Nice! With you and Damdai in I definitely have to join this.
I’m kinda lazy about finding a suitable partner though. Might have to just take this one by myself. :wgrin:
Nice! With you and Damdai in I definitely have to join this.
I’m kinda lazy about finding a suitable partner though. Might have to just take this one by myself. :wgrin:
This is getting fun I can show case some talent against the big dogs. Bruce why dont you ask DGV
Oh snap, mirror match! My Ken plus Heavenly Claw’s…Claw against you two should make for quite a thrilling display.
I like that team name! :lovin:
Oh oh might be Mavrick and Afro, Team Psycho Punch.
Man picking DGV as your partner is crazy cheap. It’s like picking o. sagat in an st tourney…oh wait, I did that.
Well then, since I have no shame when it comes to winning I better get to sending him a PM.
See, Mavrick knows what’s up. He’s also using top tier.
Okay okay okay… whoa whoa whoa… These teams are getting out of hand quick!
ImmortalBMW / Damdai (Vega / Ken) (Team Pretty Boy)
DeMavrick / Afrolegends (Bison / Boxer) (Not confirmed) (Team Psycho Punch)
BruceLB / DGV (?.. / Ryu)** (Not confirmed**) (Team Android…)
TheloTheGreat / DJI SRK (Honda / Guile) (Team Down… no, they’re Team Quebec…)
Silver Rain 007 / The Aqua Snake (Cammy / Fei) (Team Most Underappreciated Characters)
Alex6x6x6 / Sweet Poison (Honda / Sim)
ThePunisherXBL / Geneijin87 (? / Boxer) (Not Confirmed)
GoldenArch88 / William 209 (Ken / Claw) (Team Scrub and Scratch)
Real Decoy / OSKI H (Blanka / Chun-Li) (Team Taste the Soup)
Marsgatti2009 / JigglyNorris (Guile / Hawk) (Team Sonic Typhoon)
Mariodood / Kisaris (Sagat / Claw)
Akae47 / Shunthanos (Chun li/Fei Long) (Team Poke low alot)
RoyalPhlush / Snake Eyes **(? / ?) **(Team Darkness Falls)
Stealthysocks / Baklakiller (Boxer / Zangief)
CVital / naricisuss ceaser (Dhalsim / Guile)
PNCTIGGER / Jeanghis (Fei Long / Sagat)
NGE KrazyTiger / Roll n Throw (DJ / DJ)
Zass30 / Axel Kelly (Bison / Guile) (Team Seattle Shit Talkers)
SMG00 / PimpsirRichard (Bison / Ken)
Looking for partners
MisterEgoTrip (He may already have a partner)
10000 Volts
Military Policia
If I saw that collection of players in any one location (outside of Evo) I might have just fell over dead… This is going to be amazing! (Names are eligible to be changed… obviously…)
Also, if you have a team name that you want listed, post or PM me and if you’re in this and I don’t have you listed, please let me know!
Add me in this I should have my teammate solidified later on today.
Team Poke low alot
also I’m for the East Coast. I know Decoy is from the east as well anyone else??
OSKI H will play as Chun Li
I have a teammate. Its Akae47 and Shunthanos. Chun li/Fei Long. Team Poke low alot
I want in…anyone still looking for a partner? I can play cammy or fei.
Might be in on this tourney Just trying to figure out my connection in SD
here come the Seattle Shit Talkers
Zass - Bison
Axel - Guile
Will be needing a partner (E. Honda here)
Hey, let’s do it. Team name?
And Chris, get Tarman to join you, I’ve seen him posting on SRK lately.
[quote=“alex6x6x6, post:135, topic:85820”]
Hey, let’s do it. Team name?
QUOTE]Lean Fat, Fatboy Slim, Stretchem Wide, I dont know man lol. Send me an invite too.
BTW, the time is unchanged (9:30 EST / 6:30 PST) and it is on SATURDAY the 9th. Not Friday the 8th. My inability to read a calendar is sad… I apologize if this causes any confusion.
Updated Tournament Team Listing – All Entries MUST be in by Thursday Midnight PST. All entries after this will be rejected.
ImmortalBMW / Damdai (Vega / Ken) (Team Pretty Boy)
DeMavrick / Afrolegends (Bison / Boxer) (Not confirmed) (Team Psycho Punch)
Bruce Askew / DGV (Bruce has a couple options… / Ryu) (Not confirmed) (Team Android…)
TheloTheGreat / DJI SRK (Honda / Guile) (Team Down… no, they’re Team Quebec…)
Silver Rain 007 / The Aqua Snake (Cammy / Fei) (Team Most Underappreciated Characters)
Alex6x6x6 / Sweet Poison (Honda / Sim)
ThePunisherXBL / Geneijin87 (? / Boxer) (Not Confirmed)
GoldenArch88 / William 209 (Ken / Claw) (Team Scrub and Scratch)
Real Decoy / OSKI H (Blanka / Chun-Li) (Team Taste the Soup)
Marsgatti2009 / JigglyNorris (Guile / Hawk) (Team Sonic Typhoon)
Mariodood / Kisaris (Sagat / Claw)
Akae47 / Shunthanos (Chun li/Fei Long) (Team Poke low alot)
RoyalPhlush / Snake Eyes (? / ?) (Team Darkness Falls)
Stealthysocks / Baklakiller (Boxer / Zangief)
CVital / naricisuss ceaser (Dhalsim / Guile)
PNCTIGGER / Jeanghis (Fei Long / Sagat)
NGE KrazyTiger / Roll n Throw (DJ / DJ) (Team Double DJ) (I didn’t say explicitly that they couldn’t pick the same character… so I’m rewarding their ability to read the rules by allowing it but no one else!)
Zass30 / Axel Kelly (Bison / Guile) (Team Seattle Shit Talkers)
BlueTallCans / Mongolorobokop (Blanka / Chun-Li) (Team Beauty and the Beast)
Easy solution to this problem… move to Indianapolis. Great Internet Connections in Indianapolis with the bonus of a great dentistry school… (I’m not giving up on this until you say you’ve applied and been accepted… IU School of Dentistry!)
Haha I probably should if only I could get into that school though. They don’t take too many out of state applicants. I guess Indiana likes to take mostly in-state applicants. So as of now my xbox connection works. So Mongolorobokop and I will be teaming up, Chun and Blanka (Team Beauty and the Beast) Now I just gotta fix my joystick or hope Mongolo brings his. Hey Megaman will both be in SD this weekend on Saturday