sweep is to high for the hishou kyaku to go over.

Sorta on topic sorta. But for style points punishing low attacks with hishou kyaku and the super version is always nice if you do it on reaction. =p

------3ac. standing fierce
------3ad. ducking roundhouse
------3ae. go to 1bcac
------3af. ducking mk
-----------3afa. qcb+mk
-----------3afb. back foward+hk
-----------------3afc. then do one of the options after 1bcb
–3b. down down+hk(hold)
------3ba. hp
------3bb. mp

hmm more stuff to do trying to hope that the opponent doesnt attack you from the qcb+lk. 3ae is the roll series of the string. The 3af part is sorta differnt you could get a few hangetzans in the poke strings or a hangetzan thats basicly going into a comet cruncher. It looks differnt but it has some pretty punishble stuff(depending on how your rangeing things. and comet cruncher is pretty hard to space to make it even remotely safe at times.)

at the end we have the switch stance stuff. Lets forget that for just a sec as all try to put the switch stance stuff all togther for you.

1.duck lp, stand hp, down down+hk(hold)
–1a. lk
–1b. lp
-----1ba. qcb+k
-----1bb. down down+hk(hold)
-----------1bba. hp
-----------1bbb. mp
-----------1bbc. mk
-----------1bbd. lk
–1c. mk
-----1ca. duck hk
-----1cb. duck mk qcb+mk
-----1cc. qcb,hcf+hk (level 3 if on counter hit level 2 will work)
–1d. mp
–1e. hp
–2a. infintie command
------2aa. mk
------------2aaa. ducking roundhouse
------2ab. lp into back foward+hk
------------4aba. then do one of the options after 1bcb(from earlier in the thread.)

OK now lets break them down…

1.duck lp, stand hp, down down+hk(hold)
–1a. lk
–1b. lp
-----1ba. qcb+k
-----1bb. down down+hk(hold)
-----------1bba. hp
-----------1bbb. mp
-----------1bbc. mk
-----------1bbd. lk

ok this is all you need. lol This is the most usefull. let alone lets get rid of 1a the lk. Its just the way it ran. Anyway the lk is well not that good. The lk is good like at max max range. Beacuse it like flows really well. Into random super of course. =p stand roundhouse then lk is what i do when i do this. Nothing much else with this as theres usualy better things to do.

anyway at the lp to qcb+k is fucking deadly. landing a cross up hk, to just duck lp,stand hp, down down+hk(hold) lp qcb+mk or hk does insane amounts of gaurd damge. against P or K you literaly have just broken there gaurd near abouts. And if your raged in K and are vs P groove you have. This is super good poke string. And against a character with a acceptable low block(like they cant duck under the first hit of the hangetzan) there is only one place to even get out of this(the lp from the foot stomp) making it pretty realible to use. Also the the priorty on the lp from the stance is pretty nice beating alot of attacks. If you happen to land this whole string you did a whole lot of damage(im saying like if you hit with the string and didnt cancle the foot stomp into a super and the opponent happens to try and attack the lp and you hit with it into the qcb+k. It does good amount of dizzy and damage.)

Ok were at 1bb now. Another foot stomp. This is acctualy pretty good. You must consider that kims lp out of switch stance is kims really only hp worth of stun move he has(cancle out of wise at least). So the stun is pretty acceptable to let you do these strings. Anyway kims hp from the switch stance is pretty good. It hits more ducking opponents like ryu ducking then the hangetzan does. So unless it is a realy small block you should be pretty safe when using it. Its also a high move so against the shoryuken type moves that arnt invincable you have to do a hard version of the move to beat it clean in most cases. So genraly the opponent probably would to the jab or short version of there counter since well your on the ground.

The mp is the hop kick. It has more range so if the thrust kick would miss the opponent and you feel the top down attack is to slow use this. You can controll weather or not to go backwards or fowards ect. For whatever reason i find this is a good move if the opponent rolls as if the opponent rolls the hop kick is ususaly ok and you can block after there roll or throw them. shrug. Then again if its a fast roll your probably fucked.

The top down attack portion acctauly can be used like the hop kick. From this distance the mk acctuacly beats in alot of cases the other characters sweep attacks or whatever. If you do hit with this you can link a level 3 hou ou kyaku after words. If it hits on counter hit(like you beat a low attack with it) you are fairly free to combo with it after like duck mk to qcb+k whatever. Of course with this poke string youve pushed your self pretty far out for using this move sometimes so you may not be in range for the regualr attack and may have to just use a super. Another thing would be that this attack does hit low so if for some reason the tried the feirce or roundhouse version of there counter you would hit them out of it.(unless they were invincable say like a shoryuken ect.) Say if you were vs rock or terry say and they do rise tackle. Well you will hit them and they should stick to the ground allowing you to combo. Of course like ive said your pretty far away at some points so use your judgement.

The lk portion is better here then it was just all alone by its lonesome. but still in most cases there are better things to do.

