Cuphead - Run&Gun Game

That would still make him a video games journalist. From what I looked into he’s been in the industry for 18 years. Sounds like it should have stayed in his lane.

If you’re in the industry but all you do is bookkeeping and negociating deals you still won’t be expert in video games. He could’ve literally been in any other business with the same results. It’s like saying that a sociologist that does research on farmers should be good at plowing fields.
His reading and deductive skills are really the most worrying part. The game literally tells on screen which buttons to press and shows the direction to follow with arrows, yet he spends several minutes trying to jump over a high column like a retard. Any kid would’ve figured that out sooner…

That’s what I said. informed.
An informed negative review is fine, it’s an informed statement.

But when the person doesn’t have enough knowledge of the genre, enough experience with the genre (even just games in general), or even the ability to competently play the genre, their opinion is not informed.
Negative or positive is irrelevant.

edit: ‘stay in your lane’ is exactly it.
anyone can make passing remarks as they skim off the surface of a game because they don’t know wtf they’re doing and have no context for what’s happening.
what’s valuable is analysis by people who have the background to understand in context what they’re playing.
then they also need to be able to communicate that to people without such a background. this is where being an actual writer comes in.

you see when i explain it, being a ‘games journalist’ actually sounds like a respectable pursuit.

Yeah I wasn’t trying to disagree, I was mostly just replying to your last paragraph about what “fair” is

saw his Knack 2 gameplay and he spent time trying to jump into the top of the building where some robots were shooting at him from the third floor.

anyways this reminds me what I like about MMORPGs where you can’t enter certain areas cause you’re not high level enough. yeah its some form of " gaming gatekeeping " but for the good of it and it’s players lol

My response to the Dean fail video:

yes I have sub par equipment and limited time but I did say I was going to make a video from the video game thread.

According to Jesse in the Co-Optional podcast, Dean reviewed Mass Effect 1 for a San Jose newspaper and gave it a negative review because he forgot to assign talent points to his character. It starts at 2:16:26

lets all be 100% here it’s not about dean not being good at this cuphead game and him blaming the skill

its really about a journalist writer who CAN’T READ!

RIP Dean Takahasuckshi

It actually is about how bad he is. The video gets worse after the tutorial. He doesn’t have a basic understanding of the type of game he’s playing. He’s playing side scrolling shooter and is trying to jump on enemies to kill them as if it was a Mario game. He keeps chasing respawning enemies when there’s no exp or item drops to be earned. He keeps doing the same mistakes and is not learning from them.

I only see that lack of situational awareness + bad hand-eye motor skills(or whatever you want to call it) from a very young person or a old person. There’s nothing wrong with struggling, it’s just how he did it for someone that’s supposed to have a base understanding of how a video game controls.

tbh not rly hyped for this game at all, i only trust affinity when it comes to videogame recommendations

Cool writeup on the OST. Just copped the game on Xbox today, can’t wait. Shame it has no online.

4 days left :bee:

full ost

First Reviews are out.

Polygon: 8,5

Gamespot: 8

Destructiod: 9,5

3 hours left, can’t wait…

Game is fun and a decent sized challenge even early

This will be the first Xbox One game I’ve bought since Mortal Kombat X lol. But I’m going to wait a bit because I just got Golf Story on Switch and I want to play through that first. It’s a great game in itself. After that I’ll snag Cuphead. Maybe it’ll go on sale over that period of time too.

Damn it’s fun. Frustrating, but fun. It really captures the spirit of arcade shooters.
For now it seems really balanced and well designed - if you mess up it’s only your fault.

Is there a higher difficulty when you beat the game? Cuz I’ve kinda been running thru these bosses, lol. I’m sure it gets harder in the later worlds and I’ll be shutting the fuck up. Loving the FUCK out this game tho, gonna go back and beat them with different weapons and get better grades.