I have found out a couple of things though, jumping short does actually work as a cross up if timed correctly but isnt really necessary in here game.
Strong uppercut can be used as AA if timed correctly.
The butt bounce is awesome if your going to use a jumping attack with Athena use this. Its got good priority and is generally safe even if blocked and is comboable. Yes the regular jumping foward is comboable to but it does have that much priority from what ive seen.
Only as a battery. And even then, I’d say her only purpose was to frustate the hell out of the opponent with stuff like parry xx crouching fierce. :lol:
P Groove Athena is alright, her dash is actually pretty good but parry doesnt really benefit her enough to do anything with to basically sum it up.
I found out something new today, Athenas F+MK combos of her standing strong. It maynot seem like it matters but it does, first her standing strong is any excellent poke which every Athena player should use and the f+MK knocksdown giving you either a chance to get them off you or to set up your offense depending on the situation.
Yeah. You can actually custom off of it in the corner too. I also like to use it to set up the CBS chip. Question though … does her air phoenix arrow super takes out more chip on big characters like Sagat then CBS? I know they can uppercut on reaction, but still. It seems to take away a good chunk on him.
Well since ilikebeingalive’s question is of more importance please dont answer my question right away…Is N Athena any good? I want to pick up a new character and thats the groove im using right now…
Sad but true, her normals from ground to ground aren’t that great at a distance. RC command grab is her only good RC to me. I hear RC teleport can be good depending on the situation, but I haven’t had too much success with it myself.
Athena has a weird style. Her anti air game is perfect, and her zoning is awkward at times. Against Eagle you want to get in, don’t let him outzone you. An ocassional roll against him is good if you can predict his long recovery attacks.
Crouching fierce the rest.
Note - Athena is good in A, same goes for pretty much any other groove. She doesn’t really suck in a given groove.
N is IMO Athena’s best groove next to S. You can pretty much do whatever you want with Athena in N Groove. You can turtle, rush, zone a bit or hit and run its all up to you. Her run is more useful for me then her dash and her SJ is good. She can win without RCing she has a good roll and of course df. Like it or not df is that good, you can df they can roll and you can recover to df again before they can throw you. Also she has nice mixups with her supers if you apply them right.
I know thats general but im way to lazy to list specifics and it usually depends on the player with her. Athena is one character where you kind of have to find your own strategies and see what works for you.
Rock/Ryu/Eagle… what exactly do they have that you’re having trouble against with Athena?
Rolento… I assume you’re playing athena in a run groove? Dash in, poke with df. Jab fireballs from across the screen should be ok against an A rolento right?
Bison… if you have K groove that’d be very helpful against him. JD in air to air and then air through. His poke string combos usually end with scissor kicks. You could throw that too if you JD it Throw him left and right. df him when given the chance.
One way to look at Athena is her ability to guard crush and chip to death.
An example
They’re almost dead, jab psycho ball and that super phoenix arrow thing. It depends on the level, but it’ll kill them if they don’t have a descent alpha counter. Oh, and that’s IF they block the fireball.
If they have a flashing guard bar, same thing.
I think this thread needs a post so im just going to update recap some shit.
Best Grooves
N, S, K, A, C, P
Anti Air - Strong Uppercut, df, standing strong, back + foward
Dont underestimate her command throw, not only is it quick you can combo an uppercut or the SCB off of it. In C Groove you can do the 2 into 1 scb combo.
Trapping someone in the corner in N Groove can be death for them if you have your stocks up. Chip damage off her SCB is outrageaous.
P Groove is still imo the hardest groove for her to beat, as they are looking for the df, the buttbounce, jumping rh.
Phoenix arrow can cross up if timed correctly but its hardly ever worth the risk.
Just some generalized shit as im to lazy to post more in depth right now.
Use standing strong up close, its a quick attack which you can combo standing foward off and its very good.