Columbus, OH: jinmaster got banned, lolwut


I thought you were insulting me at first Brent, then I carefully reread the sentence. Honestly tho the only game I can represent Ohio in is Arcana, and that’s not saying much with the shape the community is in for that game :sad:

Like I said before, the "Ultimate Prize"
And that’s cool on the setups, the only stick I have is my Lilica stick. I have converters for PS3 so anyone else who has a custom stick can play on PS3. I guess I’ll just bring my PS2 and a few games then.

And bbing…allergies are SRS BSNS. Cut the guy some slack lol

I’m heading out to Jinmaster’s at 4. Should be there around 5. Me and him will head out to Clint’s house and be there about 6.

If anyone wants to catch a ride with me and him, let me know.

I will bring CvS2, KOF XI,SF Alpha, and GGAC+ just in case someone wants to play some of that.

The Katana wasn’t ready at the time of the event. :frowning:

If I had the Katana, the pic would of been 100x better


Agreed. You take Sudafed? That stuff rocks!

I would be in for some of any of that. Although I’m not really experienced in any of those games. And by not experienced I mean that I have only played each one once, with the exception of GGAC which I have played 3 times.


Ed, bring TvC.

I’ll see you gaiz in a little bit, time to mingle with the peoples at the party before I go

Well I am getting ready to head home from Work. See you guys at my place if any one else wants to join us just give me a call and I will give you directions.

Feel free to park in the driveway, Yard or on the street.

On my way now.

On my lay now.

I was going to come down there tonight, but last minute plans to see Terminator popped up.

Given the choice between a 5 minute drive to Terminator, and 30 minute drive to your house, I chose the movie.

So I’ll see everyone on Wed. at Brent’s place.

What are your thoughts on the movie ? I thought it was pretty sweet.

Thanks Clint for the invite. Was alot of fun and your place is off the hook.

Note Jimsensei does not like wet willies. Thank you Mike for providing us with this information. End Note

ggs tonight everybody! Thanks for a great get together Clint.

GGs everybody. Thanks Clint for letting us game at your place. The cabs and the TV were too nice. Some shoutouts:

Dreaded Fist - I’m sorry you had to play against my horrible playstyles in SFA3 and 3S. GGs tho
Rakae - It was destined in the stars for us to play against each other in the SFIV random tourney
Marcel (even tho you don’t post) - You funny as hell, as always
jinmaster - You’re right, I jump WAY too much in HDR…heck, in EVERYTHING I play. It’s so hard to stay grounded when I can just jump and close the gap, while making myself unsafe…it’s how we do it in America
Crimson_Zero 12 - If you want you can take a look at my laptop on Wednesday. I don’t know how long it’ll take tho, so I don’t wanna take you away from gaming.

And just think…Wednesday night too. Oh man FGs are too serious

Yeah, that’s cool Tiggy.

I’m sitting here now watching this random Jap program installed to my computer, without my permission, disappear. I don’t freak out with too much, but don’t install random shit on my laptop. Serious business. You know who you are.

Thanks again, Clint.

I’m serious in that the next time we have a party like this, I’ll grill up dinner. Burgers, chicken, you name it.

Guilty Gear is all about down-kick, standing slash, down dust when playing Faust.

Nico Nico Fighters

Fighter Maker 3D:

98 Koshien

Goose Howard

GameCenter CX

GGs tonight guys. Thanks for hosting, clint.

Josh, thx for driving me there and Marcel for driving me back. Sorry for wearing out your clutch though! Hopefully you and Michael made it back safely.

Tiggy: Both the 3s and A3 setup was weird but we can play again on a better setup. The mame 3s has horrible input lag and the American x-arcade is just nasty to play on.

I think I just don’t like Brandt in general, and I was probably the last one in this scene to like him at all.

Not a problem, man. Let me know if you’re in need of a ride again, or you just want to sit back and kick it sometime.

Hahaha, it wasn’t me, but damn I should’ve saved goatse as your desktop image! :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, drag MGEAR_1 out to the next meet-up. Seriously. Fuck sleeping. I had my PS3 all bundled up in the van, waiting to show him MGO2.

I just want to thank everyone who came out and played I had a great time.

ED: thanks for bring your setup and getting the pizza setup.

Paul: thanks for bringing your stuff and taken pictures. maybe next time we will do a cook out fight night.

Tiggy: keep training I feel our struggle is an eternal one. plus I still owe you a tournament win.

Josh: thanks for getting Phong.

Marcel: for taking Phong home.

Phong: I apologize I past the buck.

Dwayne: thanks for bringing your setup, also I want to play your Chun on Wednesday I meant to last night.

Brian: thanks for keeping order.

Mike: thx for running the random SFIV tournament and working on your dickness I can tell you are working on keep it up, dont give into the darkside.

What he said.