Just some combos that haven’t been listed yet. Pretty basic but useful to know.
cross up forward, st strong, st fierce.
Same damage if you substituted st fierce with cr fierce. I stumbled upon this by accident.
cross up forward, CBS
Opponent had been knocked down, I did a small jump with cross up forward and for kicks I threw in the super, and it combo’d. I like this one. If you are in the corner, you can do this and get the chip damage since it forces them back into the corner. Might not get all the chip damage that CBS can dish out since it slightly pushes you back.
I’m sure you knew what I meant, but just for clarification …
cross up forward, crystal bit super.
I have some vids that I will upload in a week or two … my Athena is not great, strictly novice.
The butt bounce is good for people who attempt to punish it if blocked. She can crystal bit super and it’ll hit if they try to punish you. Except for Sagat, I think it was discussed that he can dp you right after.
Never use jumping foward unless you do the butt bounce. Yeah it has some combo abilities but it has no priority whatsoever, you can jab her jumping foward. Its retarded really.
Yes the butt bounce is effective, probably her most effective jumping move she has, definetly should be used by anyone who plays Athena.
As far as vids you would have to get the EVO dvd from last year that had Peachy on it. If you have seen that thats the type of shit we can do (We being Team Athena) with that annoying little bitch.
I’m sure you can find some uses for j.MK outside of butt bounce. I like to do cross up jumping forward, crystal bit super for two ticks of block damage for example.
Yeah no, like I said ive been jabbed out of the regular jumping foward, its practically worthless. If im going to jump in like that ill use jumping roundhouse, its better anyway.
The only way I use j forward is its on the same level as marvel said, and also (more commonly) on small jump cross up. This is where a majority of my combos come off from.
I’ve never been jabbed out of it, but I don’t go for it often out of a regular jump. I’d have to question correct positioning if you get jabbed out … does the opponent dash back and jab you or what? Walk underneath?
It doesnt matter even on a small jump I still get hit for doing it while the butt bounce and juming roundhouse connect. And if your talking about air to air, jumping fierce is better than anything else she has.
Yes j.RH is good when jumping in… I almost NEVER use j.MK when I can use j.RH. We’re not saying to use j.MK as a front-on jump in all the time.
What is the opponent walks underneath you? What if you are actually going for a crossup? Will j.RH work then?
What if air-to-air j.fierce won’t reach? It happens… J.Fierce won’t cover every angle air-to-air i don’t think. (not that j.forward will either)
I’m not saying to give up all your jump attacks for j.forward… but it does have some uses.
Hrm… maybe you could use it as a far out jump-inwhen you jump from really far away? a la Sakura j.short?
Trust me ive been playing Athena almost since the game came out I know what she can and cant do. The foward crossup is a maybe as it is. Your not guaranteed to even get it in the first place, it makes much more sense to do the short jump roundhouse into shinning crystal if your going for chip damage. I used to use jumping foward for crossups but its not reliable enough to use on a consistant basis. Her phoenix arrow crosses up to if you know how to do it but it doesnt make it usefull to use constantly.
BTW jumping fierce hits everything jumping foward does, if you dont get the air throw you smack them down.
Edit: Basically it doesnt and hasnt worked for me, if it works for you thats cool, just isnt helpful for me.
Can someone please list the normals that Athena has, that are super cancellable? After combo’ing her jab into her crystal bit super, I’m a bit curious as to what else she can combo it off of. It was a complete accident, I was going for the super itself and I guess I hit punch midway through the second motion so I jabbed, I hit it again while completing the motion and it combo’d.
standing strong, standing fierce, ducking foward, those are the only ones I know of off the top of my head. Athena isnt really a combo character per say.
Well, maybe you can explain to me why j.MK sucks even further?
I’m only a just started using Athena recently… so there’s probably lot’s of little things I don’t know about. I don’t have short jump. A-Groove and ONLY A-Groove.
You say it’s not really usefull for crossups. It’s the only crossup attack she has though right? Is it that they can easily nail her out of it if they’re free to move? Or that they can avoid it by ducking or something? I have to admit… it is hard to land on some characters. But sometimes it seems like it IS garaunteed. Do you go for crossups at all? I’ll have to rxperiment more with the crossup dive ball thingy… Can you combo after it?
Maybe you can shed some light on the butt-bounce for me too. What attacks does it beat that her other jump-ins don’t? Specify if you can… it’s just that whenever I go for it it’s blocked. I feel helpless just bouncing away afterwards. Afraid I’ll eat a projectile super or something. I know you can do hcb+K but everybody blocks the damn thing.
I find j.jab is good too… anything wrong with that?
This thread is hilariously entertaining. Ok, I’m playing A-Athena from now on, but will only use my meter to j.HK, super and get my 100 points of tick damage. It’s free!
I know your not reffering to me, for one I dont use A Groove, I dont use jumping roundhouse that much, I usually use the butt bounce if I jump. And I have other ways of getting chip damage than that, althougth thats not a big part of my game with Athena.
ok i play a, c, k, and very rarely p athena. i haven’t tried her in s tho, but it sounds fun (and CHEESY). running’s great, but i luv her dash as well. when playing between running or dashing grooves, u have to alter your gameplay slightly.
ok about the j.foward. i always cross up whenever i get the chance with that move, i luv it. i don’t throw it out EVER, unless i cross up. and i DON’T cross up unless they are down, and in the process of getting up. yeah it doesn’t cross up as well as the shoto’s forwards, or blanka, but it crosses up well enough for me to almost never miss it.
i guess i play her mostly in a and c, i believe a more. about rc headbutts. whatever you say that she can’t do against that, applies to all other characters, not just her. playing an rc’ing honda whore is truly a challenge against your sanity. would i ever be up for it? goodness, i seriously don’t know…
i luv her air throw, it’s awesome, along with the other people who can air throw. i use it especially often when i play p and k groovers. the butt bounce is pretty good, and i use it, but then again i try not to jump that much with her, she has such a long ark.