Countdown to Season 2 Starts Now!

I seem to have vanished, I thought I’d signed up :sweat: Any way to sched me against one of the byes?

Good games everyone!

  1. RoyalPhlush
  2. GeneiJin87
  3. MisterEgoTrip
  4. Marsgatti2009
  5. Zass30
  6. True_Ol_School
  7. TheloTheGreat
  8. Dji SRK
  9. Iliad of Thor
  10. ThePunisherXBL
  11. Bruce Askew
  12. ZoolanderBeast
  13. Alex6x6x6
  14. xLegionariusx
  15. O Lucky Day O
  16. Griffd17
    Dropped) The 9mm Panacea
    Dropped) H Dubz Num1
    Dropped) BaklaKiller
    Dropped) MonGoloRoboKop
    Dropped) De Mavrick
    Dropped) TruffleShuflin
    Dropped) Bobbypigo
    Dropped) St1ffPeter
    Dropped) MarioDood

^Anyone get some recordings?

I have some, I’ll upload when I get a chance.

fuck I missed it. im getting in here soon i like this game now

Well I’m happy to say that Friday was a huge success. I want to thank Thelo for really stepping up to the plate and helping me out. I had a family emergency come up but now everything is fine. The current plan is to have one more tournament like this towards the end of the year after that we will begin regular pool play and get into our regular schedule.

The reason why I’m doing this is because with holiday timing it can be tough to get everything sorted out. I have a couple more exciting annoucements coming in the near future so keep your eyes out for those!

How’s that crow tasting Silver Rain 007? If I stand corrected I believe RoyalPhlush uses Ryu.

Glad the tourney was a success though.

COUGH COUGH What? What was said? What is this nonsense? Who is this crazy Silver Rain 007 with these stupid comments?

Sweet Poison is deducted 5 league points for pointing out that the infallible league comissioner had made an error… SUCH WILL NOT COME TO PASS AGAIN! j/k

That’s okay I’ll just remember such actions when I DESTROY your joke of a character Cammy. Why is she even in the game?:wow:

Umm I dont really know how the system works but can we just set up some lobbies with good players during the week or something? I just want to play HD Remix against good ppl instead of fucking Akuma players

Why ohh why is this thread forcing me to get a X-Box and a new stick :frowning:

I thought PS3 was the right choice (the reason I got the machine in the first place)

Wait, if this is on Friday nights, I am down with that. I couldnt make Mondays because of school. Any room for an old man?

Our current plan is to play pools on Mondays, at least that’s the tentative plan, but we’ll be doing special events throughout the season on Friday which you are more than welcome to participate in.

Uhhh… duh? j/k

If you’re not sure how something works don’t be afraid to ask. You can also read the previous thread on how the WWL functions per its rules, etc.

When is the next one I am back in town and want to play



i wanna play Can i get put in the next tourney my chun li and dhalsim is comin along nice

This all looks great. Well done organisers and thanks for all the work… even though I can’t play cos I’m in Europe. I really hope we can get something running like it in Europe. To hell with all the people that signup but don’t show up etc though. I didn’t sign up to the last one as I knew I couldn’t make it… but now I can, and there’s nothing there. PlanetRV’s been trying to get something running for Europe via but I think it would be best if we’re all on the same “boat” so to speak. Hoping something Euro can get sorted out soon. :slight_smile:

I’m on break. Please hold another tournament.


WWL HDR New Year’s Throwdown!

That’s right. You heard it here first. On Friday January 9th, the WWL will be hosting a New Year’s Throwdown. The tournament will begin at 9:30 EST / 6:30 PST. This tournament will be our second big event before pool play starts a little bit later that month.

(I would have held this earlier but I’m moving into a new house and my wife really needed my attention to be on packing boxes…)

I’m also happy to announce a twist on this tournament… This will be a 2v2 team tournament! That’s right. The players everyone knows and loves will have to organize themselves into a united fighting force in order to play. Teams must be entered together.

Matches will be played as follows.
Player A1 vs. Player B1
Player A2 vs. Player B2

If side A wins both the series is over.

If there is a split, the winners of the two matches will play to determine who advances. Coaching is not only allowed, its encouraged! The tournament will be double elimination. Your team loses once when the conditions listed above are met. Teams must be entered together and because its a team tournmanet, both players must declare their character in advance. This is the character that will be used in all matches. The strategy comes in when you pick what order to play in. You do NOT have to keep the same order.

So if Zass and I were on a team and we were Chun and Cammy. And we were playing DJI and Thelo who might be Guile and Honda respectively.

It might go Zass v. Thelo (Chun vs. Honda)
then Rain vs. DJI (Cammy vs. Guile)
Lets say Thelo won and I won
Then the final would be Rain v. Thelo (Cammy v. Honda)
When I lost, Team Quebec would advance and Team Girl Power would go to Loser’s bracket

But then maybe in our next match we play a team of BTC and Aqua Snake playing Blanka and Fei Respectively. Well Zass and I talk and we like the Chun v. Blanka matchup and the Cammy v. Fei matchup so maybe we’ll try to get in their heads and switch up our order to get those matches and whatever happens happens. I don’t know, I think its a cool way to introduce the ‘meta’ game. Maybe I’m just thinking too much about it… Oh well…

Anyway, each individual match is one game best 3 of 5 rounds with standard timing. So the team that wins best 2 of 3 games will advance.

So with that said, please sign up in this thread

I’m excited to see what the teams will look like and I’m exciting about participating, hopefully no nasty family emergencies this time… Good luck to everyone!

BTW, I’m Silver Rain 007, and I’m looking for a partner.

Currently seeking a partner for this upcoming event!