Columbus, OH: jinmaster got banned, lolwut

You are awesome.

I just realized something…I think what I look for in women is for them to be obsessed homicidal maniacs :lol:


  1. In tv series Dexter I had an interest in Lila
  2. The movie Crush-Alicia Silverstone
  3. BlazBlue - Nu

sigh Oh Brian…lol I learned those notations while learning Arcana. They’ve been around since the beginning of time. I can’t knock you though, I remember a time when I thought the numbers were confusing too.

David’s link is a good one. The combos on there are notated with arrows, can’t get any easier than that lol. There are a lot listed there and it looks intimidating, I won’t lie. But honestly you just need to learn at least one combo for every normal and situation practical for a match. The only way to do that is to go to training mode and actually try out the normals and see which ones you’ll actually see yourself using, and go from there.

Tiggy’s advice: Don’t start big. Learn the character’s normals/specials/supers, then learn simple combos. Get match experience and get a feel for the character.

While I’m on that, playing someone as good as Sean may feel like you’re absolutely helpless, but the thing you have to understand is that he’s giving you invaluable gameplay experience. If you just ask, he’ll give you pertinent strats to deal with whatever he’s doing to you. Plus, once you get that hit in on him once in a while and learn how you did so, it only means you’re getting that much better.

And if you run into a problem doing a particular combo, just go the the BlazBlue strategy zone and go to the v-13 thread. The strategy zone is the real reason SRK exists lol. Lord Knight has helped me figure out what I was doing wrong with Litchi’s advanced BnB, now I can branch out and learn more things with her now that I understand her timing a little better.

Just keep at it if you’re really serious about getting good with her/playing BB at all. If not it’s understandable, just don’t be like I used to and expect to get good overnight.

Yeah I used it just so I wouldn’t use up tons of paper when copying combos from SRK and dustloop, have to do that since my comp isn’t in the same room as my 360. never knew how much space writing just hcb and qcfs etc. took up.

tiggy where’s our Columbus, OH: home of the joystick demolition derby title at. if not for the next thread, the one after maybe.

also, another thing I read is just stick to learning one combo a day, if you can get it down in training mode often enough, take it online and just keep on trying to get in the situation for that combo, and soon enough you’ll learn it against real people and muscle memory kicks in from there.

What was confusing me was the 5dd,6a,4c …type thing when I first looked at it. Now I totally understand. I guess putting a number with back or forward is easier to type I guess. As for being good at BB. I just want to be good enough to have fun with it. That meaning being able to play against other players. I am not looking to be the best or even tourny level. Just enough to actual play the game

Brent the Joystick Destructor for next title:rofl:

I can’t edit the poll after it’s posted. Once it’s done it’s done, just like Sean’s Taokaka once she gets in. I’ll add those titles to the next one.

And yes Brian, the numpad notation exists for that reason. It’s universally used and understood, and shortens how much you need to type.

No, that pretty much sums it up.

Umm, it’s just a numpad. You sure you didn’t learn them back when you got your first computer? :looney:

I meant for next next title or next next next title.

Its pretty cool on how diverse we are with our character selection in BB. It seems like everyone is playing someone different. That will make things alot more fun …instead of the Ryu vs. Ryu, Ken vs. Ryu, Sagat vs. Ken/Ryu

The game is still young. At some point the majority of us will learn that our character selection sucked, and we’ll all switch to the top tier people, lol

v-13 for everyone, then. Unless she gets nerfed with that rumored loketest. I still wanna learn tager too, his magnet stuff is amazing. I catch so many people at Games on Main with the 720 because of it.

If they make her weaker in power than they should also up her defense/amout of damage she takes:cool:

If they are streaming EVO are we going to do some kind of viewing party or something. I think that would be fun as hell and awesome. We could play games and watch EVO all day…HURRRAAYY

I agree that v-13 is top tier, but I’m still not sure she’s THAT overpowered. If you know what you are doing with your techs, blocks, bursts, instant blocks, and counter assaults I think you should be able to get around her. I mean, Carl has a full health true combo…

Hey David what website were you telling me about where you can preview the Xbox themes and stuff.


You guys should check out this theme

They get posted on neogaf as well. Though I guess that’s cool too. edit: lame they don’t have the KOF XII premium themes and neogaf is down :frowning:

I was practicing some of Ragna’s rapid cancel combos and got really sweaty for some reason. I guess it’s break time. for anyone doing story mode here’s the list of complete paths for each character.

Umm, it was when I was learning how to play GG and for the very first time I had looked up combos online…a friend of mine linked me to a site. I didn’t know what the numbers represented. Add to that I first saw the numpad notations on a Japanese site…a WHILE back.

I didn’t really learn how to interpret the numpad notations for myself until I started learning Arcana, which was late '07. Before that, I only watched vids to learn things about a fighting game. You have to understand that until very recently I’ve had a severe lack of motivation in terms of actually learning a game to the point where I am able to read things online and comprehend what I’m reading.

So it’s not that I didn’t know what a numpad was, I just didn’t know what the numpad notations represented when I first saw them. Add to that not knowing the game at the time (GG) and I was REALLY lost. It took me a long time to get where I’m at in terms of learning, and I’ve still got a long way to go.

Unless you’re playing Tager, Bang, Carl, or Hakumen, no. Even with those four they can steamroll people, it just takes extensive character knowledge and even more patience.

He may have a true full health combo, but he doesn’t have true full screen mixup/zoning. v-13 isn’t WAY overpowered, but she is undeniably overpowered in certain respects. I’m not bitching and saying she’s unbeatable or she should be banned, but her advantages heavily outweigh anything the rest of the cast has going for them. I’m just stating facts here.

Good thing I have a fan!!1!!one!! Litchi did the same thing to me earlier this week lol

EDIT: 993 posts, looks like I’ll be making the new thread when I get home from work late tonight
EDITEDIT: [media=youtube]VFm1dGbBic8[/media] OMG

Ok, getting a lot of Ragna’s combos down now. At first I was confused at this ground combo that had 22C in it, and I’m like “what the fuck is this shit?”

5 minutes later I was feeling very stupid as I realized it was his OTG throw.

Also, doing pretty good online now. take that you ride the iceningers.

also I can’t help but laugh at the “You’re the best! Around!” and “Nothing’s gonna keep you down!” achievements.

Shit, this was a busy weekend. Didn’t even get one game in from Friday until now.

I’m off all week though so I will be on XBL a lot during the day, if anyone wants to get some BB or HDR in.

Still don’t feel like playing IV.

Goddamn, these poll options are ass.

Also, fuck BB story mode. For real.

lol, I still like it.

This week you are off? Yeah I will have to hit you up for some matches. I will be playing on my pad though :sad:. But I am getting a modded SE stick later this week so all is well, and hopefully the headphone jack works on it so I can actually communicate in matches.

Yes BB story mode and story in general is just retarded and makes no sense. Beating arcade with Arakune…seeing his ending is just wtf. Ragna’s ending was pretty cool

Oh I haven’t seen any endings yet, so I can’t really comment on that. I just like how they laid it out and how you have to finish parts of each characters before moving on to another.