Colorado thread: 2014 that stuff down

Yo, this is DancingFighterG. I’m having a gathering from 12:00noon to 6:00pm on Saturday. The main game will be Tekken 6 but I can put in other games if people want. GoatSmash, by all means read the thread as Colorado Cutthroat nor I have nothing have nothing to hide. Don’t get caught up in lies and child drama that could potentially distract you from school, meeting new players, going to great events and more. Play, learn and have fun man!! If you have any questions concerning the Fighter Frenzy, the gathering or anything else that Colorado Cutthroat does don’t hesitate to contact me here, phone, email or on the Cutthroat forums. You can also go here:

goatsmash, SargonaS, welcome to the Colorado community. Always nice to see some new blood in the fighting game scene. You can add me on PSN or XBL. FallingEdge for both.

Check out the Extra Fresh community as we consistently have tourneys, gatherings, etc and do what we can for the greater good.

I’ll be honest, DFG is a dick who stole money from the community and won’t listen to anyone else on this matter. When you have 95% of the CO community who refuses to go to his tourneys due to the shadyness of his previous events, you know there is a problem. If you really want me to go into detail, I can but right now, this isn’t the time or the place. If you choose to attend his tourneys, ain’t nothing wrong with that at all. Just do what you do. Do try to come to our tourney on the 30th though haha :tup:

In any case, welcome!

Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Oh Andy so quick to point without ANY EVIDENCE TO BACK UP ANYTHING YOU ARE SAYING. All of you just complain and lie about things because you can’t control any of it. Why would listen to people who don’t care about the growth of community and only care about there friends. The way you act why would I listen too you. Call me all the names you want because it won’t change anything and that’s all you can do. I will say this to all. Those people who have the correct information i.e. people in Texas, Dallas, some back east and west, etc, etc who have the facts i.e spreadsheets, receipts know the truth so you can continue to spread lies but at the end of day it makes you and your entire EFL crew look stupid and trouble makers as well as makes Colorado look bad. Those who know are OG’s of the Tekken and the Soul Calibur community I think they hold a little bit more weight then your opinion. I’ve always said that you acting this way do does not hurt me it’s hurts the very scene you “care” about.

95% of the community LOL!! So maybe 30 players make up the entire CO community. So I guess the 100+ that ALWAYS attend Cutthroat events don’t matter. For someone who has college education your sure not showing it right now. I don’t know what is up with all of you? Always want to bring drama to something like high school kids. Let people go to whatever event they want and let them form their own opinion because I have my opinions about EFL events, i’m not the only one, but people will see for themselves. Cutthroat knows that our product is good and getting better so instead of taking so much effort, which is a complaint to Cutthroat, to derail Cutthroat then simply make your events worth going too for everyone instead of your friends. I don’t have to go on a forum and bash the EFL or anyone in the EFL because Cutthroat does it right and our sponsors and the players know it. Put up and shut up and let the things fall as they may. Your purpose for the EFL is totally different then the purpose of Cutthroat but yet you have this desire to come after Cutthroat and me all the time. I’m glad that I am on your mind so much. This is so tiring because you take the life out of gaming with all this drama that you like to start and that’s real

At the end of the day new guys just go to any event you want and have fun. Ignore all this drama that people insist on bringing to gaming and simply play to have fun. With that, at least in Cutthroat, gives you the opporturnity to do more with gaming then you can normally do by yourself.

Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Forgot to say if you are interested in the gathering this weekend at my place give me a call as we will have people coming over. Go here:

for my number and address.

See you this weekend!!

lol @ 100+.

You are right. I forgot that you are helping the community when your tourneys are the ones to avoid on SRK and TZ. Yup, banned on a NATIONAL level. Blacklisted on a NATIONAL level.

When was the last time you had 100+ people enter in a single game? Prove that to me.

And with the money, anytime we ask for proof of where it goes, you never show us. If you gonna act grimey about it, then go for it. Don’t lie and say it goes to a good cause when it doesn’t. One thing you are right though is that yes, we do have different purposes. We care about the community and all the money that was given at a tourney has been used for community purposes. We aren’t trying to make this a business like you are. We aren’t trying to pocket the money. Again, that is your prerogative. Back on the old CF forums, you posted that you use some of the money to pay for your gas. GTFO.

