A lot of people have been asking me for this one, so here it is…the Official Mango Sent featured in that infamous video we have all come to love.
I actually only kept this Sent in my mix for a short time, who’d of thought it would’ve caught on so much. I’m not even sure how the fuck it got to Ohio to be honest, but oh well. I’ve also included the “Superman/Minty Magnus” even though I never intended him to look like superman.
thekid raises a good point, I’ll see if I can tweak the palmod code to accept color strings with the damned SRK space in them ( “(#10000F111FFFFF5FFF5DEF3AEF04AFFD9FFA8FD87FA51FC1 5F904F803F402F201)” shouldn’t have a space in it).
edit: nevermind, works fine in the latest code, like i thought it would. good work suupabuu. you have an earlier version.
The source code suupabuu uploaded fixes this. If you want to use my private palmod version, that would probably work. My private palmod is not supported: suupabuu is the only one you should really trust to produce builds.
still no dice…:shake:…
Edit: preppy your version doesnt on my pc it just says “error could not load resources”…although im runnin vista, which might the problem no?..