I swear to god all this throw shit has been discussed before. but I’m a (relatively) old timer and can’t be bothered to remember where it all is.
anyways in your situation.
gief does jump in knees against another gief.
reversal spd will win. (i.e. blocking gief gets a free grab if jumping gief doesn’t do a combo off the knees)
here’s what sometimes happens though
knees hit early and you reversal too early, while jumping gief is still airborn, then jumping gief lands and grabs you.
knees hit late and gief walks backwards (outside your grab range) you reversal but it whiffs and then he grabs you!
knees hit late and you get comboed because you’re mashing 360 instead of blocking
knees hit late and jumping gief is smart and does jump back roundhouse smacking you in the face when you try and 360 him.
knees hit late and you’re tired of of gief doing jump knees into jump back roundhouse so you lariat instead
(and you never want to jump knees in the gief matchup j.short roundhouse and fierce happen to be much better options if you choose to jump in, and rarely even then!)
on the real though in gief vs. gief I just try and play footsies to counter hit sweeps with sweeps then walk in and out of 360 range on wakeup (3s style) to bait whiff 360s and sweep punish them. also try and stay at that range where s.roundhouse will anti air all of jumping giefs jumps. play a turtle game.
the question though?
if both of you are in grabbable states the first person to execute the grab wins.
this is why reversal grabs beat ticks. reversal grab is ungrabbable state directly into grab and you’re never in a grab vulnerable state.
still though, just don’t bother leaving it up mixups and execution, just out play them with superior footsies.
i.e. watch this: [media=youtube]e4Ku-gYfmrE[/media]
here’s another fantastic example: [media=youtube]0u6WTXiK5zw[/media]