–1c. mk
-----1ca. duck hk
-----1cb. duck mk qcb+mk
-----1cc. qcb,hcf+hk (level 3 if on counter hit level 2 will work)
–1d. mp
–1e. hp

If i do the switch stance stuff and i dont choose to use a the lp into an hangetzan or another switch stance these are the moves i would use. The mk is the top down attack and from this distance you probably wont be beating the low attacks but you might beat the counter attack. The hop kick is well a hop kick. I would probably go backwords when i do it. Or well maybe foward. Or well… I dunno i just guess which way to go i guess. lol Anyway like i said earlier this is good beacuse i GUESS it has good recovery or something. As its ok when the opponent rolls it seems. shrug. Anyway ok i lied i dont use the hp from this place though. So if i do it this close i wouldnt go for the hp probably.

Quick overview and notes sinces theres alotta shit happning in a small space. I ususaly just go with the lp to foot stomp to hp/ and the lp to hangetzan in many cases. Not many times do i do the other stuff. Also i hardly ever use the switch stance that doesnt go to a lp out of it. That is to say stuff what i just wrote above me. i usualy start with the duck lp, to stand hp also as its faster then the duck mk. So i get into the strings faster. Remember the second foot stomp if you do it misses, so dont look werid on it. Its acctualy good.

On a important note sorta. Since these all gaurd break pretty fast when you are apply pressure ect. If you happen to gaurd break in the first foot stomp the lp to foot stomp again does combo since the opponent wont be pushed away from the first foot stomp. So you can fairly easily go into the super. (the lp to foot stomp cancle to super that is) So its always nice when you do that. Also i guess remember that you can cancle the foot stomp to the super at any time so doing the lp, stand hp, foot stomp should give you amply time to realize if you were hitting or not to see if you should cancle or not. So its not like a short on reaction super if you see what im saying. Cross up roundhouse, duck lp, stand hp, foot stomp, level 1 hou ou kyaku. does a nice bit of damage for a level 1.

anyway… back on track i guess.

–2a. infintie command
------2aa. mk
------------2aaa. ducking roundhouse
------2ab. lp into back foward+hk
------------4aba. then do one of the options after 1bcb(from earlier in the thread.)

heres was a example of useing the infinte in your poke strings. I NEVER DO THIS. LOL ok well i shouldnt say never. but if i do i would do it in most cases this(only other times i do the infinite with out hitting is sometimes if i foot stomp a long range fireball all do another one to move a bit quicker up again. Or if i time my lp to another foot stomp in the more above strings sometimes i try to do it manualy to make me in the foot stomp still.)

Its basicly a lot of high low high low type shit. Its defintly differnt looking. 0_- Its a bit differnt to time however. But if you time it right it should come out pretty fast. (that is the foot stomp after the top down attack) Note if i do go for this i usualy just end it with the sweep. Its really nice if you pull this all off. Its just that the top down attack is pretty slow. sigh. =/ ways to go for this is to well if the opponent is well turtleing. Or well after a cross up go for this when they block low. Of coruse. Its a tad slow to say. The comet cruncher after this should be timed so after the lp hits you do it. Hmm you can get the full charge in so unlike say you do a charge regular like hit with the move then hit the Foward+k at the same time. Wait for the move to hit then pause then cancle. The lp out of switch stance gives you enough time to cancle this so dont try to do it to fast or you didnt get a long enough charge in.

Anyway i hardly ever use this. But i wont say ive never use it if that makes any sence.

Hmmmm one thing i did forget to add though about the poke string with the duck lp, stand hp, qcb+lk another reason this is more valuble against the littler characters is the first hit of the hangetzan will hit even though there a small character so thats good.

As for poke strings against the bigger characters i wont really write a chart on that. I mean theres some varitions like on the main patter instead of duck lk,lp,lk, stand lk you could get another duck lk in there for 5 hits instead of 4. You could also walk stand jab walk stand jab. Or you could say do walk stand jab walk stand jab duck mp, stand fierce or some shit. or you could poke with stand mk a bit more freely as it will hit them ducking and in case say they were to low jump you hit that before it even started. All in all no really reason to go to much into stuff like this. As the strings i posted earlier will do just fine. and you dont really have to worry about stuff like this as it gives you no real advantage then the others do.

Gunter… Hey can kim OTG with his haki kyaku in A groove? dunno just seems like he stomps and shit so i dunno. shrug seems like it could work some how i guess. Since some other characters have moves that do i dont see any reason why kims foot stomp of all things couldnt.

JS master…
hmmm depends are we talking about mai(=P) or rolento? I guess i could go into character specific shit if you wanted…

This is a really amazing thread. Thank you Final Shodown for all the great work. Sorry about replying in the other kim thread by mistake. It was the one in the sticky thread (Why isnt this one in that sticky thread. This is soooo much better).

