Countdown to Season 2 Starts Now!

Since I got a custom ps3 stocl and just got a 360 stick 2 weeks ago I spent most of my hdr time on ps3 and the best comp I played were random japanese ppl at 3am can’t remember their names but they alway have JPN or Japan in their name after that ald_one and johnchoiboy come to mind.

I’m in where do I sign up?

BTW FUCK SQUARE GATE!:mad: hate using this shit can’t wait till I get an 8way.

How hard is it to get an 8way?

I dont know for some reason my win to loss ration on XBL is a lot better then when i play on the PS3. PS3 has some good quality comp IMO.

Anyway, is there any plans on changing the days we play? We had pretty good turnouts on Fridays, I think we should do a vote cuz a lot of the people who wants Mon/Tue never show up.

Mavrick suggested I get mine here.

The average ranked match scrub on xbl is way better then those on psn in my experience, on psn there were very very few people outside of Choi that were clearly out of my league yet on xbl there’s probably at least 5 that I know of thus far.

Who are the five you think are out of your league Zoolander?

Vestax made top eight at NorCal Regionals in winners, not trying to be mean or anything, but did you have any heavy hitters in your matches? Obviously Cole is out of practice big time, but both him and Mongolorobokop were sent to loser top 8(Monogolorobokop had to play DGV and lost 2-1)

When does Season 2 start?

Okay, so, I’m not a very good reader, and you may have answered this somewhere, but tell me anyways: In WWL Season 1, if you signed up to be in a tournament, you were assumed to be in for every week thereafter unless you said something. I think this is sort of lame, because I think there shouldn’t be any reason for me to announce that I won’t be showing up, and getting in trouble for being a no-show if I don’t.

Is the rule going to change to the more sensible “It’s your responsibility to sign up every week”? Is there any reason to not have it this way - a really good reason that I’m not considering?

Hi my name is <insert name here> and i play for the <insert professional team name here>. And if I dont want to play I dont have to tell anyone. Because we all know if you are on a team and in a league you dont have to show up each week if you dont want to.

Did you even read what you posted skankin? If you sign up for a league then yes you are responsible to show up every week. If you cant make it common courtesy would be to notify someone and you should be punished for not making it. I take it you never played on any organized team or league because if you did you would know how they were ran.

Sorry for the rant Silver Rain.

Alright, but you don’t have to be a dick; I wasn’t. Anyways, I didn’t realize that signing up for this made me part of a team, and I didn’t realize I was letting anyone else down by not showing up. After all, the points I earn by placing would be for me and no one else, right? Isn’t it my prerogative if I want to show up and earn some points for myself? Signing up for WWL doesn’t appear to make me part of a team, and while it might be a “league”, people are playing for themselves only. So, I still don’t really see the point.

I think skankin was simply requesting Silver Rain to modify the rules if possible, and wasn’t actually demanding a change, Poison. This is something that maybe would be better for other players in the WWL as well, so who knows, it’s all up to Silver. Just my 2 cents, I’ll go away now. :china:

You are your team. duh. A single man team. Again if you sign up for a league or league play you are not saying I want to play one game and if i cant make the others oh well. And theorectically no you are not letting any one down but yourself but that was the problem with last season too many people said they wanted to play and never showed up.

Again havent you played on any organized team be it school or after work activities? You dont say I want to join this league and play the first game and then say the hell with everybody else regarding the rest of the games. If you were playing a game of pickup basketball or whatever that philosophy would work but typically when you say you want to play in a league it means you are saying I am going to play a schedule of games that have been organized.

If you cant see that I dont know what else to say besides Silver Rain has clearly stated the rules and how this works so really its a mute point.

Dude, we had a huge problem with people who didn’t leave any notice that they wouldn’t be able to compete. Taking five minutes out of your day to leave some notice won’t hurt you.

Btw, I don’t think Troy was being harsh at all.

When are sign ups?

Yes i really hope that people who plan on signing up please commit to it. I mean i just had new born & work nights & i was still able to show up & play. It was really frustrating when there were no-shows constantly with no notice…

I kept playing though & after the season was over, i was able to level up my Gief. I understand the Honda matchups now, met some good high level play, & hopefully contributed to some good video matchups/strategy for people learning to use Gief.

Okay okay okay. Let’s not derail here.

This season we’re going to work on having a weekly signup sheet on the website. Of course that will mean that we’re going to have strict cutoff times this season as well for said signups.

Signups are going to start very soon! Check the OP for our next announcement!

:confused: what are you talking about? I clearly meant as far as xbl goes I could name at least 5 people off the top of my head who are much better then me (probably more then triple that if I think about it) and I can not say the same of psn comp.

Afrolegends in the WWL, hell yeah.

OP says that December 11th is an open tourney, looking forward to it.

Is this only related to the US portion or also the EU portion of WWL ?

We will make a separate announcement for WWL Europe. After last season’s debacle Europe is a on a short leash.

BTW, Could anyone possibly disagree with this? I don’t think so. Hopefully it’ll come to pass!

Roaming thing sounds good, will help my schedule tremendously…Only downfall is that less match recording…

Well not necessarily. I mean I think we’ve mostly agreed that we want to record the tournament matches as they’re they best examples we have of what our league can do and what its capable of. I mean certainly Thelo and Alex probably record their Pool matches and if SP can figure out his lag problem when recording when he’s playing he probably will too. But we’ll still record all of our matches on tourney night and the roaming pool doesn’t preclude you from qualifying for the set tournament time. SO if you pwn your roaming pool competition and qualify for the tournament we’ll still be recording all of those matches and with more recording capabilities, we’ll be able to make even better use of our recorders and get tournaments done and over even faster.

The point is I want to be another level of flexibility. I mean I hope that most people will go ahead with their regular pool time schedule but if that’s just not possible one week or if the times just don’t work but you want to play you can. I mean TIFunkalicious is in Nebraska and should play in EST but he couldn’t do that time but he made a real effort to play in the PST pool and made it most every week he was invovled so the moral of the story is flexibility, flexibility, flexibility. I think I wasn’t as flexibile as I needed to be last season and I think if I give a little more room I’ll get a little more support.