CvS2: Help with Athena

I already mentioned that, but yes its a good tactic.

Ayo Jae…try this when you get some time:

knock your opponent down…now perform this if you are right next to them jump [but not to high…but yet not a small jump] do her mk phoenix ball as cross over.

ok…whats the trip. i found this bitch has no lapse if she crosses you up on the shyt [RH is not allowed]. ive had [90% of people] try to counter cause they think free hit…either i counter [phoenix uppercut] or just block an laugh my ass off. shyts almost like triangle jumpin but crossin they asses up. try it an tell me your outcome jae…been tryin some okie doke shyt as of lately…best used against a human opponent.

wow…I’ve never tried that before…it sounds like a good tactic…I’ll have to try it out sometime

the only thing I know to do with Athena is just spam a bunch of LP psycho balls…teleport when cornered…and abuse her fierce punch

Koop: Sorry its been acouple days but I just dusted off an old PS2 so ill try it sometime today although I know what your talking about. I have mentioned MK Phoenix Arrow as a crossup for years.

Jackenstein: A good Athena is more then spamming her df, what are you going to do against K or P where there expecting and waiting for that.

Shit works on most characters Koop. The reason seems is that most of the time from what I can gather Athena hits most charactes on the back half of the head but not the back of the head. It seems by the time Athena recovers, the opponent due to where they intially get hit, are still in a blocking animation. Again this maynot be fact but thats what I gather so far.

Acouple potential problems may occur, one it still may lead to a potential SPD for characters like Gief, SPD is one of the quickest moves in the game.

Short characters maybe a problem as well, due to the fact that there well short. There blocking animations would start before Athena even got close to hitting them.

It looks like its something that could be abusable. If this continues to work consistently it could be huge on acouple levels.

First her short teleport becomes even more of a weapon. For those of you who dont know short teleport can be worked in effectively into Athena’s arsinol if you know the ranges on it. Short teleport, command throw is a tactic often used in Athena Gameplay. Now if you can get the ranges right it is possible to mix it up and possibly confuse the opponent by short teleporting then jumping up and doing the meduim phoenix arrow. Obviously it cant be abused as they will catch on but if you mix in it it can possibly add another dimension to her game.

Another thing this can do is put more use into a knockdown. IE standing strong, into foward meduim kick, which generally puts them about a quarter of a screen away from you. Strong or Jab fireball, so you get them stuck on a block animation on wakeup. Run behind the fireball and jump up phoenix arrow while there blocking the fireball. Obviously timing is cruical in this but alot of Athena’s shit is about timing.

Another important factor especially for K Groove is the SCB potential with this. If this works consistently you can get in a free chip damage SCB alot more often. Dont underestimate the value of this either. Your talking free damage especially for K for them just blocking. Chip damage is a good part of Athena’s gameplan if you know what you are doing. Especially remember you can cancel out of a SCB after you do some chip damage into a throw or a command throw, phoenix arrow, standing strong combo etc etc.

Obviously this needs alittle more gameplay to find out for sure but it looks to work.

man…sounds awesome…but so complex…I’ll just have to practice it A LOT until it’s like programmed in my head

who are Athena’s worst matchups?
who is Athena best against?

Worst matchups - Yama, Blanka, Vega

Best - Cammy, Bison

my Athena seems to do really well against Balrog and decent against Guile. She seems ok against projectile heavy characters

what’s her best anti air? I’ve been using standing MP…and it works ok…but it’s not GREAT

Strong uppercut or downfierce depending on the character you play.

And Athena kills rog, df under Rog’s Standing fierce and just watch for lvl 3.

yea…her size really helps her a lot…big characters can’t hit her

NE1 ever accidentally do that glitch Buk reported where her SCB shuts down the opponent’s specials/supers?

shuts down as in…beats it out? Or…what?

Sometimes for no explainable reason it will beat it out, kinda like dping a Super Blanka Ball but this doesnt make sense.

Well this thread has been dead for awhile so I think its time to really start getting down into character specific matchups.

Right now im just going to list imo the top characters she really has problems with, at least for me.


Athena has some weird links. I somehow got close strong to combo into far fierce, and then today I got cr mk to combo into cr fierce. I don’t recall seeing a counter hit.

some tips from ya boy…maybe can help…holla back:

vega - noted from a tournament vid against justin wongs vega…

vega st.lp eats you away…literally…i found that baiting cr fp works wonders. also two in ones are a must (cr lk - cr fp). super jumps timed at apex with lk or mk beat out his crazy jumping rh unless its wall timed. what made him respect my athena was the bait cr fp…hop back…bait jump in…teleport across screen. literally a hit an run or as he said a storm wanna be. i lost the match due to that damn cammy but took that vega out…booty bounce is good only on 2player corner cause when you do the mk phoenix arrow she hits then some odd reason moves away (test to make sure i wasnt fully drunk)…easy bait.

yamazaki - tested againt a good friend who has a very mean yamazaki…damn near kof style…

bootybounce must be timed…cr fp must be time…fw mk must be timed. i stress this hoon cause his angles on every move is bitchy…seriously. distance is another tatic…psychoballs :rofl:…sorry that just sound funny…with different speeds…but you say…[deepvoice] wha bout dat damn reflector? [/deepvoice]…well i like the pull out my own reflector as a safety net an as a ass catcher just in case of a super jump in…careful if he has lv 3 style meter…an other will just be knocked the fuck back…another goody i like to use is her timed jumpin qcb x2 (any punch) is what i call nutz on ya chin…good suprise tatic…