I am incredibly impressed by how detailed, and useful the info in here is. Just a shame i have to switch grooves now ( i was N groove Kim/Geese/Sagat) but the C groove stuff is too cool to overlook, and the low jumping is making the tiger kneeing impossible for me. Is tiger kneeing the air special even possible with a low jump groove? or just alot more difficult?

I found a couple clips on #gamecombos “finalshodown-final1” and “finalshodown-final2”, i assumed these are of you ?(has your nick, and the guy plays kim, but i want to be sure)

I would kill for the names of any other vids featuring your kim playing, or for that matter, some of the more insane combos you have mentioned, and so would, i assume, everyone else looking to see some of your advanced strats in action.

Lastly, im having some trouble getting your bread and butter combos to connect, the c.lk, c.lp, c.mp, qcb+mk and the c.lk x3, d,u+HP. I end up getting pushed too far away for the c.mp to connect in the first example, and for the d,u+hp in the second example. Im sure im just misunderstanding something here. Any help connecting them would be much appreciated.

Once again, thanks for the thread

hmm not to sure of match videos that i would be in. I had a combo video awhile ago though. so maybe one of those would be it or something. lol dont worry about vids dude. lol nothing that good of me would be there since the only vid of me i could think of was a year or so ago. and any recent ones i dont like people to tape me playing as i hate the arcade as everything seems to have 360 joy sticks and i cant even block on those peices of shit.

anyway tiger knee is possible with low jump but its just like way harder. Like if i was in N groove i could use it still a possible(and fairly cool looking as well) combo would be say cross up hk, duck lp, stand hp, qcfX2+HK, down up+lp, tiger knee qcf+k X3, then air super.

Of course you would need full meter for that, oh well…
anyway i cant tiger knee everytime with low jump but then again i dont play much Of the low jump grooves cuz its to diff from KoF.

as for bread and butter well you wrote duck mp at the end which well that has less range then duck mk so that would be a problem right there. if your having trouble comboing the qcb+k after the duck+mk it might be beacuse the other character is to small to be hit by the first hit of the attack.

Like i say somewere in the thread though just use the duck lkX3 to down up+hp as its much better. as for your trouble with it, cant help you much on this one its pretty simple so you must be doing something wrong timing wise maybe i dunno. shrug. Just practice i guess cuz its pretty easy.

ok i got a quest in my mind…on a MEM vid he demonstrated
a C groove combo in wich KIM’S opp was hit by a super
qcf,qcf k.then he quickly jumped up to qcfk…basically
how do keep on hit’em him,cuz after the qcf k in the air i
screw up…how do u keep on hitting ure opp…??

you just keep doing the qcf+k with a tiger knee type motion. so its sorta like qcf f/u+k. Or 2369+k. so your sorta rolling the fireball motion to up and press kick.


thanxxx’s i’ll make sure to practice it as soon as i get out
of this prison…aka skool…:lol:

heres something i found sorta ironic kinda shitty. =/ dunno anyways…

im sure if anyone remember around the time i made the first kim thread a year ago(it was acctualy over a year ago but i talked about it about a year ago in the thread) in K groove(in can be in P also but i choose to do the examples with K… though note i think my rock thread is around some were and i talk about it with him in P groove) you can make your moves semi unpunishable. Or give them better recovery. with K kim i was basicly useing the bread and butter combo of duck lk,lp, mk to qcb+k. Now normaly this is punishable but with K groove you can make it less if you JD right after the hangetzan. Since you really dont have that little animation of going to block you just block instantly the attack. This saves you from being hit from attacks after it or fast delayed blocking supers. This makes this piticular pattern much better since I problem with it is that you can be hit after it basicly(granted if you do the mk hangetzan you are safer and only supers should hit you or throws. But for the hk version you are punishable by faster type normals cough cammys duck mk cough.). lol so it was usualy better to just use the down lkX3 to down up+hp.

anyway i also talked of patterns with rock his main pattern of down lk,lp,mk, qcb+lp stuff like that in my rock thread were ever that is about how that is reallly mean in P groove ect.

so yeah i talked about this along time ago i guess. Anyway I guess in the latest arcadia magizine (i was at http://www.planetps2.com/mmcafe/ when i read it. Go to the bulliten board and its somewere in there.) they acctualy talked about this. and i guess they are calling it moomins gaurd or mu-mingu gaurd something to that exstent.

anyway i just thought it was kinda weird. i mean didnt i talk about this a year ago and now its in a magizine just now talking about it? :lol: shrug kinda gay. Oh well… =/

If u wanna see something evil try this gaurd technique with M.Bison with his BnB scissor kicks combo. The best part about this is his kicks put u outside the range of most characters lp n lks which means they have to try a heavier move and u have a better chance retaliating after the JD. If u use K grooves hold charge function u can scissor kicks again a 1/2sec after the JD. Speaking of rock, this combined with his crazy empty jumps makes for a wierd match.