Countdown to Season 2 Starts Now!

I think the camera I used is fucked. However, I’m going to buy a new one; an actual camcorder (with sound!)

In the pools, I guess my heavy hitter matches were bucktooth and NKI, then I played a few other folks, I can’t remember right now, they were good too, not sure if you guys will recognize their names…

Cole came late… I almost DQed him as I was running the brackets and judging but threw him into losers. He came out of losers into top 8… pretty amazing performance on his part.

I just got into the tourney scene this Summer. So yeah, I take no offense, won’t get salty because I’m still learning. Criticism helps the game. My choked ass showed in the top 8 finals. I got zoned out pretty bad and didn’t play confident enough.

yea i want to know when because im gonna start bringing it hard to HDRemix it sucks that in a NorCal tournament i get taken out by the only other so cal peep there which is DGV we played twice that tournament once in winners the nagain in top 8 losers it’s lame.

Yo Afro any chance on making it to our ranbats this season?

Oh and good shit vestax yesterday im lucky to have soo much honda practice with EAmegaman’s or else that match is even more scary…

GG’s though man

Dude, for real… you put on an amazing performance, you played it right. For sure, gg’s to you man and congrats to making it 4th. Freakin’ Ryu’s all over the place… Ryu in the 1st, Ryu in the 2nd, Ryu in the 3rd… alll heavy hitters… I should’ve done random select yesterday hahaha jk!

ryu is my worst nightmare as well :frowning:

I’m good man with recording. Tweaked it so I can record my fights as well as others. xbox is connected directly to router so all is good.

I also find it funny how Ryu is dominating these tournaments. I will leave it at that.

Havent decided if I want to play but I definitely will record Silver Rain.

What about ryu dominating tournaments do you find funny? I Ask?

I guess I am tired of people talking about theory and what a character can do when clearly other characters are winning. In HDR mind you I dont think Ryu has any bad matchups and clearly he doesnt have any matchups as lopsided as Chunli say VS Dhalsim. I know you made a post about feeling bad and then someone replied you beat Jason Cole’s Sim but honestly why is that a shocker. I’m not going to even go in how that matchup is just stupid with how chunli can abuse the matchup with one to two buttons.

Ryu doesnt have many weaknesses and the ones he has are tough to exploit. So that is why I laugh because it was a matter of time before we started seeing more Ryu’s dominating the scene.

And since I’m on a roll why does the HHS give so much damage even on block. No other normal special move gives so much damage on block and can be repeated. Fricking retarded. Sorry Honda players but you know it is true.

Sorry for derailing your topic Silver.

So then it was changed. Cool, thank you.

Well we can put some of this to rest when we have our tournament on December 11th. I would put out a guarentee right now that a Ryu will not win. (Primarily because hardly anyone in our league plays Ryu and no Ryu’s have signed up yet :lol:.) Of course the only way to put this out there is to play so all of you slackers need to stop flapping your lips and sign up for the throw down! Don’t make me cannon spike your knees… :wink:

The link is on the OP. SIGN UP TODAY!

O damn. :sweat:

I’ll be more than happy for someone to prove me wrong. Come on James, you know you got game. Why haven’t you signed up already? You can rep the Ryu :wink:


Now that I have a working stick again, I will definitely be joining.

you need to get your ass to Denjin Arcade for the Ranbats as well…

Next update coming in less than 48 hours! Stay tuned!

Newest updates posted on the OP

I’m afraid to sign up, I haven’t used Cammy or played HDR online in the last 1.5-ish months. And I know most of you are just getting better and better.

^^^ The above post by my boy sorely misses the point. This is not just about wins and losses. It’s about community building and having fun. Cannon drills to the knees are purely a bonus!

Actually seriously, I understand but don’t be afraid to jump back in! You’ll relevel your game in no time and then BAM! Another Cammy player back on the loose!

Plus hey, free match recordings if you make it to the tourney*. Now you too can be on YouTube like a pro!

*subject to our recording equipment not spazzing out