FT5. Dragon Age. Holla.

Half: Fair enough. I’m done with this arguing. Presented this point a million times. Let them each do what they do. Sorry for that.

More SF/Tekken/Karnov :lovin:

Please keep all this stuff out of this thread, Andy and Greg. Thanks.

Hey guys i’m new to SRK.

Here’s where I like to go.

How to I become a premium member like Fallingedge? Why aren’t you a premium member Halfro??

Om nom nom, bitch.

Yo, this is DancingFighterG.

Halfro - If you didn’t start posting stuff about me in the first place it wouldn’t be in this thread. Both you and Andy started this is little chain not me

Andy -

-BlackList…Sure…whatever you say Andy. Also the fact that you think that SRK and TZ makes up the entire gaming scene is sad. People have there opinions based of lies and I kinda think because some people look at me as threat but oh well. Can’t change people’s minds but we know that everything was on the up and up when it came to SuperCon and I will stick by that forever. Cutthroat and the NVGA will continue to grow despite negative things from people

-You complain about me telling where money goes you don’t tell me what you do with your money. Also, Cutthroat staff and those people who help with the business know where the money goes because they work for Cutthroat. You don’t work for Cutthroat so you won’t know just like any other business. When did we have 100+ for one game? The closes we had was 89 with Smash for SuperCon 2009 followed up with Soul Calibur Nationals and HALO. 500+ people for SuperCon.

Also, don’t say that none of you don’t take money because I have seen you take a portion of the money. If that was not the case then why charge a venue fee from everyone? Of course you will say to pay for the venue but you probably get some venues free or discounted so where does the money go then. We have equipment to buy, staff to pay and other event expenses. How about you EFL because the venue fee goes somewhere i.e new monitors, paying staff, etc,etc. Just be real. Lastly, you hit it right on the nose. Cutthroat is a business. Since we are business there are things that have to be done so stop trying to put your critierias as a club/group on Cutthroat. We do things differently partly because we do things differently and also because we HAVE TO do things differently. It doesn’t matter what I say because it seems that you can’t except what Cutthroat is and what we do which are great things for the gaming community IN colorado as a whole. From the education, too the large events, to the sponsors, to everything you don’t like it because we are doing it. Is this jelousy or just straight hate? Either way is stupid because all this drama DOES NOT HELP THE PLAYERS OR THE COMMUNITY AND EVEN MIKE HAS AGREED WITH THAT. So you can continue to long drawn whine fest about how DFG is the big bad man or simply do your thing and Cutthroat does our thing and go from there. No need to call people names, cuss at each other, lie and whatever else because you don’t like something. There is things I don’t like about the EFL but you don’t see coming at Mike or anyone else cussing, acting a fool and telling people not to attend people events. That’s high school drama man. In the end the better product will shine.

Ok, I’m done and I hope this does not deter people from coming to either of the events. For Cutthroat we apologize for exposing new faces to such things. Trust, this is not how it is all the time so don’t be discourage to attend gatherings or events by either Cutthroat or the EFL. You will get good experience at both events!!

Greg, I didn’t post anything to you AT ALL. I directed my post to the new members. But, I am not going to bicker with you. I would rather just have a mod come settle this. This is the dumb shit that DOES discourage people from our community. Again, PLEASE stop. I won’t be responding to anything else after this.

Premium is a paid service. $3 a month. Or you can pay for 6 months or a year.


Friday Night

** Bi-Weekly Gatherings**

Goal of Fight Club:

  • Serious play sessions for those of us trying to LVL UP
    a. With Food + Drink (if reasonable price) for people to stay focused

  • Q&A for those of us trying to learn

  • EFL stream of games, rotated every so often during the session

  • Single game tournaments(rotating scedule)? Not for much, $2 a head. Incentive for people to try games in tournament without risking much. Also, see if they LIKE tournament play. This is not something I would like to implement right away, just a thought for the moment.

SF4 (Soon to be Super)
BB (Soon to be CS)
*If there are other games that you feel deserve a shot and are viable, we can all vote on/try to fit them in as well.

