Street fighter 3 was created to be as different from street fighter 2 as possible. Street fighter 2 was pretty much dominated by fireballs. The idea was to make street fighter 3 more technical by adding in a parry system and super cancels.
Of course, the game as is is pretty much dominated by hit confirm -> super, genei jin setups, or aegis unblockables. The reason why those strategies are so good is that they are safe low risk strategies with high rewards. The parry system pretty much removed zoning as a form of strategy, since obvious attacks can be nullified by a parry…you can’t really push someone back if they don’t want to be pushed back. As a result, i don’t really understand a lot of the nerfs to fireballs. In street fighter 2, I can combo a fireball into another fireball with Ryu pushing an opponent in the corner. In street fighter 3, I can hit with a fireball in the corner and still be punished. On top, fireballs generally do pissy damage. Ryu’s fireball does 8. in contrast, jab shoryuken does 21 points, and straight fierce punch does 19. Short kicks do 3 points, but i can chain 3 of them together to do more damage than a fireball. Really, the fireball’s only use is to aid in hit confirm. Right now, good players can punish a fireball on reaction. Fireballs are worthless as weapon…It’s pretty sad.
I have a lot of suggestions to rebalance the game, but really if a character doesn’t have a low hit confirm or some form of low risk setup, said character is not going to be top tier. It’s just the nature of the parry system.
Take elena for instance. Her low short kick is really her only cancellable low. However, it is not chainable and it doesn’t have enough stun to hit confirm. All that it would take to make Elena a top tier nightmare would be to make those short kicks chainable. She already has the easiest overhead -> super options in the game…but no confirmable low.
Think about it…if ibuki’s super art 3 was charge max 2 and her short kicks were chainable or her low foward was cancellable…what happens? Top tier.
There’s no point in rebalancing this game…it can’t really be fixed without an extensive overhaul.