I’ve been thinking about doing this for some time. I want to know what you guys think are some of Skrull’s harder matchups and why. Feel free to describe what you do against these characters and maybe we can all get better from this.
Some of the characters that can give my Skrull a problem sometimes are :
Nova- Controls the air well and has a lot of priority on his air normals, and is often hard to challenge him because of this. I need to experiment with orbital grudge against his air H. You can try to set up Nova up for the anti air command grab or simply just dash under him and and go for an air grab
Hawkeye- In the hands of a good player, Hawkeye can give Skrull a lot of trouble. His up arrows stop any meteor smash and he can gimlet on reaction to meteor smash and any air dash. I try to use rolling hook in this matchup as well as Jump H. This matchup requires some patience.
Wesker- He can keep Skrull out and has a lot of range on some of his normals. M command grab works well on him sometimes. You can try and meteor smash him as he attempts to keep you out but it can be tough.
Wolverine- He is really fast and Skrull doesn’t have the best defensive options. And that dive kick. I should try orbital grudge on that too. I try to use Standing L and Jump H against wolverine.
BONUS: I would also like to know what some of you think is the BEST Super Skrull team.
A couple of matches where I really wasn’t sure what to do with any of my characters were against:
a Haggar that was spamming normal jump pipes, I’m sure there’s something obvious to do against it, but I couldn’t find it during the match.
The other was rocket raccoon, who seemed to be able to answer a lot of skrull’s options. The trap super ruled out meteor smashes, spitfires stopped a grounded approach, log trap covered his head, and he can always teleport to get in or around you. The only thing I could really do against that character was to wait for bad teleports and punish.
Best skrull team? x/x/skrull, his matchups are a lot better 1v1 in my opinion, and if you’re last you can make people not want to call assists and really dominate in x-factor.
I’m glad you made the thread, hopefully we can pool together some tips for all of his tougher matchups.
Against Haggar, I use moves like towards H and H command grab. Try to poke him and figure out his pattern. He is free to command grabs because he doesn’t have much range. Also, orbital grudge probably works on pipe.
As for RR, rolling hook can help get in. Jump H on the way down also helps when trying to dodge his traps. Also try to bait out teleports and punish with Standing L.
Seems like a lot of players prefer Anchor Skrull. I like him on point. With the use of certain assists he can perform TOD combos.
Haggar vs. Skrull is so in Skrull’s favor. If he tries to superjump from across the stage, backdash then heavy command grab. His jump pipe game is ruined when you orbital grudge as soon as he jumps.
What’s your thoughts on taskmaster? Like hawkeye up arrows stop meteor smash as well as his counter hyper. Of course if they counter hyper you can cancel meteor smash into inferno before it hits. I too prefer Skrull/x/x as I play Skrull/Doom/Akuma.
Skrull vs Taskmaster is a hard matchup for Skrull. Up arrows and that counter hyper gives Skrull too much trouble. His H normals do multiple hits too so it gets rid of Oribital Grudge.
I actually run Skrull in my middle slot with Nova on point and Sent on Anchor. While sent has so many bad match ups, I chose this team set up to give both Nova and Skrull the drones as support and hope it doesn’t have to come down to just Sent alone.
As for bad match ups, I usually have the most trouble against people who can shut out my Meteor Smash game (Hawkeye, Task, Rocket, etc.). One other issue I’m trying work out is getting in with Skrull’s short normals.
Hi_Im_Nasty, I just wanted to say that I love your Skrull and the way you handled yourself at Ultimate Norcal vs Marvel 2 and other tournaments. Watching you and people like DJ Houshen play Skrull prompted me to switch over to the Empire. I had already had a soft spot for Skrull since Vanilla but seeing what he could do made him a permanent on my team.
You gotta rely on your ground game in this matchup. If u see him jumping up and shooting arrows, approach him and wait for the opportunity to H command grab him. And you can M command grab any badly placed shield skills. I try to use rolling hook in this matchup as well as Jump H.
When I get back from Final Round, I’ll be updating this thread with more information on certain match-ups and possibly making a list of the entire cast. Any help and input is great.
I assume its this way with a lot of the heavier characters (Nemesis, Hulk, Sent, etc). The Orbital Grudge special has one hit of super armor, but does it last the duration of the move or only during the start up?
Skrull dies horribly to anyone with good rushdown specifically zero, wolverine, wesker, and phoenix because like pain said he doesn’t have good defensive options. Skrull’s good mid screen defenses mean shit against lightning quick mixups similar to how in AE sim can keep most characters out very well but once they get in his face he has no dp.
Sent drones are definitely still skrull’s best assist and open up so many things for him so any team with that assist is optimal IMO and I say that having dropped sent lol.
completely agree with wolverine. i thought that with the nerf, wolverine would be less of a problem but he’s still such a pain (see what i did there?). I’ve tried OG-ing but sometimes the armor doesn’t activate fast enough. and plus, wolvie’s are usually on point so they have an assist like tatsu or shopping cart. the dive kick also beats out skrull’s s.H
i also think we should add Zero to that list.
Zero - multi-hitting pizza cutter with no hurtbox and multi-hitting normals, faster normals, and normals that outrange yours. buster keeps him safe and i dont know exactly how to deal with his lightning attacks except for dodging them.
what i’ve done to survive Zeroes are use elastic punches, use rolling hook, airdash above him and use stone dunk and finally, by thinking random, lol. zero’s i’ve played tend to spam their teleports/lightning atks/jH. so a random inferno, which hits everywhere, makes them slow down a bit and make them more prone to being opened up.
Wolverine can be a victim of being zoned out by using Elastic Punches. Since he’s not invincible, you can elastic punch him when he’s coming from afar, when up close for the cross up, I usually jump back and charge S. Punishes both him and his assist if used.
Got blown up by wolverines this weekend at FR since no one plays the character in Florida. Lost to Justin and Noel. I need to learn that match-up by playing against wolverines.