Blanka - here in md i fight some of the best blankas (bchun /sparatic /rugal b/nassir /skisonic)

so i like the bait jumpin…standing mk takes his ass right out of the air…rc electricty is tossed if done as a wake up…yes you can throw them due to it actually being a roll combined move…sagat/athena/bison/vega have this funny style toss your ass outta that shyt move. worry about that cr fp he has…i think cr lp will eliminate it…but i want to get a moment to try it to confirm it…miss blanka ball is crushed by hoppin or runnin cr fp…ummm dammit mind cant think right now…need to have vids uploaded…

Hibiki - yeah i would like help…cause i need guile against that girl…

rock - jeez i havent fought a GOOD rock…so i just rape them…i would have to fight a GOOD rock in order to give a strat…

I myself need help against

rc Bison
turtle power cammy
rc todo
rc eagle (its really half an half…but i like more of advantage)

beat down city on

rc changs
rc ryo’s
rc kyos
rc hondas
rc shotos

(yes damn near everyone in md/va rc’s…its a disease here)

Well Cammy I can tell you easily.

Just remember the main thing against Cammy is cr fp beats anything Cammy has for free. Im serious go try it out, it beats out Cammy’s standing rh standing fierce cr foward, it beats out her spiral arrow except at max length then it trades at worst. Cammy cant low jump at you because you can df that shit. DF is your friend.

maybe i don’t know athena all too well or something, but what is “DF”? i’m trying to think of what it abbreviates, and i have no idea.

by the way, i’m really starting to like athena a lot. :tup:

Down fierce, its your best friend.

earlier, someone said that the Crystal super’s Bit attack afterwards had three levels:

LP> straight forward
MP> straight then curves UP towards the screen
*FP> “straight then up, then down, like a WAVE” ***

hahahahah, um, the QCB FP crystal shoot doesn’t go in a WAVE like fashion, at least, i’ve never seen it neither on CvS2 nor in the KOF

FP> the shoot actually curves straight up in a delayed arc from MP’s version.


Also, someone mentioned the combo ( jump in, s.MP -->MK(chainkick) into crystal super)

This combo does not work/connect. But, if you were able to shoot the crystal bit in time before your foe falls down, which is super hard and nearly impossible, then i guess the combo works, but it requires incredibly fast thumbs/fingers. But I don’t think that’s the combo that person had in mind, i’m pretty sure he thought the crystal orbit comboed after the CHAINkick.

Some cool tricks:

-Crystal Orbit super will beat out ANYthing that doesn’t have invincibility like the dragonpunches, tiger kick, LV3 supers. Lv1 Crystal Orbit super works super great as a wake up if you can sense that your opponent will attempt a LP/LK combo attack upon your recovered fall, since it will be out any standing/crouching normal, special move (minues invincible ones), and all Lv1 and most Lv2 supers.

-Another cheap, but effective strategy is ROLLING->Crystal Super (either Lv1, Lv2, or Lv3). much like Sagat’s rolling->uppercut

-of course, her “push” (down fierce) is also super effective as an anti-air, suprise reprisal, and for fireballs as she “pushes” under it hitting your foe if you’re close enough.

-another cool strat is LK-Teleport->Lv3 Crystal Super

-Last cool thing i can remember for now is the INSANE CHIP DAMAGE the Crystal Orbit does during your foes guarding in the corner, especially if you shoot the Bit afterward and continue with crouching LK, LK, LK, HP (the push). It chips both HEALTH and GUARD gauge. Execute the super deep in the corner after a throw as they get up, or after a roll towards the corner, or a jump in!

The TIMING for the maximum chip damage on the Crystal Orbit super are as follows:

(The crystal orbit super starts with the orbs above her head, swooping down below her feet, then back up to her head, then down, and up again, BUT it ALWAYS finishes with the orbits swooping DOWN then fades as they return UP to her belt/necklace) So, each count of rotations given, start with the instant orb beginning above her head swooping down to the feet as 1, then up and back down as 2, then swooping up again, coming back down to her feet as 3, and so forth (ex. I count as like this "balls drop: 1, up-down: 2, up-down: 3, etc. So, essentially, my eyes fixate to the image of the orbs at her feet as I count, 1-2-3-etc) Sorry, i’m trying to make it clear, as people in my area that I try to explain this to get confused and don’t really know how to count the orbs revolutions… With that said:

-Lv1 Super: 3 counts, then QCB+P, crouching: LK, LK, LK, HP
-Lv2 Super: 4 counts, then QCB+P, crouching: LK, LK, LK, HP
-Lv3 Super: 5 counts, then QCB+P, crouching: LK, LK, LK, HP

QCB+P your BIT SHOT after the orb chips as it hits LOW after the final COUNT. You can follow up after these corner guard traps with a short jump forward and HK then crouching FP for ADDED GUARD CRUSHing chip.

This strategy is good for stubborn opponents who won’t fall into your super. Just trap in the corner and CHIP CHIP CHIP. Lv3 does MAXIMUM chippage. Try it in TRAINING MODE, with ALL GUARD set up.

BIG characters like Zangief, Sagat, Chang, Raiden, and whoever else, will get chipped from both the LOW ORB and HIGH ORB, so it’ll chip as much damage as a REGULAR LV3 SUPER would deal if it were to HIT.


OH yeah, adding to the corner guard trap with her Crystal Orb super,

When i said short jump, that’s assuming you chose either S, N, or K groove.

Also, If you chose K groove, and you’re gauge is almost out after activated, try your best to force your opponent into the corner for some massive CHIP damage if you can’t hit them otherwise.

her Phoenix Arrow Fang super is unreliable. I never use it unless I play a beginner or intermediate player.

OH YEAH, she has a cross up move. It’s the MK. Jump over to a cross up with a MK and follow with her B&B with crouching LK, LK, LK, HP (the push).