Critique us thread

I’m making this thread for people to post matches in that they want critiqued.

This way we keep stuff out of the video thread that really isn’t all that special and we have a thread here dedicated solely to discussing, analyzing and helping each other.

People who want to help one another will watch these videos and people who don’t care, won’t. Please don’t quote videos, edit it to take the video out but leave the quote so that we know which match you are referring to.

It would be nice if people actually helped critique the players that want it so that we can all share what we know.

I for one will be a big supporter as I intend to try to take this shit seriously finally.

heres my tourny performance @ arcade legend:
@ 29:00

Nagmere, first round was pretty flawless, can’t say anything about it. Second round, which you won, you probably should have resorted to fireballs after the third stuffed flip and/or jump. I personally would have played it with a drop back and initiate plasma beams. My reasons are as follows…

First you want to make the Balrog FADC through the fireballs to prove he is smart enough to. If he is you can always try to counter with sweep or a xx fireball or just a dash forward and throw after you toss your fireball.

Secondly, his other methods of getting through fireballs are dubious and you were sitting on a full Ultra meter. He can TAP but that shit is reacted to EASILY with EX tatsu (you had full super) or Ultra (if you are lucky you will get counter hit Ultra). Basically, I always start with this in my matchups to make balrog defensive. Once he learns TAP is useless life becomes a bit trickier for him.

He can also EX punch through, but again, you do EX tatsu or forward throw. If he doesn’t time it to hit you in your fireball recovery you get free throw (any EX punch is throwable as he come right up to you before throwing his punch) but it is still a tad bit risky as no invincibility and 3 or 5 frames to activate depending on which throw you do. EX tatsu breaks armor and is invincible so yeah, as long as he doesn’t hit you in recovery he goes back to the other side to start the get in game all over again.

Also in the second round you EX palm launched him and followed with MP palm. I know a lot of people do this for some perceived notion of being able to followup, but it really doesn’t get you anything, if is was so beneficial people would be doing it with LP palm in super to get even more frames.

You were better off following up with HK tatsu for max damage and full screen to make him get back in or no FADC dash into Ultra which works on Balrog. Yeah, it’s difficult, but completely worth it.

Your other option was to sweep after the EX palm and continue pressure.

One last thing for that round, you finished it off and kind of got lucky but you should always hit confirm that dive kick, you missed the cr/st.hp and did EX palm but got the counter for stars after. I used to do a dive kick like that and then think no way they would get hit, and then neutral jump or try to throw and cause of an actual hit I’d get zero off of it.

Going to watch the rest and give you my thoughts and impressions…

1st round, second game, he jumped a sweep of yours and you blocked it. This is what Kongo is made for. You are have it ingrained in your head to block, he has it ingrained in his head to attack in that situation. Kongo there. 1 frame start up.

Shortly after that (sorry I can’t get times from the stream) you did another j.hp st.hp xx EX palm unconfirmed. In that situation you might want to use kara throw or xx fireball or xx flip. If you confirm the hit with you can combo into sweep for a flip into pressure.

If you need to do st.hp, cancel into fireball so you have the option to FADC sweep into pressure.

When he was almost dead you missed another hitconfirm into EX palm, he jumped at you shortly after and you blocked, could have that.

Second round second fight, same missed hitconfirm with EX fireball though. I see you using a ton when you pressure, you should remember this is the best thing we have :stuck_out_tongue: Even if you can’t combo into EX palm you can sweep from it.

Beginning of third round you fireball EX tatsu, which I’m a fan of :slight_smile: Should probably try to concentrate on anti-airing jump ins more as I don’t think you stop very many of them. Overall nice round except for the non confirmed EX palm again which caused you to waste two bars to make it safe (that’s 600 damage in anti-air!).

Good stuff :slight_smile:

thanks for the input. I didnt know they were on ps3 when i drove up there so i had to use one of the arcade’s controllers. the buttons were really stiff on that thing. made me second guess my inputs and led to some errors.
Fyi that was loser bracket action so i was playin more patiently till i saw how bad his anti air game was in the first round.
As for the mp palm after i landed the ex. that was just muscle memory kicking in, i always end that combo with mp palm online cuz its hard to mess up and its pretty much an automatic hit. I also think i was fliping a little too much as well. I was taking alot of unnessary damage because of it.

Thank you for making this thread!

