Countdown to Season 2 Starts Now!

I’ll be your teammate if you’ll have me. I play Claw.

I need a team mate too. I’m pretty solid in HDR, I play Chun/Sim

Dji and Thelo are entering as Turtles all the way downback!

I want to join this. Who wants to team up with the World’s Greatest Blanka Player?

I bite people.

Count me in for this one. Who wants to be on my team?

Are you good? If you’re good, then I’ll let you have the honor of teaming up with me… The World’s Greatest Blanka Player Ever! Word.

OK, add…

Real Decoy + OSKI H


No thank you…

Your loss.

Anyone else want to team up with The World’s Greatest Blanka Player Ever?

Look out everyone. JigglyNorris and Marsgatti are officially TEAM SONIC TYPHOON!!!

lol @ Jiggly Norris. Imma holla at Shun Thanos or The Prodigy 585 if they want to be my partner. Team Big Fundamentals

I think “Typhoon Boom” sounds better. :pleased:

Just throwing this out there…

I play Honda and may need a partner who can cover my bad matches :wink:

I say “may need” because I kinda-sorta have something else in the works, but it might not pan out.


Typhoon Boom IS better… Mars and Jiggly… yikes…

DJI and Thelo… I mean come on, your name CLEARLY has to be Team Quebec. I mean for crying out loud, you totally have to hype this up to the point of being some ridiculous wrestling story arch. Quebec invades the WWL looking for blood and Cammy’s to beat up on or something… totally awesome.

Aqua… Come on. You and me, Fei and Cammy, we’ll be “Team OH GOD PLEASE NOT HONDA”. We’ll win for sure!

It won’t matter. All the other teams will “Taste the Soup” before it’s all said and done.

Alex if you dont mind adding me I’ll join your team. You know I use Sim. If you can handle Cammy, Chun-Li and possibly Blanka then we are good to go. :party:

Honda and Sim Users coming together sounds dangerous

Hey Decoy, is YGGBU still around? I remember the from HF days

Some tough sounding teams coming through this thread. Now allow me to introduce the next ultra mega-power team. :smile:

No official team name yet but I’d say Team Pretty Boy might be fitting. “Team Pretty Boy” combines the high flying action of immortalbmw’s Vega with the fiery shoryukeny goodness that is Damdai’s Ken Masters.

Game on!!! :woot:


Yeah I guess it couldn’t hurt. I don’t think I have anything going on Jan. 9th. :nunchuck:

Might need a alternate for a partner. Someone whos excels against DeeJays and Blankas