Colorado thread: 2014 that stuff down

dang that sounds like we’re getting paid in full

I want to get paid!

HEY MIKE! hows about a time you have that is FREE and we catch up on some old shit and D you as well and see if SMILES is down…I been in the shadows for a while and well wouldl like to play some stuff. I have a lot of days off work coming up and if you have any free time I wouldnt mind coming over and getting some real matches in so hit me up or I will hit you up.

Mexican women with big BUTTS :looney:

Folks is coming over friday, if you want to play. Its on extrafresh,net in the dub side gatherings thread.

kool I am off that day so I will hit you up and bring my C game LOL :wonder:


Oh yeah I can bring my 360 I have a stick and sf4 and kof 12 NO BB… not a fan but if anybody got it for 360 I dont care and of course I have MVC2 and SF2HDR

EFL down for anyone else right now?

Yeah. It came back up for a bit but it is down again.

We up!

will anybody be at the mall today?

In all seriousness, the mall is really a dead zone now. Nothing works, no one cares. There are a few places I know about though, ill let you know if they are sick or not.

that would be cool because I miss the old days when ALL of us plus some were playing and it took like 20 or so mins tell your turn LOL. Oh so Mike I will call you on Friday or tomorrow even just to get that location to your pad I forgot so I hope you will have your phone on you.

Yeah, Ill have my phone, just give me a call after I get off work at 2:30pm.

lol lucky damn thats when My lunch is… just so you know I will be a lil out of it because I been going threw some stuff but cant wait to play all you people and catch up.

okay so we are going to be gaming tell 1am right? and that means we need FOOD so I will snag something and as far as PS3 goes I still dont have a stick for that but I am bringing my 360 and I have a stick for that and you know me I play on stick or pad so I hope you have room for a 360

Hey MGS are you going to give me a payback from that time we were at the event and the TV was hexa laggy??? LOL goodness I think this will be pretty fun.

Damn that was some fun shit!!! thanks again dude

No problem man. Another gathering this Friday at Stasis Gaming:

3159 S. Broadway
Englewood, CO 80113

Anyone trying to play, just head up there! Don’t forget your pads/sticks!