I really, really, want to improve, so I’m really hoping for some good feedback and criticism from this thread.

I’ve uploaded a few videos where I get my ass handed to me, but I’ve picked out the ones where I manage to put up at least somewhat of a decent fight, otherwise it’d be pretty difficult for you guys to tell me what I’m doing wrong and what I’m doing right if the videos are of just me getting perfected or completely one-sided. So yeah, I’ve had much, much, worse matches than these (against the same opponents), but these videos at least show you my level of play and what I’m capable of, while still showing how I lose.

I’ll definitely try to upload more videos, but hopefully I can get some good advice from these first.

Just from watching these videos myself, I feel like some of my glaring weaknesses are:

  1. Allowing my opponents to jump-in for free. I feel like I can and should be reacting to some of the jump ins with anti-air or ex tatsu, but I don’t. This is quite possibly one of my biggest weaknesses currently, and hopefully I can get some good advice on it.
  2. I throw out my hadoukens too slowly (?). Yeah, I feel like I could improve my hadouken motion on the stick to throw it out more quickly, since I feel like you can clearly see my Gouken crouching each time before the fireball is thrown. I dunno, maybe it’s just me. But I do feel like I’m extremely vulnerable when I throw hadoukens whenever I play.

Also, I play on a pretty low end laptop (yes i play AE PC), so I hope you don’t mind the black backgrounds and the lack of any sound (issue with Fraps and my laptop).

vs Seth

vs Oni

vs Zangief #1

vs Zangief #2

vs Zangief #3


I’m going to do this the same way I did Nagmere, which is to watch the first video, post, then Edit when I get time to watch the rest…

Round 1.
:07s Why? I can understand a command input mistake, but you have no reason to be pushing HK with a sonic boom coming at you. You can lk demon flip parry for meter instead of just neutral jumping it. Not sure if Seth can HK firecracker kick you from full screen if you lk flip parry over a boom for meter but I highly doubt it.

:17s Use :lp::mp: to do EX, this way if you have no meter you get the MP palm which does combo in that scenario.

:24s Can you tell me why you decided to jump forward MP? In this situation, if you were anticipating a jump, a neutral jump or back jump would suffice without leaving you as open a forward jump over him would. with NJ you can at least attack on the way down, back jump at this level, and you will be safe. I play a Seth who always gets me when i back jump because he does a dash c.hp or HP srk or something that always tags me, but still, if you are going to jump, NJ or back works better imo.

:28s if they throw a boom and teleport on your wakeup they are mixing you up between behind and in front teleport. So far, I haven’t been able to react with kongo and have it autocorrect. Some people might consider this bad advice, but when you are put in that situation, imo, you should do an EX demonflip. If he appears in front of you you will flip on him, if he appears behind you, you will get EX tatsu. This whole mixup comes up once or twice a match. The first time they do it after wasting two bars they aren’t looking to see how you will react, they are thinking they are covered by the boom and it is a free mixup. Make them scared the first time. When EX tatsu locks you become immune to fireballs on top of your start up invincibility and EX flip is already invinicible on start up.

32s: This right here is critical, how you choose to punish could have won you the round. First of all, you did the least powerful punish with the least benefit. You are sitting on full ultra. You could have done backthrow to Ultra which would have given you more damage, a hard knockdown, and a set up for a demon flip kick to continue your pressure safely. Secondly, you could have done st.hp xx ex palm dash full hit Ultra (made even easier by the corner) for the most damage and a hard knockdown in the corner. I don’t think you could have done a safe dive kick afterwards because if you cross up they can walk backwards and it whill wiff. I’m not 100% certain on that but someone can correct me if I am wrong. I don’t use flip kicks in the corner cause they never cross up for me, I know they do in one corner though… Your other two options where to use HK tatsu after the EX palm for more damage and them in your face on wake up or HP palm for the same result and 10 more damage. Lastly, you could have swept for the hard knockdown but given it was the corner and his lifelead I personally wouldn’t have there.

I’m also not sure if you can take advantage of that with a safe flip kick. With Seth I usually opt for damage.

36s: On his wakeup you did a counter. Probably the worst thing you can do. SPD will beat you, wakeup SRK beats you because of reversal granting armor break, EX firecracker legs (or any legs for that matter) will beat you (he might have EX legs if he was thinking you were going to fireball), and finally a hit to any region other then the counter area will beat you and did beat you for a counter hit.

