Taskmaster (along with Akuma) are unlockable characters. They must first be purchased with in game Player Points to use. Taskmaster takes 8000PP (supposedly, not as bad as it looks). More information here.
Also check out Taskmaster’s entry in the SRK wiki with a video showing off his moves: http://wiki.shoryuken.com/Marvel_vs_Capcom_3/Taskmaster
:l: = Light attack
= Medium attack
:h: = Heavy attack
:s: = Exchange (or “Special” button)
:atk:= Any attack button
:a1:=Assist 1
:a2:=Assist 2
DHC= Delayed Hyper Cancel
AD= Airdash
A: Aim Master- Horizontal Shot(direct, :f:)
B: Aim Master- Parabolic Shot (direct, :uf:)
Y: Aim Master- Verticle Shot (direct, :u:)
Aim Master- :qcf::atk: (Air ok)
Taskmaster takes aim with his bow and fires an couple arrows forward. Each button alters the trajectory; the :l: version fires forward, the version fires upward at a 45 degree angle, and the :h: version goes straight up and make the arrows rain down. Holding the button will fire a few more arrows.
In the air, :l: fires forward, fires downward at a 45 degree angle and :h: fires straight down. The :h: version can hit OTG in corners.
Sword Master- :dp: :atk:
Taskmaster makes an extravagent spin-slash with his sword. A slow moving move, but an overhead. The interesting aspect of Sword Master is that on block, you can do several follow up moves. Each strength of Sword Master determines how many extra followups you may attempt. The buttons/motions in brackets symbolize which button to hit to continue the combo.
:dp::l:>Headbutt( :h: )>Lights Out ( :qcf: :h:)
:dp:> Headbutt ( :h: )>Below the Belt (
)>Low Kick( :h: )>Lights Out ( :qcf::h:)
:dp::h:>Headbutt ( :h: )>Below the Belt ( )>Low Kick ( :h: )> Shield Bash ( :h: )> Knee Kick (
)>Lights Out( :qcf::h:)
Guard Master- :qcb::atk:
Much like Amaterasu and Wesker, Taskmaster will parry the incoming attack and preform a painful counter-attack. Each strenth of the counter has different properties; :l: counters mid attacks, counters low attacks, and :h: will reflect projectiles, and nullify beams.
Shield Skills - :h:
Taskmaster uses his shield just like Captain America in his own version of Charging Star. The range isn’t as great as Cap’s, but it has the added benefit of being a command normal, which means you can cancel it directly into Launcher ( :s: ), specials or Hypers. The shield also eats projectiles.
Spidey Swing- :f: :h: (Air ok)
Taskmaster preforms a swing on his grappling hook, loosely based off Spiderman’s Web Swing. Much like Spider-butt’s, Taskmaster can combo into and out of his Swing.
(New for Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3) Sting Master- :qcf: :s:
A new special move for Taskmaster for UMvC3. Taskmaster lunges forward with his sword, impaling the enemy, than shoots them away with his gun. Causes hard knockdown, and can be comboed pretty easily.
Hyper Combos:
Legion Arrow- :qcf::atk::atk: (Air ok, can be aimed down)
Taskmaster fires a lot of arrows. Can be aimed anf fired in 3 different directions, depending on the button combination.
On the ground:
:l:- Fires straight forward.
:l::h:- Fires upward at a 45 degree angle (up-forward).
:h:- Fires at a 90 degree angle (Straight upwards). Can hit OTG if timed correctly.
In the air:
:l:- Fires straight ahead.
:l::h:- Fires down forward (Hits OTG).
:h:- Fires straight down (Hits OTG).
Secret Move: Aegis Counter- :qcb::atk::atk:
A super counter much like Wesker’s Rhino Charge. Counters normals and other supers. If Taskmaster is attacked during the animation he rocks his opponent’s body with big, nasty sword slashes before shooting them in the head. Brutal, and stylish. Leaves opponent in an untechable knockdown state as the move finishes, so you can follow up with the :df: Legion Arrow Hyper if you time it correctly.
More gameplay:
[media=youtube]iGtDfoI9wo4[/media] (We got combos!)
Screenshots: IGN: Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds Screenshots, Wallpapers and Pics
Official Art: Taskmaster artwork for Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 - Taskmaster Introduction Trailer Video - Xbox 360 - IGN
Zellorz for imputs and combo’s, A certain informative poster for Sword Master moves, Lilman for Legion Arrow imputs.