This is something that’s been bothering me a bit since I saw this post from Ultra David a few days ago, but I just had the time to make this thread.
My current problem is this:
We know they can change the game whenever they feel like. Now, how will we know what exactly they changed, and when we should have our systems connected to the internet so that we can receive said updates?
This is really stressing to me as someone who has run and competed in tournaments for years. This is probably easily solved by connecting every system to the internet, but what if there is a current problem where there is no access, like the current problem with PSN? That specific example is not really too bad, since it’s technically week 1, but there could’ve been a bunch of tournaments on launch day with the infinites that were found before launch, and if people were unaware running their small basic tourney there would be people who would definitely take advantage of it.
Also, if we don’t know what is being changed, how can we adjust to it? The strategy that was posted previously would’ve been really serious if it was still there, but it’s gone atm. And if there is a buff to a character we don’t know about, how could we take advantage of it?
I was wondering if there was someplace we could ask for whenever an update is done, even if it’s a bug fix? The fact that patching can be done on the fly is really neat on their part, but if we the competitive gamer are not informed then a vital time where we didn’t know about a change could really affect the outcome of a big match.
As far as I know the game only updates during the “checking for new features” check when you start the game up. imo when the game patches values, it’d be nice if a message with patch notes were displayed after this check.
For a tourney organiser, NRS should make a version number (or even game updates current as of //**) somewhere available in the game to ensure the most recent update is being played on that setup.
This would help if they didn’t want to give patch notes or anything but still wanted to stealth-update the game.
What the fuck are you serious?!? The console has to be hooked up to the internet otherwise it rolls back to the original settings?!?!!? Holy shit that’s dumb if true. Hopefully NRS will do occasional “real” patches to make sure the cumulative changes get saved to people’s hard disk.
Whoa. And, wow. Clearly bad implications for the tournament scene lol.
I got confirmation that I was wrong about the stuff in the original post, they didn’t actually change Cyrax from one day to the next. But maybe instead what was happening is that my crappy internet connection (and it is in fact crappy) made it so one practice session my console wasn’t connected to the internet and my setups worked, and another day it was connected to the internet and my setups didn’t work. For all I know, they found the stuff I found before the game came out and updated it then, but the updates only take effect when your console’s online.
one possible thing to consider here (and this will be a pain to rule on for tourney runners):
what if the plan is to administer these small stealth updates for online as temporary fixes, or even TESTS of fixes that they will later fix with a real patch. MS is notorious for requiring patches to undergo lengthy QA before release, so what if NRS is planning to do these small updates to test their balance changes more frequently before sending out a “real” update?
this way they can see how the community reacts to something like a big damage nerf to a particular move, and if the change goes over well, then the update will be included as part of the next real patch.
the problem then for tourney runners is deciding if the game should only be played on the latest real patch version, or if it should be using the online version that may have several mini-patches in effect. then of course the other problem of spotty internet access in tourney venues…
I can’t check the recent damage change to Smoke due to the PSN being down, but I do know for a fact that the PS3 version has a save file specifically dedicated to downloaded updates from the server. Before the game launched, I was able to do a Sindel combo. They stealth removed the ability to cancel her Back Kick into special moves, effectively killing that combo and, according to Tom Brady, her infinite combo. It doesn’t matter if you’re online or offline, you can’t cancel out of the kick anymore. If you delete the save file from the PS3, you can once again cancel it.
I would assume that if tourneys use the PS3 version, they could copy their download file from home and put it on a flash drive and copy it to whatever PS3’s are being used for the tourney.
No, I think it means that now that the PSN doesn’t work, they are playing with the 1st data base that’s in the disc itself. Meaning the day 1 infinites and whatnot.
The only changed that stayed are changes done with patches.
If this is true then the PS3 will be the staple version in tournaments no doubt.
When they removed her back kick cancel I was really confused. I even deleted the version update and still couldn’t do it. It wasn’t until I deleted the downloaded save file from the PS3 that I was able to do the old cancel again. I wish the PSN wasn’t down so I could check the Smoke damage change. I would assume it’s the same…