You didn’t have two bars to FADC into Ultra after so even if the kongo was successful I don’t think it would have ended the round, and he didn’t have two bars to SRK FADC.

It’s really up to you how to proceed there. Attack and pray he doesn’t ultra or SRK even though he can’t FADC, or sit back and see what he does. Don’t do counter though, ever, on anyones wakeup.

If you are playing someone who likes to use lp or lk to stop tick throws, you can lp once or twice or and then counter the punch or kick (works best against people who don’t mash reversals since they armor break and counter will lose). You may have to get hit once before you know which counter to use and see if counter will even work.

Round 2

1:16 You did a forward throw followed by a HK flip. instead, dash forward and then do HK flip and you can do a crossup dive kick that is safe from SRKs. If they SRK you get a full max punish.

1:33 sweeeet I didn’t think you would make it over that srk lol. Again though, HK tatsu, HP palm, sweep, or dash Ultra all provide better results one way or another (I realize the round was ending and you just needed to hit him, but just driving this point home).

Round 3

2:20 Nice combo for the hard knockdown and safe jump setup. What happened with the hit confirm on the safe dive? is invaluable at that point. I’m pretty sure you could have comboed into EX palm into Ultra off that and won right there.

Tough luck on the crossup lk, has TERRIBLE hit stun as you saw =[ If you are going to use that, use as it is 3 frame start up. You used c.lp as the followup and that 1 frame could have been the difference between a combo to win and that EX srk he got out for the win.

Cool, thanks for the response Reipin!

Hopefully I can get some general playing advice as well, as opposed to just play-by-play analysis, since I can kind of see the the blunders I make by watching the replays myself, but I can’t really tell if my general playstyle is flawed.

Regardless, any type of tips are welcome, and I look forward to more! Thanks!

If the opponent is pressuring you up close then with not

Stop mashing Kongo

Stop guessing they will jump and mashing jump back mp

Stop walking backwards vs gief and learn to hold your ground and react to his whiff green hand and jumps

Anti air with ex tatsu

Learn to zone with fireballs and vary the ratio between fireballs and pokes depending on the matchup and how ur opponent handles them both during the round. Grief doesn’t like mp fireball

Just play more solid and you won’t lose to those level of players. Your biggest weakness is poor defence, learn to react to stuff and be comfy at downbck. When you get pressured on wakeup you panic and mash

I did not know you could crouch tech “with”. I thought crouch tech only meant pressing throw while blocking in a crouched state! I’m gonna have to look this one up, but thanks for the info!

I agree with everything you said, especially the mashing part… Boy do I fucking mash when I get knocked down. I def need to get better at defense.

And… Yes. I react too slowly to everything. I don’t know if it’s just lack of experience and training… Or I just naturally have terribly slow reflexes. I’m hoping it’s the former, and it’s definitely something I’m trying to work on right now.

Great advice! Thanks! with is simple the same thing you are doing but do it with as well so the input looks like :db::lk::lp::mk:

As for reactions, go play matches where your whole purpose is to do one thing. For you, that would be EX tatsu. Play as normal as possible, don’t jump, and just keep looking for the jump in, hell, anti-air with regular tatsu as well. Your goal is not win the game but win future games by learning to react to jump ins. Each time you are able to react to a jump in with a tatsu is a win for you. Soon enough it will become like doing a combo.

Yeeeeees good advice , I do that, my whole focus vs shit players is to do nothing but Nti air them, it actually helps them too because I do nothing but waitfor them to jump, they get Anti aired five times in a row and then they realise that jumping is bad and try something else.

Or I might try to use stlk and only, no fireballs. Come up with training tech that’s fun to do when playing people u can beat

Haha I’ve totally done that! Played whole matches with no specials.

or when your opponent sucks at teching throws you just empty backthrow over and over to bring it to their attention! no? just me?

LOL such a fucking dick.

Yea I do that too!

Except not on purpose >_>

Get a player down to a sliver and empty backthrow them to death! 1 pt of damage for the win!

Wow, does that actually work? I thought 1 pts of grey damage never cause death.

LOL I don’t really know. I’m going to try this!

Alright, i played some matches since i was off from work last night so…critique away. keep it raw and no sugar coating.





if i played like shit one match that means i got salty due to the previous loss lol