what does any of that have to do with kim strats and tactics?
Bleh gay name i know… i didnt no what to call this next section of the kim stuff. Basicly what im gonna talk about is well how to get the most out of kims charge attacks. One thing to remember(which is basicly why im writeing this. In that im hopeing you didnt know about this, or if you did to give you some tactics to use this piticular no charge type thing.) is that when you activate a super you can charge durning that time and get your anti air right after the screen comes back. This can be exstremly usefull when you miss your attacks. Even if you should hit with your super i would suggest right after you do the super to hold down and be ready to press up and roundhouse if for some reason you miss. OK to practice i will give you a for the most cases fairly usefull combo with kim…
ok say you do cross up roundhouse, duck lp, stand hp, down down hk, qcb,hcf+mk, qcf,hcb+lk(this should miss do it once you are going up. You can do it fairly late but you dont want to do it as late as say if you were trying to hit the level 1 air super from mid screen. A bit earlier then that. You can do it right when you leave the ground if you want practice.) , down up +hk.
OK so its cross up hk, duck lp, stand hp, down down+hk, qcb,hcf+mk, qcf,hcb+lk, down up+hk…
ok got it? cool. Basicly this combo shouldnt be possible. But it is beacuse when you cancle to the air super you can charge the anti air the whole 3 seconds or what have you so when you hit the ground you can pull it right off pretty smoothly.
Now this is just a example mind you, and im not saying this is like some great combo. But this may be usefull in certain situtions. This is kims best stun combo from a level 2 hou ou kyaku. So if you were fucking the guy up and rushs him down and you senced you only needed say another 17 stun to dizzy him you should use this cancle. Other wise if you were going for damage you should cancle into the super so it hits. Or in well 75% you should just hit with the whole hou ou kyaku super then hishou kyaku down and start your mix ups, ect.
OK now lets say the opponent blocked the hou ou kyaku. For fun lets use the down lp, stand hp, down down hk, qcb,hcb+lk or something. Now this is a pretty good bread and butter combo. Theres enough hits so that if you have pretty shitty reaction you can realize that you are hitting the opponent to cancle into super ect. But lets say that well the super was blocked for some reason. Well just remember right when you do the super immeditly hold down then right after the block press up+hk. This should fool your opponent. Since well techniuqly there is no fucking way you should have been able to charge.
Of course you could always just say you were going for random super out of a roll say then down up+hk after that. This is pretty good and should suprise the opponent since well they shouldnt expect it. Of course mix in a throw after a blocked hou ou kyaku as well. The hou ou kyaku is of course punishable when blocked but its not horrible recovery to the point were you should just sit there and get ready to it a huge combo.
Of course this also applies for the air super. Hopefully if you are useing the air super it at least gets blocked if you dont hit. But lets say you over stepped the opponent acctualy and didnt hit them well right when you land do your hein zan. Also If you land a deep enough hou’ou tenbuu kyaku you dont bounce off the person from the super so you could do this to be pretty tricky. Basicly what would happen is lets say you jumped with a deep fierce, cancled to air super(it was deep thus you land right in front of them) then cancle right to hein zan. This may catch them off gaurd.
You can really use these new charge stuff in any case. Say you went for the infinite with kim you were going to set it up with a duck lp, stand hp, qcfX2+mk. Well unfortantly for you they were ducking and well the qcfX2+mk misses ducking opponents have the time cuz its gay like that. Well the opponent is also fairly suprised so they just fucking hit any button in hopes of hitting you well. You were already charged so you hit them with the hein zan.
Anyway so thats the no charge crap. Its pretty simple. You have to think about it when you first start cuz its like oh shit charge like right after the super and stuff shrug. Just like have fast reaction and know what you are doing i guess…
OK im coming back with more wait one sec…
OK getting the most out of your charge with his special moves…
The hishou kyaku (in air qcf+k)…
This ive talked about before. Always be chargeing after the hishou kyaku and ready to hein zan out of it. Alot of opponent like to try and hit you or throw you. I mean why blame them. The move isnt exactly safe. Thankfully you can get a full charge in pretty easily so you will hit them in many cases.
