CvS2 bay areaaaaaa

Hey guys just wanted to remind you about the SF:AE and CvS2 Tournament next Friday.
I will be putting $10 dollars into each pot plus the tournament’s pot fee. So Hope to see you guys there. If you want a space to play this Friday I will have Fight night going on on it’s new Friday time from 6:00-11:30pm. With a $5 fee and if people are up for it I would be doing a $1-$2 Tournament. Let me know.

Also I’m going to be looking for CvS2 disks. would anyone be willing to let me borrow. I would need about 4 CvS 2 disk. Those who let me borrow it would get $3 off the venue fee.

I may be coming for marvel(maybe ae too if I practice) if I can get over this bronchitis in time. If anyone is going let me know.

FRIDAY, arrgh. I’m going to the Warriors game that night, totally thought this would be on Saturday. Have fun guys.

Well hope other CvS2 guys come out this Friday.

yo … fing eat some chicken soup and come out … I think LionX will be there too.

nah dude too sick. not trying to spread this shit.

Dude its funny… but I am pretty damn sick myself. Ima stay home too. I am with Shinobi on this one…it would suck to spread this.

Guys, we’re playing tomorrow at San Mateo GameCenter. People should start showing up around 4-4:30. Hope we can get a decent number of peeps at the cvs2 cab.

Cvs2 in Santa Cruz. The boardwalk has a cab sticks are wonky but all the buttons work, Jr and I been drinking tall cans and yelling like old times , friday nights.

gonna have cvs2 at san mateo gamecenter this saturday


4pm - 1 am

can get streamed at 6-8pm

Thanks for the info! Will spread the news.

What kind of event is this exactly? Will you be running a tournament, and if so, what time? I’d be happy to help run the tournament if necessary.

<blockquote class=“Quote” rel=“Mr. Warzard”>Thanks for the info! Will spread the news.

What kind of event is this exactly? Will you be running a tournament, and if so, what time? I’d be happy to help run the tournament if necessary.</blockquote>

it’s dogfight, a monthly tournament we run every 3rd saturday

it’ll most likely be a tournament around 6:30pm~8pm after guilty gear
double elim standard most likely.

we have setups, but if you bring any that would help as well

mostly ps2, i know the owner has the ps3 version of cvs2 on a cab, but i haven’t played it and dunno if it lags or anything do you know?

Supposedly the PS3 version runs slow, I’m not sure myself.

<blockquote class=“Quote” rel=“Lord_Raptor”>Supposedly the PS3 version runs slow, I’m not sure myself.</blockquote>

oh well its fine we can just use ps2 anyways

I know they have an actual arcade board for cvs2 (Naomi GDRom) at GameCenter, would the tournament be run on that?

If not, I can see about bringing a ps2, but I think it would be best if we could play on the actual cab. Thanks for telling me the time, I can better spread the word to people on the fence. There’s an anime convo this weekend, and they’re having a cvs2 tournament as well, so we may loose a few people to that. Still, I think there’s a lot of interest in coming out to this if it’s going to be a regular thing.

I don’t have PS2 sticks but I can bring another PS2 setup and CVS2

im pretty sure we will be running it on ps2 mainly because we have so many and it its also easier to stream.

and yeah, its already a regular thing, so having more people would be awesome.

I probably got four people I can bring with me for just CVS2 alone, lets try to get this popping as much as we can.

I’ll be there.

I’m rallying the troops as well, we’ve got at least 4 regulars from the STA ranbats coming. Maybe more. HYPE!