Or be exposed for the scrub Ken player that you truly are :sad:
No worries. As Silver Rain can verify, I will be giving out free wins all over the place. Just looking forward to the community building as was mentioned.
I’ll be able to “build” a whole community of dead Cammy corpses with all my losing. I played some months ago and couldn’t even do a cr. lk > drill… which has been my basic attack. I’m getting an Elite with a new controller soon, I might just join if I make it on time.
I’ll be out of the country from the 17th-5th can I still join?
My xbox is back in action, so I can join. I’ll be out on vacation for 2.5 weeks in december though.
Since day 1 I have said that Ryu is the best character in HDR. I stand by this. Not Claw, not Boxer, not Dhalsim. and sure as hell not Dictactor.
I feel your chun li pain, my brother (or is it sister). Chun Li gets raped three ways from sideways by Ryu. For HDR2 I want Chun’s super to have 20 frames of invulernerability and full screen length when fighting ryu. Also her lightning legs should eat fireballs. And no stupid air SBK. And bring her neckbreaker back. And I want a pony.
Since School is pretty much done, I will be able to make this events more often now. Sign me up Silver if you can. Thanks bud.
Should be able to make it, should be fun
Scrubby Honda/Sagat awayyyyy
Yes. You can still join. I hope you’ll join us for our tournament on the 11th. Pool play will start soon afterwards. We’re hoping our signup system will be finished by then.
Yeah you can play too. We’re going to have a weekly signup this season to make people more conscious about their decisions. Also, why haven’t you signed up yet for the tournament on the 11th? Slacker…
And even if Chun Li had ALL THAT… you STILL couldn’t beat my Cammy. I’d still win a ten piece 6-4. OH wait did that happen already? YES IT DID! (I will hold this over him until the day I die, because I know for a fact if we ever played again it’d probably be like 8-2 for him…)
Hey gang. I think I know most of you either through live (in-person) tournaments or through playing on Live (Xbox).
Silver, I already tentatively signed up for the 12/11 tournament. I guess I’ll go ahead and express interest for season 2 right here. I missed season 1 so I’m not up on what all is considered different for this season but I already like the sound of the weekly signups because I’m not sure I’ll be playing EVERY week. Hard to say.
Zass, I’m looking at this SF2 code of yours right now. What in the world compelled you to come up with this?! I might give it a try here.
— edit —
Ok I gave this SF2 code a try. Not sure if I did it right but here is what I came up with…
t+ c(+) T r-(+) f g+ -> ++ m+ s+ v+ M+@- n+:+ o+
Oh man, this sounds exciting. I want to join but I’ll probably won’t be available to play until January.
Well the WWL will never die my friend. It will never die. When Thelo and I are the only two people left playing HDR Honda versus Cammy and he goes 1 and 20 on me and I still celebrate my one win, the WWL will still live.
Seriously to everyone who is considering playing. IF you can’t make it up front that’s okay. We’re intentionally making seson 2 more flexibile for people with the introduction of the roaming pool and weekly signups.
Personally I’m not sure we don’t have at least like 50% participation in a league that by its very nature is designed to keep HDR alive for the forseeable future and can do so only with enthusastic player support! cough cough but alas, we’ll take what we can get :D. So if you can’t make it immediately that’s fine. Good luck to everyone!
If you haven’t done so already, PLEASE try to be there for our December 11, opening jamboree tournament! We’re up to 17 players and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to see us crack the 30 mark. Nothing would make me happier than to have to have a full 32 person bracket. Hell if people get hard core we’ll go up to 48, 64, 128, I don’t care. It will be run smoothly and efficiently for everyone who pays attention and plays their matches on time. So if you haven’t done so already, sign up for Friday December 11th! BE THERE!
Arrggh. That will end up in my obituary.
Zass: nice guy. Loved by his family and friends. But lost 6-4 to SilverRain’s Cammy :wasted:
I’d love to join, but do you accept people from Sydney (Australia)?
I would love to have you but latency would be a huge problem for most of our players.
It’s possible that some West Coasters could do okay with you but for anyone east of the Rocky Mountains I would imagine that lag would just be too much of a bear. Now with that said, I’m sure some of the West Coasters on here would probably play a game or two with you to help you level up.
Friday tournament
I will be a little late this Friday, but I should be online at 8MST, 7PST, 10EST or to really mess you up, 3GMT.
- Pete
Hey Rain,
I am about 75% sure I am still going to be outta town tomorrow so mark me off for tomorrows tournament I’ll message you on live in advance if I will be able to make it. Sorry. I will be around for the most of the season though
count me out too
Well you’ll probably go straight to loser’s bracket since the event starts at 9:30 but if you can make it you’re welcome to play, you’ll be bracketed and we’ll see what happens!
ALSO: 30 Minutes Prior to the event will be check in! Everyone should be in the chatroom using their XBOX LIVE GAMERTAG AS THEIR USERNAME! http://www.chatzy.com/717241232189 (Password ABCD1234)
Also I will link the tournament bracket spreadsheet tomorrow for everyone to have and it will be on the OP both here and on the tournament forum.
That’s the current address with who we currently have. The draw was done randomly. As much as was possible I split up the byes so that there would not be gaps. I did use some personal discretion is relocations when this was necessary. Remember the tournament starts at 9:30 EST / 6:30 PST and you should try your best to be in the chat room and reported in 30 minutes in advance. Any signups that occur between now and midnight PST will be added and the spreadsheet updated but this gives you the idea. All names are the appropriate XBOX LIVE Gamertag to ensure ease of access. Good luck everyone! If you can not read Excel Spreadsheet files go download OpenOffice.