Complete "How to Change the Music in MVC2 + How to make your game selfboot" Thread

You lazy fuck.

That “color edit” thread is here.

The original post here was blanked, presumably because DHost went down a long time ago. I have a backup of the guide at , though, that you can use. Let me know via PM if you run into issues or problems: it’s all pretty dated stuff, but the process still works and is being used regularly by peeps.

One important thing as 32bit Windows dies off is that bin2boot only works on 32bit Windows systems. If you’re on 64bit Windows use bootdreams instead.

Zass and I’ve been talking about resurrecting palmod and I’ve taken some steps in that direction. There’s two major forks, and I will work to figure out the logic in that second more modern fork (past my own 1.22 variant edition, which was mostly minor bug fixes to buu’s 1.2).

I went through and fixed up the broken links I noticed in the first 200 posts in this thread, as well as fixing the initial post so that it has anything at all now. It’s simply pointing to my backup/update of the ComboMasher guide –

Useful news of the week:

  • I put a new version of PalMod out. It is still in progress, but the interim 1.23 release – – fixes a number of bugs in 1.22. If you’re actively modding stuff, probably use that. Or wait until I’m more complete and release the upcoming 1.24 or later release.

  • MountainmanJed and team put out a fixed version of that you should integrate into your images. This unlocks all the stages/characters by default without needing a VMU as well as fixing random stage select to use all the stages. This package is linked at .
