CT Thread | June 12 @ Gaming ETC

Speaking of DHC glitches, check out this combo I done made!



What is the Mags combo you do and how much dmg and meter build does it get you?

Right now I do S-mh-airdash-mh-fly-mh-mh-mh-S and it gets me 420. It sucks but it gets decent meter. I want to learn a better bnb. If I just do H’s in the fly combo does it get me both more meter build and dmg or just more dmg? I want a strong combination of the two obviously.

Also, how did you send me an invite to a game and get us to be able to do rematch or character select w out going back to the lobby? lol.

Dude, I hit that combo online all the time. Only when I play real people without lag do I mess it up.


kryonik with the big boy combos… i jealous :slight_smile:

FAO Cry-o-nick: http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ44hfGZpXLnZbmkYrC6MuF3NELrTR4lXDL7h77W7vGJNQ9pZ8l

Just booted up MK9, started with story mode. Unskippable movies? Really? Is this 1995?

you mean you dont like Liu Kang’s super american voice?

So far, not liking anything in this game.

EDIT: This is the most bush league game ever. Set the AI in training mode to block always, it doesn’t block low. Nightwolf has a move called “toe stomp” and it says that its a high move but you can block it crouching. Completely unskippable/unpauseable movies, can’t even quit to the main menu. You have to rescroll (slowly I might add) through the moveslist everytime you open it up. Terrible online netcode. Lots of little complaints already starting to add up, and that’s not even getting into the unintuitive, janky combat.

Kryonik- hit trigger and you can skip through moves faster. Once you learn them you won’t have to look just like any other game?

Movies: last I checked competitive players don’t care about 1p mode.

Terrible online: mvc3 is good online let alone any game is good online?

Sounds like you walked into playing mk9 just being pessimistic. That’s fine if you don’t like it…then don’t play it. I think its interesting and pretty fun. Something I like to have sometimes. Fun.

Even though MvC3’s netcode is pretty ass I have to say that it is better than MK’s.

**That’s fine if you don’t like it…then don’t play it. **

**That’s fine if you don’t like it…then don’t play it. **


Hey CT guys. How is everyone?

Negative brodog! I went into this looking for a fun game to mess around with and not take too seriously and I did not get that at all. I mean, I still won’t take it seriously, but that’s not the issue.

The combat is not smooth at all, and the user interface and presentation is lackluster. The tower is interesting but it’s slightly ridiculous that I can’t choose my characters. “Beat soandso with Jax in under 30 seconds while doing 50% less damage.” Uhhh, I don’t know how to use Jax lol.

Also, I don’t know if you missed the memo but one of the biggest selling points that the developers were pushing was the huge amount of single player content available. I agree that there is a lot but it’s just not fun. And I never said MvC3 online was good, and there somehow seems to be more lag in MK9. I’ve even heard of MK9 crashing people’s system when they played online.

Also lol @ Kung Lao’s spin. Completely safe launcher that hits head to toe and is anti air and leads to huge damage. Clearly balance was a concern.

If you think thats stupid just mess around with Raidens teleport.

edit: MK9 has crashed my xbox I’m glad you posted that - its onlya year old and I thought it was already time for a new one.

Woah, wtf…usin my shit man.

Yeah, Kung Lao is pretty stupid.

Has anyone fooled around w sheeva or cyrax? They both seem amazingly good. I’m still waiting around with this game to see if i want to get good at it but I still have yet to do online for it. I’m having fun with the tower and the krypt trying to unlock all the fatalities and costumes.

In a sense, this game is a giant tribute to mk i and ii with the characters we loved throughout the series placed into it. (sektor, cyrax, sindel, quan chi, ermac, smoke, stryker, noob)

I played MK9 at work the other day. It was super silly and we were just messing around, whoever won got to look up their fatality but otherwise no looking at the move list, etc. Fun game, worth no more than 30 bucks to me.

Also I’m super curious how competitive play will work. I’m just going to assume they will only use the 360 version, since 360 players won’t know how to fight against Kratos so that gives PS3 players an unfair advantage sort of kind of not really.

Or they can play on ps3 and just ban Kratos. No console loyally please. Let’s just play the game on which ever console has the better version.

Or play on whatever we have

I know you didnt ask me, but my staple “easy” combo with mags is s, j.h, adf, pause, j.m, j.m, land, j.h, adf, j.m, j.h, land, j.h, adf, j.m, land, h [in the corner? (YES= s, j.h, adf, j.h, s, land, super) (NO= super)]

the shit i wanna do but can only do in training mode is:
s, sj.h, addf, j.h, sj.h, addf, j.h (rinse/repeat a few times), hypergrav, s, (repeat loop again), hypergrav, [if i just want damage: rock super, dhc into whoever.] [if i wanna be flashy: sj, addf, j.h, h, hypergrav (loop x4), rock super, dhc into whoever.]

If we used this logic all the time then all majors for SF4 would be on 360 instead of PS3. x_x