OK this one is pretty important. The timeing is a lot more tight. But its worth it. Basicly chargeing during this move will save you from all the random supers you may have done. And you should beat what ever the opponent throws out in most cases that the super would have beat. Also if you miss well you just missed and its not like a super. So say you were a bit farther away after the hangetzan so you went for the kuu sajin out of it, well say its a bad day and even that fucking move missed well charge after that shit and hein zan out of that. Just continuesly be chargeing all the time. (well i guess its obvious though really shrug.) Anyway lets give some examples…
duck lk,lp,mk, qcb+mk.
One of the basic bread and butters, hit or not you should be able to hein zan out of it. If you feel the opponent will attack. The mk hangetzan timeing is tighter to get the hein zan right after it obviously. The motion for this bread and butter would almost be something like duck lk,lp, mk, qcb down+mk. The game allows for lee way as always so you should be able to already be chargeing for the hien zan before the hangetzan even comes out. For the hk version of the hangetzan you shouldnt have to be complicated like that and should just have enough time to charge if you time it right.
In genral i do a kuu sajin after the hangetzan if it hit both times. Thus i would be pushed farther obviously. If i hit with one hit of the hangetzan(smaller character) i would do the hein zan. Remember dont do the kuu sajin if you are close. All the priorty is in his foot durning the move not his leg. So being close is just asking to be beat or traded with.
Hmmmmm anyway basicly what i was trying to say here in all this is to use your charge time with no charges or chargeing during special moves to your advantage so it saves you from useing super if you didnt want to ect.
PS. One thing to add to the no charge in the last section. With the air super if you say go for the air super to beat poke attacks by tiger kneeing it. qcf,hcbu+k its good to charge at a time like this cuz if you miss well you will probably be a fair distance away since it was used to beat the incoming poke attack, anyway at this distance right when you land kuu sajin for a suprise attack to the opponent…
OK thats all for now i suppose…
You know I like it when your body goes bump bump bump.
Woah! :eek: :eek: :eek:
sweet thread Final Showdown, dam!
I was about to PM you with some questions, but this thread awnsered all of them, and then some.
So a huge tanks goes out to FINAL SHOWDOWN for all the time and effort on this thread! (the most complete thread for cvs2 on srk?)
I was just playing with some peeps the other day, and actually managed to stomp a Ryo lvl 1 super fireball (pure random luck, but looked dam freaky)
does anyone know or have a list of the fireballs kim can stomp? I already know all ground fireballs and rugal’l k-wave, but don’t know if he can stomp any other…
edit: so far, I found that all ground fireballs (duh) can be stopped, and also blanka ball, honda’s head butt, psycho crusher(not super… i think. But kinda risky), kaiser wave, kyo’s lvl1-3 fireball… it’s all I can remember, but will post more when I try out other moves… :lame: (I have no life! lol)
Hmm yea all ground fireballs can be stomped out… Sagats low tiger as well. Air fireballs can also be stomped as long as they are hitting your knee or lower. I thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink chun lis fireball can also be stomped but its so long i dont remember. There might be another but theres not to much you can.
Im really suprised you stomped ryos super fireball. damn wtf. lol I dunno sounds weird. I’d have to see it i guess. Sorry dun remember every fireball been awhile since i played cvs.
as for priorty yea it should beat quite a few attacks. It can also stomp cammy cannon drill. And it wil beat most footise type attacks (like low kicks and what not). Basicly just think off attacks that are knee hieght or lower and it will probably beat them. I know it beats quite a few of sims attacks so you can charge super from 3/4 of screen while hitting his incoming limbs. (of course not all of his limbs but quite a few of them.)
Can’t you cross-up big characters with the air super? I’m not sure but I could’ve sworn the computer did it to my friend, I haven’t been able to check this out though.
yea you can cross up with it. you should be able to do it on regular characters as well. Basicly what genraly happens is the opponent will be faceing the other way in the super, so thats how you can tell if you did it or not.
What groove do you use Kim in. I’ve seen Asian Hitler use Kim in C-groove, he’s real good. Other than that me and my friend use N-groove Kim.
Final showdown uses C groove kim $$ its awesome… kim infinite is cool shit…
you got the infinite down? that stuff is just too twitchy
RCing the foot stomp is pretty hard, but so much fun, go through a high fireball with the stomp, and then fierce punch (from changed stance) right in the face
Is there a trick or shortcut to comboing s.shortxxqcbhcf+K(super) or do you just perform the motion really fast?
it’s not to hard to do. just time it like u would iori’s c.lkxxxmaiden masher. oh and make sure u aren’t doing kim’s close s.lk.