Rotating schedule between Cisco’s and my house:
Halfro’s Place
4661 S. Lowell Blvd
unit C
Denver, 80236

Cisco’s Place

7pm - 12am

[size =10]**
02/05/10 - Fight Club Cisco
02/19/10 - Fight Club Halfro
03/05/10 - Fight Club Cisco
03/19/10 - Fight Club Halfro
04/02/10 - Fight Club: Super SF4 Special Edition
04/16/10 - Fight Club[/size]

The Rules of Fight Club.
1st RULE: You do not talk about FIGHT CLUB.
2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about FIGHT CLUB.
3rd RULE: If someone says “stop” or goes limp, taps out the fight is over.
4th RULE: Only two guys to a fight.
5th RULE: One fight at a time.
6th RULE: No shirts, no shoes. (This one is optional for our stinkier members.)
7th RULE: Fights will go on as long as they have to.
8th RULE: If this is your first night at FIGHT CLUB, you HAVE to fight.

"Fuck off with your sofa units and strine green stripe patterns, I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let… lets evolve, let the chips fall where they may

Have you got a chance to secure the $10 price tag?

Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Less then two weeks until the Fighter Frenzy. If interested in attending go here:

Pre-registration closes next Tuesday so make sure, if you want to attend, to go for that discount!!

Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Pre-registration closes tomorrow so make sure you pay online to get the pre-reg rate and gift

Thread needs more Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire.

More people should play VS.

Whats up peeps?

Chillin’! Where the hell you been at? TOURNAMENT IN 2 WEEKS!


“I dont know karate but I know karazy! YES WE DO!”

Ready to get some payback from last years tournaments? Had it up to HERE losing to Pedro in the finals? LOST that money match vs Pablo? Think Kyles is just too old and needs to get out of the game? Some one just on your nerves and you can’t take it, you HAVE to play them first round? Want to shut me up once and for all? Now is your chance. I don’t know about you guys but, my new years resolution is PAYBACK.

Jan 30th, 2010

Gallery 30 @ STARZ Film Center
900 Auraria Pkwy
Denver, CO 80204
(by Tivoli Student Union)

What time:
Casuals start @ 10:30am
Sign ups/brackets built @ 11:00am
Start time @ 12:00pm

*Tournament WILL start EXACTLY @ 12pm. If you are late, you are not getting in the bracket. You are not buying your way in. Show up on time if you plan on being apart of this event. We will NOT be waiting for folks that go missing in any match. If you are called 3 times and none of the directors know where you are at, DQ. DQ will count as a loss for ex: if you are in the winners, you will go the the losers. If you are in the losers, you are out of the tournament.

SF4 (PS3)
T6 (PS3)
BB (PS3)
6 Game Random Tournament

  • ST (emulated)
  • 3s (emulated)
  • Sfa3 (emulated)
  • Jjba (emulated)
  • Vs (emulated)
  • Xvs (emulated)

Venue fee: $10.00
Entry: $10.00
Double elimination
2/3 untill finals, 3/5 finals
AS ALWAYS, Cash payouts at our tournaments. No Cashier check/I.O.U/ Travlers Check/Coupon/Tampon nonsense.

Sf4: default time/rounds/damage, all characters allowed.
T6: default time/damage, 3/5 rounds, ARCADE and Console
BB: default time/rounds/damage
St: Speed 3, all other settings default
3S: All default arcade settings
Sfa3: Alll default arcade settings
Jjba: Petshop banned, default damage/time, 3/5 rounds
Vs: default time/damage/rounds
Xvs: default time/damage/rounds, Version B (shoto hop kick infinite taken out, ect.)

The way the 6 game tournament will work is that each game is assigned a number on dice (whats singular for dice, die?) or pieces of paper in a bag. 2 players will be called in the bracket and then we will RANDOMLY pick one game and both players play 2/3 in the game chosen. When we get to the finals of the tournament, the game again will be randomly chosen, if the LOSER wins 3 games and resets the bracket, we will PICK A DIFFERENT GAME to do the next set.

Please bring your own controller. Some will be there but, if you own any you should bring it. We are going to dq people who are holding up tournaments because lack of equipment. The emulated games will be played via PC. Most USB sticks will work on the PC.

Special Events:
T6 5v5!
Team Smiles


Team Saeng

Tigers milk VS EVIL Retard strength: PAYBACK STYLE!

You know the deal, SIGN UP!

Artly :wink:


