Hmm, just to make conversation… the other thread makes too much sense. What would you change about guile if every character had crazy huge revamps? This is just for fun, nothing to take srsly.
High / low booms that would count as two seperate projectiles, meaning you could have a high and low on screen simultaneously. EX’s have different properties. Light EX does one slow 2 hitter that you can follow. Mid EX throws a high and a low one at the same time, like remy’s EX. Heavy EX is like it is now. If you made these changes, keep the booms at 50 damage. Oooo, don’t take this part seriously, but it would be awesome if you could hit all three punches and it would throw two 2-hitters, one high and one low for 2 bars. Sick rushdown, but totally OP.
Jugglable c.hp. You could combo a flashkick after it for a total of about 140 damage. Funny thing before you’d call this OP is that c.hp still trades, still has a long startup, and this combo would STILL do less than a shoryu. Make it so the juggle isn’t long enough to walk forward > c.hp > flashkick. You should have to be charging a little bit prior to make it fair.
Charile’s upside down flashkick… thing from marvel. Give it a big startup time to make it easy to AA for people with on point reactions, give it a lot of block stun, make it score a knock down that knocks them far away on hit, but make it do relatively low damage. Should able to TK it too. EX has a faster startup and knocks your opponent far away like the normal one, but also knocks the opponent up high for an ultra juggle in the corner. Maybe even give it a long recovery with -frames on block, but make it FADC’able for +frames on block.
Blue nocturne super that works similairly to ST Vega’s super, (only uses meter if it connects) works as an anti-air, yet does low damage, maybe ~250.
Sonic Hurricane ultra. DHC into Jill’s Tyrant. (Pardon all the MvC2 references. I don’t even like that game, I swear!) Give some way to combo into it, but NOT able to combo off of a c.hp. Make it work off of FADC’d things. Triangle jumping a fireball into EX upside down flashkick xx FADC > Sonic Hurricane would work midscreen for three bars. Hmm, maybe too good?
Guile desperately needs a new ultra that’s easier to pull off with more realistic damage. I call it the Ultra Super Sonic Flash Hurricane Boom Barrage. This Ulta starts of with Guile throwing 10 sb (like Charlie in MvC), while the booms are out Guile dashes forward and connects with a 9 hit punch/kick combo like Dan’s which leads into an 8 hit Sonic Hurricane followed by a 6 hit Double Flash and finishes with a GASBB (GIGA ATOMIC Spinning Back Breaker)!!!
This amazing 34 HIT COMBO does an ulta realistic 340 DAMAGE and is easily pulled off with the following input:
This fantastic ultra is just the thing Guile needs toput him over the top tier characters. Just to be fair there will be some counters for it so it’s not too “broken”. If the opponet blocks the first boom, the rest just ticks…for 3 damage. He can also be jabbed out of his start up. And, if the opponent jumps over he whiffs cpompletely. But, if the opponent jumps and is caught by at least one of the booms, the rest of the ultra is auto comboed for at least 130 damage!!
Well Wavy i would have to say that kind of ultra would put Guile into top tier ranking for sure. In Fact i would probably play Guile if he had an ultra like that…lmao
Crouching fierce should launch on hit so that he can follow up with either a simple juggled flash kick, or a homing jump, magic series xx air sonic hurricane, DHC to Sentinel.
The blood vessels in my brain tissue hurt trying to imagine the combo video you would make out of this. :wasted:
you can always play as someone else, charging for guile is basically “a rule” that comes with playing guile, he’s always been a charge character…it’s not a matter of “luxury”…that’s just how guile works.
this is among the most retarded posts i’ve read on any forum across the internet
if you were to make a really unrealistic-never-will-happen ‘movement change’ for guile then at least change his ultra to bison’s ultra movement… i guess :wonder:
charge b, f+k rushing move, similar to Leona in KoF12. Give it an elbow that activates when you press a punch, or a cancel that activates when you press a kick. Make it FADC up close to your standard jabs/links combo.