Colorado thread: 2014 that stuff down

We need more gatherings. I haven’t played anyone in Tekken for a few weeks. Need to give BB another go and maybe give SF4 another shot.

Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Hello all!! Thought I start visiting this site again. I forget about this site all the time. Always looking for some tekken heads in Denver!! Getting ready for the FF so maybe I can get 1st or 2nd. Hopefully I can get to Saeng this time!! Torn, you need to come over so I can see what new tricks you have learned in T6. I’m ready to mash some heads in again!! LOL

PSN: hellafree

add me for some T6/Sf4/mvc2 casuals

im in Colorado springs btw. thx

Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Ok Sargonas. I will add you. If you are in the Springs make sure you hook up with some of the players down there i.e Knox. He is a good Alysa. Also, check out the Cutthroat site for event information

We have our fighter frenzy coming up in two weeks:

Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Hey Gnarr, Colorado Cutthroat also host a lot of gaming events in Colorado. Check out our site:

If you are here in January we have our 4th annual Fighter Frenzy coming up

Check us out!!

Didn’t realize SRK had community forums. SF4 is the first fighter I’ve gotten into since Marvel vs. Capcom, but damn it’s like being a kid again. After getting sick of playing on slow ass connections, I thought I’d look to see what the scene is here and maybe get some play in person.

I’m new to SF4, scrub Honda/Balrog right now, but if you play on GFWL gimme a shout some time, and I’ll see if I can’t make it to FF. I’m sure I’d get squashed in the tourney but I might show up for casual play and to see how Colorado does it.

Yo, this is DancingFighterG. What up goatsmash. What we strive for in Cutthroat is getting our community stronger by giving them as much knowledge as possible to you can be a better player. We will have casuals for all games available so you will get time to play. Definitly get on our distro list so you can stay up to date on all the events we have planned for the rest of the season. Definitly, if you are on PS3, add me too your friends list DancingFighterG

Also, take a look at our vids on our youtube and ustream:

Just GFWL right now. Holding off to see how busy school keeps me before grabbing a console. (This is seriously the first time I’ve been interested in a multi game outside of FPS in ages, so I don’t have any of the current gen)

My friends are trying to get me into Third Strike on GGPO too, but I need to figure out some control issues before I even start learning that.

Yo, this is DancingFighterG. I would say for now stay with SF4 since the new SF4 is coming out. If you are looking for other games Tekken 6 and BlazBlue is huge in Colorado so you might want to look into that game as well. Handle that school man!! I’ve been there as I have my degree in computer science. I started competiting 8 years ago in college so I know how that is. Cutthroat host a lot of events so you will have more then chances between events and gatherings to play and meet people!! You can see our vids and see what people are playing in Colorado right now!! We have vids from 2008 Cutthroat season as well.

Was that 2008 FF at Auraria? Watching the video – the place looks familiar.

Edit: Also, for casual play at the upcoming – what will SF4 be on? My stick is good for Xbox and PC.

Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Yhea, FF was at Auraria last year as well. SF4 will be on PS3. We run all our fighting games on PS3.

How about we just have more gatherings…

That’d be nice. I’d really like to get some practice in that doesn’t involve laggy netplay.

Yo, this is DancingFighterG. I’m having a gathering either Friday or Saturday in preperation for the Fighter Frenzy. I have something to do on Saturday at around 7:00pm so Saturday is an option but it would have to be from 12:00noon to 6:00pm. I will let everyone know via twitter and forums by tomorrow.

Torn, I had a gathering two weeks ago but you didn’t show up!! I have a gathering at least once of month if not more but you need to check the Cutthroat forums more.

Does anyone do arcade play? Is there anything closer to downtown Denver than Nickel a Play in Aurora and Tilt in Lakewood? Anyone got any preferences?

Yo, this is DancingFighterG. From what I know there are any arcade worth going to other than the Tilt since they have SF4 but you can just play online and get more for your money. Just the way gaming has evolved due to online. I personally like that face to face meeting people i.e the reason why Cutthroat host a lot of events.

Whats up guys? If you are looking for a LARGE fighting game community to interact with, hit us up on . That’s colorado’s own site for the fighting game crowd.

Oh and just so you guys know, click :nono:

I’m not gonna get involved in a promoter war here. Near as I can tell there’s two tourneys within like a week of each other. Depending on schedule I’ll try to hit up both.

As to arcade/online, I just wanna get a different experience out of it. Aside from the atmosphere of playing with the other person right there, you gotta have a great connection to get around lag issues. Even with like 3 bars, my anti-airs sometimes come out late. I’d take getting squashed by some trash-talking 12-year-old Chun over losing to a flowchart Ken 'cause my punches come out late – at least just to give it a try. I haven’t played in the arcade since Marvel vs. Capcom.

Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Goatsmash, don’t get involved just focus on playing, getting better and going to any event you wish to participate in. The more you participate the more you get out of it. Yhea, lag kills my game on Tekken. It’s better now because you can pick your connection but overall your juggles have to be inputted a little bit early so you hit your juggles. I’m pretty sure it the same things for other games online as well. Yhea, it sucks to lose to someone due too some lag. I play online but not that much as I get fustrated LOL!! I haven’t played in the arcade since Tekken 4. It’s been a while!!

No promotion war. You are grown, you can read, you decide what you believe. Just presenting the information. Our community focuses on Fighting games solely. If you are interested in learning fighters, there is a gathering this friday at stasis gaming. All the information is on the EF site, in the community growth/gathering schedule thread.